
دروس للمبتدئين : ماذا تعني كلمة الفوركس ؟

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كلمة "الفوركس" تعني باختصار سوق العملات الأجنبية أو البورصة العالمية للنقود الأجنبية مما يناسب لكلمة "Foreign Exchange market " في اللغة الإنجليزية. و تتم المضاربة عن طريق شراء و بيع العملات

الأساسية التي تحوز علي الحصة الأساسية من العمليات في سوق الفوركس وهي الدولار الأمريكي(USD) العملة الأساسية واليورو(EUR ) والجنيه الإسترليني(GBP) والفرنك السويسري(CHF ) والين الياباني(JPY).
و يتم شراء و بيع تلك العملات بالدولار الأمريكي أو العملات الأخرى فيما بينها مما يعرف بأزواج العملات و ذلك في مقابل الدولار الأمريكي أو أي عملة مقابل عملة أخرى في القيمة. و تعتبر المضاربة في العملات أربح تجارة في البورصات، وأكثرها مخاطرة أيضًا، بسبب التقلبات السريعة التي تقوم العملات بها من الاتجاه الصاعد إلي الاتجاه الهابط أو بالعكس. بالإضافة إلي سوق العملات توجد أنواع أخرى من البورصات هي: بورصات الذهب و الفضة، بورصة البترول، الأسهم و السندات، المحصولات الزراعية و الطاقة. أما بورصات العملات فتتميز بالمؤشرات المختلفة و التحليل الفني و التحليل الإخباري و سرعة الحصول علي الأرباح .

إن الحجم اليومي لتداول العملات في سوق الفوركس تصل إلي 3 ترليون دولار. و للمقارنة نذكر أن حجم نشاطات بورصة نيويورك للأسهم لا تتعدي 300 مليار دولار في اليوم، أي أنه يلزم نصف سنة لبورصة نيويورك لتصل حجم سوق العملات.

إن سوق الفوركس ليس سوقاُ بالمعني الحرفي للكلمة، إذ أنه ليس لديه مركزاُ و ليس لديه مكانا معينا تمارس فيه المتاجرة. إن المتاجرة تمارس عن طريق الاتصال التلفوني و الإنترنت بالحاسوب في وقت واحد بين مئات البنوك حول العالم. مئات المليونات من الدولارات تباع و تشتري كل بضع ثوان، و هذا هو ما يسمي المتاجرة بالعملات.

يجمع سوق الفوركس أربع أسواق إقليمية: ألاسترالية و الآسيوية و الأوربية و الأمريكية. و تستمر عمليات المتاجرة فيه كل أيام العمل، و يعمل السوق علي مدار الساعة أي 24 ساعة في اليوم. و يلاحظ هدوء نسبي من الساعة 20:00 و حتى 01:00 بتوقيت غرينتش، و يعزي ذلك لإغلاق بورصة نيويورك في الثامنة مساءاُ و بدء بورصة طوكيو العمل في الواحدة صباحاُ.

ن سوق العملات لا يتعلق بساعات عمل البورصات لان المتجارة تتم بين البنوك التي تقع في أنحاء العالم المختلفة. و تقوم أسعار العملات بتغيرات كبيرة متعددة مما يساعد علي القيام ببعض العمليات التجارية خلال يوم واحد. من المعروف أن للإنخفاضات تأثير كبير علي الأسواق المالية مما قد يؤدي إلي انهيار الأسهم أو السندات. أما سوق الفوركس فانخفاض الدولار الأمريكي (علي سبيل المثال) يعني صعود سعر عملة أخري و لا يوجد أي انهيار مثل أسوق الأسهم أو السندات.

تأسس سوق الفوركس (FOREX ) للمعاملات المالية بين البنوك عام 1971 عندما تحولت المعاملات في التجارة العالمية من استخدام قيم ثابتة للعملات لقيم التحويل. ويكون هذا ناتج مجموعة صفقات مالية يقوم بها وكلاء الأسواق المالية لتحويل كمية معينة من المال بعملة احدي البلدان لعملة بلد آخر بقيمة متفق عليها مسبقا لتاريخ معين. و يحدد سعر تحويل العملة المعينة بالنسبة لعملة أخري ببساطة: العرض والطلب للتحويل الذي يوافق عليه الطرفان.

ن حجم العمليات في سوق المال العالمي في نمو مطرد. يرتبط هذا بالتطور الكبير في التجارة العالمية و رفع الحظر علي العملات في كثير من البلدان. إن %80 من كل المعاملات هو عبارة عن مضاربات في سوق العملة الهدف منها الحصول علي أرباح من فروقات أسعار العملات. وتجتذب هذه المضاربة العديد من المشاركين سواء من المنظمات المالية أو المستثمرين الأفراد.

نتيجة للتطور الهائل في تكنولوجيا الاتصالات في العقدين الأخيرين تغير هذا السوق في حد ذاته لدرجة كبيرة. أن مهنة تاجر العملات التي كانت تحاط بهالة من السرية أصبحت جماعية تقريبا. إن الاتجار في العملات الذي كان إلى وقت قريب مقصورا علي البنوك الاحتكارية الكبرى أصبح في متناول الجميع نتيجة للتجارة الالكترونية. وحتي اكبر البنوك تحبذ تلك المتاجرة الالكترونية علي المعاملات الشخصية بين طرفين.

أن الهدف من سوق الفوركس كمجال لاستخدام إمكانيات الشخص المالية والعقلية والنفسية ليس هو ضربة حظ. إن البعض قد ينجح في ذلك ولكن ليس لأمد طويل. أن الميزة الأساسية لسوق العملات هي انه مكان للنجاح مستخدما الإمكانيات الفكرية.
من الخصائص المهمة لسوق العملات هي خاصية التوازن بالرغم من أن هذا يبدو غريبا. فالكل يعلم أن الخاصية الأساسية للسوق المالية هي هبوطه المفاجئ. ولكن سوق الفوركس يختلف عن سوق الأسهم في أنه لا يهبط. عندما تفقد الأسهم قيمتها يكون هذا انهيارا. أما إذا انهار الدولار مثلا فان ذلك يعني فقط أن عملة أخرى صارت اقوي- مثالا لذلك الين الياباني الذي صار في بضعة اشهر من عام 1998 اقوي بالربع تقريبا بالنسبة للدولار. هذا وقد وصل هبوط الدولار لبعض الأيام في تلك الفترة لعشرات في المائة. بالرغم من ذلك لم يحدث انهيار للسوق واستمرت المعاملات كالعادة، في هذا ينحصر ثبات

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دروس للمبتدئين : الفرق بين التعامل بالعملات والتعامل بالأسهم

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ميزة التعامل بالعملات وايجابيته الأولى ،
1) هي استمرار التعامل مدة 24 ساعة في اليوم .
هذا ما يفسح المجال أمام كل متعامل إن يخصص جزءا من وقته ، وبحسب ما تسمح ظروفه لذلك .
في حين نرى البعض يتفرغون لهذا العمل ، نرى البعض الآخر يمتهنونه كمهنة إضافية يحسّنون دخلهم بواسطته .
وهم يستطيعون إن يخصصوا لذلك عدة ساعات في فترة ما بعد الظهر ، أو المساء ، بصرف النظر عن البلد أو المنطقة التي يعيشون فيها . اما الأسهم فالتعامل فيها محكوم بتوقيت البلد العائدة اليه .
ففي أمريكا مثلا نرى ان التعامل يبدأ عند التاسعة والنصف صباحا ، ويختتم عند الرابعة بعد الظهر بتوقيت نيويورك .
2) يسهل المتاجرة بالعملات نظرا لقلة عددها ، فالرئيسية منها لا تزيد على ستة أزواج ، وهذا يوفر إمكانية التركيز عليها وتحليلها . كما انه يرفع من نسبة الإصابة في تحديد الهدف ويقلل نسبة الخطأ ، في حين أن الأسهم التي يتم التعامل فيها يزيد عددها على مئات الآلاف مما يربك المتعامل أحيانا فيلجأ إلى سبل مختلفة غير مأمونة الجانب لتحديد وجهة عمله .
3) في سوق العملات يمكنك الحصول على فترة تعامل وهمية مجانية ، تتدرب فيها على سير العمل ، بينما يتعذر ذلك في سوق الأسهم . كما يمكنك الحصول على أخبار السوق بشكل دوري ومتواصل ، وعلى الرسم البياني أيضا .
4) في سوق العملات بإمكانك البدء بالتعامل في الحساب المصغر وهو يوفر لك فترة تدرب بخطر محدود لان خسارتك لنقطة واحدة في هذا الحساب تساوي في الحالة القصوى خسارة دولار واحد . وهذا متعذر في الأسواق الأخرى

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A hyip called forex-moneymaker may make money for most of members who have deposited small amounts but not for some members who have made deposits of big amounts. That’s what the members said about this hyip, currently the admin is paying selectively to small amount of withdrawals which are less than three dollars and to monitors only.This hyip was started on March 14th and offers three types of plans which are 130% after 1 day, 170% after 2 days, and 10% daily for 180 days. To make it even worse, a few members who have deposited hundreds of dollars into this hyip complained that their deposits were missing. Even after more than three days, their deposits still have not credited into their hyip accounts. The admin did not reply to support tickets and the problem remains unsolved.Members also revealed that the admin plays scam trick by hiring a few people to make fake posts on his thread on major public forums. Therefore, you should stay away from this scam and do not be fooled by numerous paid posts and positive comments about this hyip on public forums because those posts are fake.

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شركة MIG Investments SA

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اسم الشركة: MIG Investments SA
سنة تأسيس الشركة : 2003
عنوان موقع الشركة الإلكتروني: www.migfx.ch
سنة تأسيس قسم تداول العملات: 2003
منظمه من قبل: SFDF, ARIF (CH)
قاعدة الزبائن: ت ساعة توفر خدمة التعامل بالعملات في 20 زوجا + سبوت الذهب والفضه ، لايهزم 2 نواة ينتشر على ستة ازواج العملة. هامش ظروف استثناءيه ، لا جنة جميع المعاملات. يومية مجانيه التحليل الفني والتعليق ، سوق صناعة الهاتف المحمول & التجاري
.قيمه الهامش : 200:1العمولات : 20 USD per 1 million traded
فرق نقط الأزواج : 2 pip
حساب مصغر : نعم
حجم الحساب الأدنى للحساب العادي: $5,000
حجم الحساب الأدنى للحساب الاسلامي: $5,000
الخدمات: التجارة البينيه بين النقد النشطه التجار والمصارف والصناديق ، والمهنيين. سوفك الوصول الى السوق السويسريه . اللغات: العربية، الأنجليزية، الروسية، الإسبانية، الفرنسية، الألمانية
24 ساعات التجارة: نعم
حساب تجريبي مجاني: نعم
دردشة الدعم المباشره : نعم
المقر: Passage Maximilien-de-Meuron 1, 2000 Neuchâtel.
البلد: سويسرا الهاتف : +41 32 722 81 00 فاكس : +41 32 722 81 01
البريد الإلكتروني : info@migfx.com
اسم الشركة: MIG Investments SA
اسم الشركة: MIG Investments SA فتح حساب حقيقي

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FX Solutions LLC اف اكس سوليوشن

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FX Solutions LLC اف اكس سوليوشن
اسم الشركة: FX Solutions LLC
سنة تأسيس الشركة : 2001
سنة تأسيس قسم تداول العملات: 2001
منظمه من قبل:NFA(US), CFTC(US )
العمولات : لاشيفرق
نقط الأزواج : 3/4 pip
حجم الحساب الأدنى للحساب العادي: $2,00024
ساعات التجارة: نعم
حساب تجريبي مجاني: نعم
دردشة الدعم المباشره : نعم
المقر: Saddle River Executive Centre, One Route 17 South, Saddle River, 07458.
البلد: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
FX Solutions LLC اف اكس سوليوشن

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etoro إي تورو

اسم الشركة: etoro إي تورو

عنوان موقع الشركة الإلكتروني: http://www.etoro.com/

سنة تأسيس الشركة : 2007

سنة تأسيس قسم تداول العملات: 2007

منظمه من قبل: Various certified brokers such as RetailFX Limited

قاعدة الزبائن: اشخاص، شركات ، مديري اموال ، وسطاء معرفين .

قيمه الهامش : 400:1

العمولات : لاشئفرق نقط الأزواج : from 2 pips*

حساب مصغر : $50حجم الحساب الأدنى للحساب العادي: $50

اللغات: ،لأنجليزية.العربية .الفرنسية , الاسبانية , الروسية , الصينية , الايطالية24 ساعات التجارة: نعم

حساب تجريبي مجاني: نعم افتح حساب تجريبي

دردشة الدعم المباشره : نعم

المقر: 13, Grigoriou Xenopoulou Str.,Elegant house, Suite 103,3101-Ayios Nicolaos,Limassol

البلد: قبرص

الهاتف : +357-25-025060 فاكس : +44-203-031-1342

البريد الإلكتروني : support@etoro.com

اسم الشركة: etoro إي تورو فتح حساب تجريبي

اسم شركة: etoro إي تورو فتح حساب

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forex articles The History Of Forex Trading

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Currency trading can trace its history back to the middle ages when international merchant banker devised the system of using bills of exchange. It is however changes which have occurred during the twentieth century which have really shaped trading in the global currency market we see today.
In the 1930s the British pound was considered to be the world's principle trading currency and was the currency held by many countries as their main 'reserve' currency. London was also seen as the world's leading foreign exchange center.
Following the Second World War however the British economy was all but destroyed and so the United States dollar took over as the world's major trading and reserve currency - a position which it still holds today. This said however there are now a number of other currencies, including the Japanese Yen and the Euro, which are also beginning to be seen as major reserve currencies.
It was also following the Second World War that a number of events took place which have been instrumental in shaping today's Forex market.
The first of these was the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Accord in 1944 in which the United States, Britain and France agreed that they would stabilize world currency markets by pegging the major world trading currencies to the US dollar (which was itself pegged to the price of gold). This accord held that when the price of a currency fluctuated by more than one percent against the US dollar then the central bank of the country in question had to step in and buy or sell the currency to bring it back into its one percent bracket.
The Accord also spawned the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was designed to produce a stable system for the sale and purchase of currencies and to ensure that international currency transactions were conducted smoothly and in a timely fashion.
The IMF also created a consultative forum aimed at both promoting international co-operation and facilitating the growth of world trade. At the same time it also broke down many of the exchange restrictions which were hindering international trade.
The IMF was also tasked with making financial resources available to member states on a temporary basis where this was felt to be necessary in furtherance of the aims of the IMF. Loans were normally only made only on condition that the government of the country to which a loan was made undertook to make substantial changes to rectify the situation which had given rise to the need for the loan.

Without any doubt however the most significant events as far as the Forex market is concerned was seen when the IMF proposed that currencies should become 'free-floating' in 1978. This allowed currencies to be traded at a price which was determined solely by the law of supply and demand and that there was no longer any requirement for currencies to be pegged to the dollar or for central banks to intervene in currency trading. Central banks could of course continue to intervene if they wished to do so, but any intervention would be entirely a matter of choice and would no longer be a requirement as it had been under the Bretton Woods Accord.
The next significant event in the history of Forex trading was the birth of the European Monetary System which effectively came into being in 1979. The European Monetary System got off to something of a shaky start when Britain did not join the system, although she did later participate to a degree by joining the European Monetary System's exchange mechanism in 1990.
The final major event to affect the Forex market was the establishment of the Euro as the European Union's single currency in 1998 with eleven member states replacing their national currency with the Euro.
Above all else however it was the free-floating of currencies in 1978 which accelerated the growth of the foreign currency market. Back in 1978 Forex trading displayed a daily turnover of around 5 billion US dollars but, by the turn of this century, that figure had risen to 1.5 trillion US dollars.

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forex articles : The 4 Elements Of Any Good Trading Market

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The foreign exchange market (forex market or fx market) is the world's largest market and consists largely of the forex spot market (spot foreign exchange market) and the currency futures market. Today however the majority of smaller traders tend to confine themselves to trading spot forex.
There are four elements which must be present in any good financial market, whether you are trading in the stock, bond, futures, currency market or any other market. These four elements are liquidity, transparency, low trading costs and market trends

There are always two sides to a trade, a purchase and a sale, and in its simplest form liquidity refers to the ease with which traders can buy and sell. To be truly liquid traders must also be able to trade in substantial volume without this having any marked effect on prices.
If a market lacks liquidity then traders will often encounter delays in meeting orders to buy, frequently leading to a significant variation between the price when an order is placed and when it is executed. In addition, it may be hard to sell in a market that is not sufficiently liquid.
Fortunately the currency exchange market (especially when trading in major world currencies such as the USD and GBP) is extremely liquid and a huge number of trades are conducted each day on the Forex money market with a trading volume that far exceeds that of other markets.
A market is said to possess transparency when traders can access accurate information at all stages of the trading process.
Information is the key to many things in life and the world's various markets are no exception. There are many examples, especially in the world stock markets, of companies and individuals which have run into difficulty because the parties to a trade did not have access to accurate information.
The foreign currency exchange market is without doubt the world's most transparent market and this is especially true when it comes to pricing.
Low Trading Costs
Markets carry trading costs which inevitably lower a trader's profits or increase his losses. However, when a market can keep its trading costs low it becomes attractive to traders and encourages both an increased number of trades and an greater trading volume.
The absence of commission and other usual trading costs, together with the tight spread of prices, in currency trading mean that trading costs in the Forex market are kept very low.
Market Trends
In many markets it can be difficult to know just when to enter the market and when to exit it (when to 'buy' and when to 'sell'). As a result, it is important to have some way of assessing the present state of a market and to predict its future direction.
In the foreign currency exchange market this is achieved by employing various forms of technical analysis which examine the past performance of the market and identify trends which can then be used to predict its future.
Most markets display trends of one form or another, but in some markets these are far more clearly defined than in others, making it far easier for traders to enter and exit the market. The foreign currency market displays a particularly strong trending characteristic.

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5 Reasons For Becoming A World Currency Trader

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The foreign currency exchange market offers today's investor many advantages and here are just reasons why you might want to become a world currency trader.
A Market Which Never Closes
Many of the trading markets around the world are situated in fixed locations and operate within strict trading hours, often limited to just five or six hours a day between Monday and Friday. The Forex market however is open 24 hours a day.

This means that traders can not only take advantage of international events and react literally as they happen, but they also have the ability set their own trading hours. If you prefer to work in the mornings then that's fine but, if this doesn't suit you, then you can choose to trade during the afternoon, late evening or even in the middle of the night if you want to.
Low Trading Costs
In many markets, like the equity market, traders not only have to pay a spread (the difference in price between buying and selling a stock) but also have to pay a commission to the broker. On small trades this commission can typically be about $20 and this can rise rapidly to over $100 for larger trades.

Because the foreign currency exchange market is a wholly electronic market many of the traditional trading costs are eliminated and you are in affect reduced to paying nothing more than the spread. In addition, the extremely liquid nature of the global currency exchange market means that spreads are normally much tighter than those seen in other markets
The Ability To Trade On High Leverage
In most markets where a trader has an opportunity to trade on leverage the leverage offered is often quite low. In the case of equity markets, for example, professional equity day traders will normally operate on a leverage of about ten times their capital. In the Forex market by contrast it is quite common to find that traders are permitted to trade at one hundred to two hundred times their capital.
A downside of high leverage is that it can of course lead to high losses as well as high gains. However, within the foreign currency market, risk management is extremely tightly controlled.
Limited Slippage
In currency trading trades are executed immediately using real-time prices at which firms will buy or sell the currencies quoted. In almost all cases this means that the price you see and the price you pay are the same.
This is not often the case in other markets where there can be often considerable delays between placing an order and that order being executed during which time the price will often move against you.
The Chance To Profit In Both Rising And Falling Markets.
Equity markets follow rising and falling trends (cycling between Bull and Bear markets), but the Forex market does not suffer this cycling which comes from structural bias in the market.
World currency trading always involves two currencies so that if you are down on one currency then you are up on the other. There is therefore always the potential for making a profit whether the market is rising or falling.

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Forex Traders Come In Various Shapes And Sizes

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Forex Traders Come In Various Shapes And Sizes
Although there is no centralized Forex market and trading involves many different market makers rather than just a few specialists, there in nonetheless both a structure and a hierarchy to the foreign currency exchange market.
The foreign currency market is dominated by the InterBank market which represents the greatest volume of trading and mainly involves the currencies of the G8 countries. Together, these represent approximately 65 percent of the world economy. In the InterBank market major banks trade with each other on a credit-approved basis with lines of credit clearly established between individual banks. Trading is conducted through InterBank brokers and electronic brokerage systems or Reuters and the rates at which trading takes place are visible to all of the participants.
Below the InterBank market participants, such as smaller banks and corporations, have to trade through commercial banks. In this case however there are not normally any established lines of credit and this means that traders frequently trade at less competitive rates and are usually tied to using a single bank for all their foreign exchange dealings.
Until just a few years ago the foreign exchange market was not simply dominated by the major banks but was also very much an 'old boys club' which it was very extremely difficult to gain entry to. Today however technology has altered the market considerably and smaller investors can now get into the market and take advantage of the opportunities which were at one time only available to the members of 'the club'.
Access to the market has also been eased considerably in recent years by the changing nature of the market itself. Previously foreign exchange dealing was very much an activity associated with international trade and was seen as simply servicing the import and export markets. Now however investment plays a major part in the market and substantial capital sums flow between countries through participants such as mutual funds, institutional investors, insurance companies and others.
The size and extraordinarily diverse nature of the market nowadays, along with the ease of trading brought about by advances in technology, brings both high liquidity and price stability to the market and, unlike many other markets, the Forex market always boasts a large number of both sellers and buyers who together create an orderly market.

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The Role Of The Commercial Banks In World Currency Trading

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World currency trading is no longer just a matter of banks exchanging currencies amongst themselves and now involves a variety of different players, including specialist Forex brokerage firms, with very diverse reasons for trading in currencies. For example, some players will have to exchange currencies to buy goods and services overseas, while others will simply wish to earn short term profits from exchange rate movements or to influence currency exchange rates for one reason or another.
Whatever reason a player has for being in the market, this diverse group of traders influences supply and demand within the market and so alters the exchange rates at any given moment in time. It is important therefore to understand who the key players are and here we are going to look at one of the most important players - the commercial and investment banks.
Commercial and investment banks operate within what is known as the InterBank market which accounts for by far the greatest proportion of all trading, whether commercial or speculative in nature.
The InterBank market is composed solely of commercial and investment banks buying and selling currencies between themselves. Strict trading relationships are established between the InterBank member banks and lines of credit are established between individual banks before they are permitted to trade.
How Do Banks Trade The Forex?
The commercial and investment banks form the cornerstone of the foreign exchange market because, in addition to trading on behalf of their customers, they also provide the channel through which all other participants have to trade. In effect they are the main sellers within the foreign currency exchange market.
Another important point to remember is that the commercial and investment banks do not simply trade on behalf of their customers, but also trade in their own right through proprietary desks with the objective of realizing a profit for the bank. Commercial and investment banks possess a unique knowledge of the marketplace and have the ability to monitor the activities of other participants such as the central banks and investment funds.

The commercial banks have been at the very hub of the Forex market for many years and their role has remained basically the same throughout this time. However, the introduction of electronic brokering systems such as Reuter's 'Monitor Dealing Service' during the early 1980s and Reuter's 'Dealing 2000-1' in 1989 market the beginning of far reaching changes in the foreign exchange market. However the introduction of Reuter's 'Dealing 2000-3' system in 1992, followed a year later by the launch of 'Electronic Brokering Services (EBS)', brought the ability to automatically match buy and sell quotes from dealers and this changed the very nature of the market.
Electronic trading systems allow dealers today to conduct several trades simultaneously and to trade with far greater efficiency, tighter spreads, lower costs and, most importantly, much greater transparency than was seen previously in telephone dealing systems.
Perhaps the major advantage of electronic dealing however is that the accessibility of the system allows many more players to join the market alongside the commercial and investment banks.

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How To Analyze Movements In The Forex Market

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Like many other markets the Forex market is driven by supply and demand. When there is a demand for a currency its price rises and when there is an excessive supply of a currency its price falls. This may seem simple enough but unfortunately predicting movements in currency prices can be extremely difficult.
Today there are two main methods used to predict movements in the Forex market:
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis was the dominant predictive tool in the Forex market until the mid 1980s, although it has since declined in popularity. Fundamental analysis focuses its attention on the political, social and economic factors which drive supply and demand and is based upon such things as interest rates, inflation, unemployment and economic growth rates. All of these different indicators are used to assess a currency's present performance and then to predict its future movement.
The problem with fundamental analysis is that the trader has to keep up with events and to analyze a huge amount of data. Additionally, there is a great deal of debate about just what data needs to be included in any fundamental analysis and how much weight should be put upon each of the different indicators.
On thing about which there is general agreement is that a country's balance of payments is key to fundamental analysis as it shows the flow of money in and out of the country. In theory, a balance of payments of zero will produce a stable price while a balance of payments deficit or surplus will cause the currency to fall or rise.
Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is based simply upon movements in currency prices and uses historical price data to predict future prices.
The main principle behind technical analysis is that history repeats itself and that price movements today merely follow well established patterns. The second principle is that it is not necessary to study current market information to predict movements in the market as this is already reflected in currency prices. It is simply the movement in prices themselves that needs to be studied in order to predict the direction in which prices are moving.
Technical analysis uses charts to provide a graphical representation of the market over time and allows the trader to identify trends in the pattern of price movements. There are various different charting techniques used today including such things as moving averages, oscillators, candlestick charts, Fibonacci retracement levels, Bollinger bands and others.

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The 4 Main Types Of Order In The Foreign Exchange Market

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There are various different ways in which traders can place orders to buy and sell currencies and this gives foreign exchange traders considerable flexibility in planning their trading strategies and allows them to both maximize their profits and minimize their losses.
Market Order
The simplest form of order is the market order in which the trader simply buys or sells a currency pair at the current market price. Because of the enormous size of the market and its high liquidity there is little if any delay or slippage in the market and market orders are in essence guaranteed.
Limit Order
A limit order allows the trader to set the price at which he wants to take his profit and close out his position. For example, where a trader has bought GBP/USD at 1.9450 he might place a limit order at 1.9465 so that, if the price rises to this level, his position would automatically be closed and he will take his profit.
Stop Loss Order
A stop loss order is another form of limit order but in this case it indicates the maximum loss which a trader is prepared to take. In our example above the trader could place a stop loss order at 1.9430 so that he would limit his losses to 20 pips if the market turned against him.
Entry Order
An entry orders is an order which is only filled when the market meets certain conditions which are specified in the order. An entry order can take the form of either a limit entry order or a stop entry order.
Limit Entry Order
Let's start by assuming that the market price for the GBP/USD is 1.9740-45. This means that a trader can enter the market to sell at 1.9740 or buy at 1.9745. A trader could place a limit entry order to sell above the current market price at a level of say 1.9750 and this order would then only be executed if the market price reached this point. Similarly, he could place an order to buy at a price below the current market price - in this case below the buying price of 1.9745. So, were the trader to place a limit entry order to buy at 1.9730 this order would only come into effect if the price dropped to this point.
A limit entry order is commonly used where a trader believes that a currency is trading within an upper and lower range and is expecting a reversal in the currency's price movement.
Stop Entry Order
stop entry order is frequently used when a trader believes that a currency which has been trading within an upper and lower range is about to break out of that range and he wants to either buy at a price above the present market price or to sell at a price below the current market price.
Our GBP/USD trader above, who can enter the market to buy at 1.9740 or to sell at 1.9745, might place an order to sell at say 1.9735. In this case the trader believes that the currency will reach this level and then continue to fall. Alternatively, he might place an order to buy at say 1.9750 again believing that the market will reach this level and continue to move in the same direction.

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Draw Up A Set Of Forex Trading Rules And Stick To ThemOne of the biggest problems with Forex trading for many novice traders (and quite a number of ex

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One of the biggest problems with Forex trading for many novice traders (and quite a number of experienced traders) is that they are no real rules to follow. In one sense this is of course one of the advantages of Forex trading and it is good to be able to trade when you want to, to open and close trades when you feel like it, to increase or reduce an existing position and indeed not to trade at all if you don't feel like it.
But this very freedom can also make Forex trading dangerous.
Whatever we do in life there can be little doubt that we do much better when we know exactly where we are going and have a roadmap to get us there. But, even if we have a map to follow, it is also vital that we have a set of instructions to keep us on course.
In foreign exchange trading those traders who follow a set of rules undoubtedly enjoy far greater success than those who simply 'wing it' and, if you talk to those traders who do follow a set of rules, they will tell you that when they follow the rules they generally have a good day and when they don't follow the rules they often run into trouble.
Now, since the Forex market doesn't have any rules, you will have to create your own. Just what rules you draw up will very much depend on your trading strategy but what sort of rules are we talking about?

Well, one very good rule which you might set for yourself is that of not entering a trade without first putting a stop loss order in place. You might also set down a number of rules detailing the specific conditions which must be met before you will enter a trade. In other words, you clearly specify that you will not enter a trade simply because you have a good feeling about it, but will only do so if your market analysis, as defined by your set of rules, tells you that you should enter a trade. Finally, you might stipulate that whenever you find yourself in a profitable trade you will always protect your position by moving your stop whenever your profit reaches a pre-determined level.
These are just a few ideas of the type of Forex trading rules you might lay down and your own list will of course have to be drawn up to meet your own particular trading strategy.
Whether you have a long or a short list of Forex trading rules is not important, but it is extremely important that you draw up a list and that that you then stick to it.

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The Dangers Of Trading Without Stop Loss Orders

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Despite the fact that it is one of the most important orders which a Forex trader can place, a surprisingly large number of foreign currency traders simply ignore the stop loss order.
This type of market order is called a stop loss order for a very good reason - it stops you from making too heavy a loss should the market move against you. So, why do so many traders ignore a trading tool which is specifically designed to protect their trading interests?
The answer is emotion.
The Forex market is a technical market and foreign currency trading must be based upon a technical analysis of the market. But human beings are emotional creatures and, even when the numbers are staring us in the face, there will always be an urge to go with our feelings and let our hearts rather than by our heads dictate our decisions.
If you ask most traders why they do not use stop loss orders they will tell you that one of their greatest fears is that often, despite the fact that a trade is moving against them, their instinct tells them that it is basically sound and that it will reverse in their favor. If they had a stop loss order is placed on the trade, there is a danger that their position would automatically be closed out before the market had an opportunity to reverse.
Undoubtedly there are occasions on which this will happen but all too often it will not. If you are away from the trading floor and don't have a stop loss order in place then all too frequently you will return to find that you have made an unexpectedly large loss and the trader who remains on the trading floor not likely to fare any better, despite the fact that he is there watching the action.

In the latter case the trader can see that the market is moving against him and that his trade is moving into a loss but he hangs in there because he continues to believe that the market is going to turn in his favor shortly. However, as a relatively small loss starts to turn into a fairly large one he finds himself in the position of not only still being convinced that the market will reverse, but also now feeling compelled to hold his position because he needs to recover some of his now large loss when the market does turn. In the end of course he is invariably forced to admit that he has made a mistake and to close his position before an already large loss turns into a disaster.
Even the most experienced traders do not make a profit on ever trade they make and losing trades are a fact of trading life. Nonetheless, the only way to become a successful trader is to minimize the size of any losing trades by ensuring that you put a stop loss order on all of your trades. In this way you protect yourself against movements in market and also stop your heart from ruling your head.

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Trading In A Market Which Is Always On The Move

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The Forex market never stands still and even though it may move quite slowly at times it is nevertheless always on the move. It is of curse this movement which provides the opportunity to make money buying and selling global currencies, but it can also make it difficult to decide when to open a trade, close a trade or simply stay out of the market altogether.
Probably the greatest problem with the fast moving foreign currency market however is that it plays on our natural sense of greed and this can present traders with a very real danger.
We all like to make a profit, but what level of profit is acceptable? If you are in a trade which is showing a profit of $2,000 should you close your position and take your profit or hang on in there for $2,500? You are trading to make money and so, when the market is moving in your favor, it is only natural to want to ride the wave all the way to the beach. The difficulty however often lies in knowing when you have hit the beach and in not waiting for the undertow to start dragging you back out to sea again. Once the undertow catches you it can drag you back out to sea again very quickly.
Most Forex traders enter foreign currency trading with a clear picture in their mind's eye of just what they intend to do with all the money they are going to make and that is no bad thing. It is extremely important for you to have a goal, as well as a plan of action to allow you to reach that goal, and it certainly helps if you create a visual image in your mind of something concrete you are aiming for.
The problem however is that you could well find that you are tempted to try to reach your goal sooner than you had planned or that you create a bigger and better goal as you go along, allowing your natural tendency towards greed creep in and to start taking control of your trading.
Another commonly seen problem is that of failing to understand that it is not money which drives the market.
Think about this for a minute. It doesn't matter if you have $10,000 or $100,000 in your trading account because whatever sum you're looking at it is not going to make the slightest difference to the way in which the market moves. By the same token, it doesn't matter if you are looking at a $750 profit or a $750 loss in an open trading position because this again will not make any difference at all as far as the market rising or falling is concerned.
The fact that you are doing well in a trade and have made a profit of $750 does not mean that this profit will turn into $900 or $1,000 if you wait a bit longer. It is of course human nature to find yourself caught up in your 'winning streak' and to convince yourself that there is more profit to come.
It is also human nature to find that, having already lost $750 in an open trade, you will try to convince yourself that things will turn around if you keep your nerve and just hold on a little longer.
It is essential that you set a goal and have a plan to reach that goal but your trading decisions must be based on what is happening in the market and not on your goal.
Money should have no influence on whether or not you enter or exit a trade, or stay out of the market altogether, and these decisions should be based solely on what your analysis of the market tell you.

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Forex Traders Need To Be Objective

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A difficult lesson for Forex traders to learn is that within the currency market almost anything can happen at any time. Because new traders spend a considerable amount of time learning the mechanics of the market and focusing their attention on finding a method for predicting movements in the market, it is only natural that they also come to believe that there are rules which govern the movement of the market. This is not the case and this catches many traders out.
Forex traders use a number of tools to judge when the time is right to open or to close a position, but the majority of traders will also have one particular tool which is their favorite and which they will rely on more than any other. So, once they have opened a position, they will watch their favorite indicator and base their trading decisions to a large extent on what this single indicator tells them.
This is fine until this indicator begins to tell them one thing while the other indicators are telling them something else. They are now in an open position and their favorite tool is telling them for example to hold that position while everything else is indicating that they should close their position and get out of the market. More often than not the trader will hold his ground and will end up in a losing trade.
The problem is quite simply that the trader has created an expectation in his own mind about the market and is not looking at the market objectively. He is using his favorite tool to reinforce this expectation rather than stepping back and looking at the wider picture. He is also probably being encouraged in this view by the thought that he must be right and by the profit in this trade which is being forecast by his favorite indicator. He is in effect seeing the money rather than the market.
The foreign currency market is, by its very nature, unpredictable and, were it not so, the market would soon collapse as we all made a profit on every trade we opened. Of course there are numerous tools to help us to predict the direction of the market and thankfully they do a pretty good job most of the time. Occasionally however even the best of tools in the hands of the best traders come up against an unexpected turn in the market.
Getting it wrong is a feature of Forex trading and traders need to learn to accept losses as an inevitable part of foreign currency trading. More importantly traders need to learn how to avoid getting into a position where they can be proved right or wrong. To do this you need to understand and accept that the market has a will of its own and have to remain objective and follow market movements, rather than try to get the market to go in the direction you want it to, if you are going to succeed.

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A Forex Demo Account

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The Value Of Simulated Forex Trading To Currency Trading Success
As a novice you will probably begin trading by opening a Forex demo account and your first few trades will be paper trades, or simulated Forex trading, as you learn how the market works and how to use some of the trading tools. It is not long however before you are ready to move on and to put your paper trading days behind you.
But is it such a good idea to leave paper trading behind you?
Many successful Forex traders today are discovering that continuing to trade on paper from time to time can be both helpful and profitable.
Problems often arise for traders when they find themselves with a losing trade. Despite the fact that losing trades are an everyday part of trading life, you are always going to be affected by a trading loss and there is often a strong, albeit often subconscious, urge to recoup the money you have just lost as fast as possible. This frequently means that you go right back into the market but, because you are in a losing frame of mind, your next trade often also results in a loss or a less than spectacular gain.
For many traders the answer to this problem is to follow a losing trade with a paper trade.
In this case you trade seriously and in exactly the same way that you would trade normally but run the trade on paper. You study the market indicators, open a trading position, put a stop loss order in place and then track the trade. As the trade progresses you move your stop loss order as the market moves and, finally, you close out your position when your market indicators tell you to do so.
This paper trade might result in a profit or a loss but, as the trade is only being made on paper, it doesn't matter one way or the other. The importance of this trade is that it allows you to clear your mind and to put your previous losing trade behind you. Even if this paper trade results in a loss the affect is positive because you are happy knowing that you have not actually lost any money.

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The Most Commonly Seen Forex Trading Mistake

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Successful Forex traders know that their success comes from establishing a set of trading rules and then following these to the letter. It is perhaps not surprising therefore to find that the most commonly seen Forex trading mistake is that of traders breaking their own trading rules.
The greatest danger any foreign currency trader faces is that of emotion and trading rules are established quite simply remove emotion from the trading equation.
Another danger for most traders is that posed by greed. None of us like to think of ourselves as being greedy but this is particular deadly sins that is always close by and has a habit of creeping up on us when we are not paying attention.

A successful trader can quite easily find himself in a winning run of trades earning perhaps $2,000 a day and think to himself that, if he can get this sort of profit day in and day out, it has to be possible to earn $2,500 or $3,000 every day. However, in order to test this theory the trader needs to push himself by relaxing his trading rules so that they can make up a few extra trades each day.
With a bit of luck profits may well increase over the following days, but how long is this going to last? The answer in most cases is not long and time and again traders find that any short term gains disappear. The result is all too often that they move from being one of the truly successful traders to being one of the 90% of traders who regularly lose money.
It is very easy to allow greed to tempt you into breaking your own trading rules and once in a while this strategy will prove successful. However, you are now beginning to trade on emotion and, as with many things in life, having done it once it is much easier to do it again and again.
In the world of foreign currency trading your trading rules are your best friend and breaking them will start you down a very slippery slope.b

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The Second Most Commonly Seen Forex Trading Mistake

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The most commonly seen mistake in Forex trading is that of establishing a set of trading rules and then failing to stick to them because traders let their emotions come into play and allow their hearts, rather than their heads, to rule their trading. It is this very same problem of emotion that also leads to the second most commonly seen mistake in Forex trading - that of doubling up on a losing trade.
If you find yourself in a losing trade then, providing you've done your homework and conducted the trade on the basis of your market analysis, the simple fact is that the market has unexpectedly moved against you.
This is something which traders experience every day and is a fact of Forex trading. It happens because, despite the fact that we like to believe that the market is predictable, it is not. It is certainly true that the market will frequently follow a pattern which modern trading tools will pick up, allowing us to trade profitably most of the time. The market however also has a mind of its own and it will frequently catch out even the most seasoned of traders.
When you get into a loss in an open trade it is human nature to feel that this is a temporary situation and that the market will reverse in your favor and turn your loss into a profit. If it did not then it would mean that you would have to admit that you were wrong about the trade and this is something that many of us don't like doing.
However, human nature will often take you even further and urge you to confirm your original decision and to show your confidence in it. This commonly means doubling up on your losing trade to show your confidence in it. You are also urged into taking this action subconsciously because, once you have proved yourself right, your profit will also be that much greater as the trade recovers from a now low position. Put simply, greed also plays a part at this stage.
Now from time to time you will be lucky and the market will reverse and give you a good profit. Unfortunately however is compounding the error you have already made by doubling up on a losing trade and encourages you to repeat this action the next time you find yourself in a similar situation. In most cases of course your luck doesn't hold and the next time you try this trick you lose heavily.
You found yourself in a position in which your judgment about a trade was being challenged and you were faced with the possibility of having to admit that you were wrong.
You had done your homework and there was no reason why you should not have opened this trade just as you did. Unfortunately, the market then decided that it was going to take an unexpected turn which you could not reasonably have been expected to predict. You did not make a mistake, but simply experienced the unpredictability of the market which is part and parcel of foreign currency trading.
In most cases the mistakes which most Forex traders make are nothing more than a case of letting emotion rule their trading decisions. As long as you do your homework and stick to your trading rules you won't go far wrong but, if you permit your emotions creep in and influence your trading, you will find yourself in a growing number of losing trades.

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Forex Trading Strategies Are The Key To Successful Trading

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Before venturing into the world of Forex trading it is vitally important that you stop and think carefully about the trading strategy that you are going to adopt, because forex trading strategies are the key to success in currency trading. There is no single strategy when it comes to trading in the foreign currency markets and every Forex trader has to develop his own strategy. It is important however to have a clearly defined plan from the very outset.
Some Forex traders choose to use a technical approach when it comes to trading while others are more at home with a fundamental approach. Both approaches are of course sound, but in reality most successful traders use a combination of the two to give them both an overview of the foreign exchange market and to permit them to plot specific entry and exit points for each currency trade.
The idea behind technical analysis is simply that prices rise and fall according to well established trends and that the currency market possesses clearly identifiable patterns which can be seen as long as you know what to look for. Knowledge and experience come into play here, but it is also a question of using the numerous analytical tools that are available and this means having a sound working knowledge not just the patterns of price movement but also of the tools at your disposal.
Many traders also rely on what are known as support and resistance levels. Here 'support' refers to a low price which is repeatedly seen as being the bottom of the market and from which there is a tendency for prices to rise. A 'resistance level is a high price beyond which a currency is rarely traded.
The principle here is that, should a currency break through either its support or resistance level, its price is likely to continue in that direction. So, if the price of a currency rises above its resistance level it is considered to be bullish and the price can frequently be expected continue to rise.
Another commonly used tool in foreign currency trading is that of moving averages. A simple moving average (SMA) shows the average price in a given time period (say 7 or 10 days) when the price is plotted out over a longer time period. Forex traders use moving averages to eliminate short term fluctuations in price and to provide a clearer picture of the movements in currency prices. A SMA can be plotted to indicate when prices are displaying a tendency to rise or fall. Prices which rise above the average will frequently continue to rise and, similarly, prices which fall below the average will often continue to fall.
These are just two of the many trading tools that can be used either in isolation or in combination and it is recommended that traders make use of several trading tools to analyze the market. If you are relying on just a single trading tool then trading can often be risky but, if the results from several different tools show that the market is moving in a particular direction then trading can be conducted with a fair degree of confidence.
Many traders will base their trading upon a fundamental analysis of the market and thus base their trading on such things as economic and political events, trade figures, inflations figures, unemployment rates and a host of other similar forms of data.
Fundamental analysis can be very powerful but it is perhaps at its most powerful when it is used alongside technical analysis, particularly as a tool to reinforce the indications derived from technical analysis.
In many ways it does not matter what trading strategy you adopt as long as you are happy that it can provide you with clear expectations about movements in the market and indicate to you just where you should be trading and when you should enter and exit individual trades.
A sound knowledge and understanding of fundamental and technical analysis should be every forgein currency trader's starting point when it comes to building a Forex trading strategy.

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Just What Goes Into Making A Successful Forex Trader?

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Would you like to enjoy the lifestyle of successful forex traders? If you were to split foreign exchange traders into two groups – the successful and the less than successful – could you identify those characteristics which separate the two groups?
It does not really matter what we do in life, which includes foreign exchange trading, but, whatever we do, one thing that will have more affect on our success than anything else we do will be setting goals.
It is a simple fact that the human mind works best when it is given a roadmap to follow and, by setting a goal, you start building your roadmap by clearly defining the end point of your journey. However fixing a destination is not sufficient and you will also need to define the route which you are going to follow to get to your destination. Here is an example.
Suppose you decide you want to build a fortune as a foreign exchange trader, and who doesn't after all! This in itself is not however much help as any goal which you set needs to be measurable, otherwise you have no way of knowing whether you have reached it. So, at this point, you need to be clear about exactly what you mean by a 'fortune'.
Let us assume therefore you set a goal of making $1,000,000 in the next twelve months. Now you have a clearly defined destination. The next problem however is that, since you are almost certainly new to the world of foreign exchange trading, are still learning the ropes and possibly have limited capital to invest at this point, making $1,000,000 in the next twelve months is possibly an unrealistic goal.
As well as being measurable, goals also have to be realistic. It does not matter what goal you set for yourself in foreign exchange trading, but it must be within your reach. There is no point in deciding that you are going to win Wimbledon if you have never even picked up a tennis racket.
So, instead of aiming for $1,000,000 let us set a far more realistic target of say $120,000. Having done this, we then need to split this figure up into marker posts which we can put onto our roadmap and we can do this by looking at our target on a monthly instead of a yearly basis. This gives us a dozen $10,000 markers. However, if we continue along these lines we can then break our goal down further into weekly markers of $2,500.
At this point we have got something which we are able to examine against our current and recent experience and it is a fairly simple matter to see whether or not this figure is possible. Is it possible, against the background of your current experience, to make $2,500 trading foreign currencies in the coming week?
Your goals must be measurable and realistic, but they must also be attainable. It is one thing to set a realistic goal, but you also need to have the right tools, in the right place at the right time if you are going to reach that goal. If you are currently making $750 a week then you probably won't convert this into $2,500 overnight so, in this instance, your goal is unattainable and you will need to go back to the beginning and start all over again.
But, if $2,500 is feasible, then there is one additional step that needs to be taken before you are ready to head off on your journey. This final step is to paint a picture in your mind's eye of your destination.
Although you have set a goal of making $120,000 in the next twelve months, the money itself is of course not really what you are aiming for, but it is what you can do with the money which is important. So, having got your $120,000 what do you intend to do with it? If you want to buy yourself a new sports car then paint a picture in your mind's eye of driving into the sunset with the roof down and then you really have got a goal.
If you want to achieve success in foreign exchange trading then you have to set yourself a goal which is measurable, realistic and attainable and than paint a picture of your goal in your mind's eye. If you do this you will be amazed at how easy a matter it is to get to your destination.

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An Introduction To Fundamental Analysis

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It is generally said that information is the basis of profitable Forex trading but, though correct and timely information is indeed vital for currency trading, it is the examination of this information that is the real key. There are currently two main forms of analysis used in Forex trading – fundamental and technical analysis - and in this short article we are going to examine precisely what is meant by fundamental analysis.
At its simplest, fundamental analysis looks at both political and economic conditions that could have an affect upon currency prices and Forex traders who use fundamental analysis rely upon news reports for information on a whole range of things including, economic policy, inflation, growth rates and rates of unemployment
Basically, fundamental analysis provides an outline of currency movements together with a broad picture of economic conditions that could well alter the value of a particular currency. With this picture in mind, Forex traders will then frequently move on to use technical analysis to then plot entry and exit points into the market and to complement the information gained using fundamental analysis.
The Forex market is much like other markets and is affected by the laws of supply and demand, which are also affected by economic conditions. Two economic factors affecting supply and demand are interest rates and the strength of the economy and the strength of the economy is affected by the gross domestic product (GDP), foreign investment and the economy's balance of trade.
Various economic indicators are published by governments and other sources and are normally considered to be sound measures of economic health that are followed by all sectors of the investment market. Almost all economic indicators are published once a month although some are released more often and usually weekly.
Two of the key fundamental indicators are international trade figures and interest rates, but other extremely helpful indicators include the, consumer price index (CPI), producer price index (PPI), purchasing manager's index (PMI), durable goods orders and retail sales.
Interest rates are an especially important indictor because they can have either a strengthening or weakening affect on a currency. High interest rates could, for instance, attract foreign investment which strengthens the local currency, while investors in the stock market frequently react to rising interest rates by selling in the belief that higher borrowing costs will have an adverse affect on many companies. High volume selling by stock investors can quite often result in a downturn in both the stock market and the national economy.
Indicators of international trade are also particularly important for the Forex trader. A deficit on the trade balance, indicating that imports have exceeded exports, is usually seen to be an adverse indicator as money leaving the country to purchase goods from overseas could well have the affect of devaluing the currency. However, fundamental analysis will also indicate market expectations and these will often dictate whether a trade deficit is unfavorable. For instance, it may be the case that a county usually operates on a trade deficit and that this has already been taken into consideration in fixing the price of its currency. In general terms, trade deficits will only affect currency prices where they are higher than the market would usually expect to see.
Each country has got its own set of economic indicators (presently there are some twenty-eight major indicators being used in the United States) and these strongly influence the financial markets. For this reason, Forex traders need to be conversant with them and study them carefully when preparing their trading strategies.
Luckily, for traders who are working on the Internet, many websites today provide an abundance of the latest information, but it is up to individual Forex traders to extract this information and then apply the principles of fundamental analysis to it before making their trading decisions.

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A Forex Trading Mentor Is The True Key To Successful Trading

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Accurate information is the secret to success in many areas of our lives and a knowledgeable and informed Forex trader will have a better awareness of how currency markets move and therefore a far better chance of making a good profit from trading. If you do not have the necessary knowledge then you are going to be effectively shooting in the dark and, although you may meet with success occasionally, overall you are virtually guaranteed to lose in the longer term.
There is an almost unlimited quantity of information available on foreign currency trading with thousands of books having been published and hundreds of Internet sites providing advice. Therefore, if home-study is appealing to you, then there are numerous step-by-step guides which will take you through the minutiae of Forex trading.
However, one problem with the information and advice available though Internet sites is that it is often very patchy and may lack any real structure. There is unquestionably a wealth of advice out there, a lot of it excellent and comprehensive, but locating just what you need and following it in a logical order could prove difficult.
If you are serious about learning the finer points of Forex trading then there is little doubt that you will need to arm yourself with a good study course which presents the material in a structured and logical manner. Courses of this nature, of which there are many, vary in cost from those which are free to those costing a thousand dollars or more and, as a rule, you are likely to get just what you pay for.
There are essentially two types of course available.
First, there is an Internet course which generally permits you to follow the course at a time to suit your lifestyle and also at a pace with which your are comfortable. The chief drawback with this type of course is that you are studying alone and it is not always simple to find the assistance you require if you run across something which you do not understand.
Second, there is a old fashioned 'classroom' course. Courses of this nature are held frequently in many major cities and provided you with the advantage of studying with other people and with an instructor who can help guide you through the problem areas. Against this, you will need to travel to your classes and follow a class schedule. Missing a lesson may also present problems as it is not necessarily easy to catch up.
You can also attend typically 2 or 3 day seminars that immerse you in Forex trading and give you an extremely fast introduction to currency trading. Though there are a large number of seminars held, they tend to be aimed at more advanced traders and are only occasionally put on for the benefit of novices.
You will also see a couple of variations of the normal Internet course and these are CD ROM and video training courses. The first will often include several interactive segments and, as it is created to be run on your PC, will use several different Internet sites to help in the learning process. The principal problem with both CD ROM and video training courses is that they frequently provide little support and simply leave you in the dark when you run into a problem.
At the end of the day however and, despite the huge quantity of material available and the ease of taking a home-study course in various different formats, the unquestionable key to success in learning Forex trading is to study at the hands of an experienced trader, or Forex trading mentor.
A course, of whatever type, can certainly provide you with the technical information you need, but the true key to making significant profits from Forex trading is to be found in possessing a knowledge and insight of trading strategies which only years of experience and practice can bring. Trading alongside a master Forex trader will certainly not be cheap but, as long as you can afford it, it will pay off in the long run.

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Learn Forex Trading Online And Get Ahead Of The Game

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Today's business world is highly complex and it is vital to know your way around. As far as Forex trading in concerned this means knowing the players, the market and the stakes. You have to be familiar with such things as the value of the currency that you are trading, the factors which increase and decrease the value of your currency and trading strategies and market trends.
As a novice this also means that you have to begin with some type of Forex education. A Forex trading course will teach you all about predicting and charting movements of the market together with the best time to purchase or sell a commodity and will introduce you to basic terminology and the trading process.
As Forex trading is done in real time and decisions often must be made quickly, a trader should also be emotionally prepared to cope with the stress, challenges and demands of the marketplace and these too will be included in any good Forex trading course.
So precisely what should you look for when selecting a Forex training course?
All Forex training courses should include the basics on such things as types of orders, leverage and margins which are essential in Forex transactions. It also needs to teach basic terminologies, analysis and software.
Analysis is fundamental to successful trading and any Forex course must look in reasonable detail at both technical and fundamental analysis including the tools used and the pros and cons of each.
However the basics and theories of foreign currency trading are not enough and good Forex course should also teach you correct money management and the development of a good trading psychology and disposition. It is far too simple for traders to become too emotionally involved in trading and it is critical to success that traders understand the importance of such things as discipline, patience and commitment.
Possibly the most important part of the best Forex training courses however is the provision of an apprenticeship program allowing you to gain real-life experience. There is no more effective way to discover how to trade foreign currencies than experience gained in actual trading. Forex courses should therefore offer the opportunity for simulated trading that is as near as is possible to live trading. It is also important that students are given the the opportunity to discuss their trading with their fellow students and to get one-to-one feedback as they practice trading.
For those who want to discover the rules of the game and get a good grip on the market there are several websites offering courses and workshops on Forex trading. Most of these sites offer courses on software and trading tools, trading strategies, networking, risk and money management, technical analysis, market trends and a great deal more.
Nowadays the Internet not only provides the perfect forum for learning Forex trading but also lets you trade from the comfort of your home and allows corporations and private individuals to play the game and conduct their business in this virtual world.
Online Forex trading has opened up the world of foreign currency trading and provides the opportunity for everyone to make considerable money today. But, it is critically important to equip yourself with the knowledge you need before you dive in.

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The Importance Of Selecting The Best Forex Training Course

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The Forex market is fun and lucrative although it is also highly competitive and volatile and anybody who wants to join in the fun will have to locate the best Forex training course available.
Any basic Forex trading course will incorporate a number of different components of trading including trading processes, concepts and terminology that are all necessary to give the beginner confidence as he ventures into the marketplace for the first time. The best Forex training will also focus particular attention on the size of the market and volume of trading and prepare the beginner to think on his feet and to take quick and accurate decisions.
Novice traders will need to learn things like the different orders placed in selling and buying, margins, bids, rollover and leverage. He will also need to be aware of the psychology of trading and the need for patience, stress management, commitment, discipline and much more. In addition, the novice trader must master the skills of market analysis and need to gain a clear understanding of technical and fundamental analysis and acquire the skills of creating and reading Forex charts.
A knowledge of the history of Forex trading is yet another important element of any Forex trading training, in spite of the fact that it is generally overlooked altogether or covered merely in passing. However, a clear knowledge of the background of the market combined with an understanding of a lot of the mistakes made as the market has grown is extremely useful in helping to establish a trading strategy.
Luckily there are many ways to study Forex trading today and novice traders are spoilt for choice. However, this is of course both good and bad and makes picking the method which is best for you somewhat difficult.
Like many things the starting point for many people is going to be a book or two on Forex trading and this is certainly a very good place to start as it is relatively inexpensive and will normally assist considerably when it come to deciding whether Forex trading is really right for you. However, although this will provide you with an excellent introduction, you will want some type of more personal training before starting to trade and this means attending seminars, enrolling for a Forex training class locally, taking a Forex training vacation or opting for one of the numerous online Forex training courses.
Regardless of the route you decide to select you have to do your homework carefully and consider exactly what you will be getting for your money. There are many excellent free Forex training courses available but you will need to pay for really good training and this is one investment that you must make and the expense of your training will certainly be worth it in the end. However not all training course are the same and some will provide you with much more value than others. If you can seek out the opinions of trusted friends and colleagues about their opinion of what is the proven best Forex training and, where this is not possible, then shop around and ask plenty of questions before you commit yourself.
Foreign currency trading is an exciting world that is luckily now open to even those among us with relatively small capital and it can be both great fun and profitable. Beginning trading without some type of sound Forex trading training is however a recipe for disaster.

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The Advantages Of Automated Forex Trading

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An increasing number of people are being drawn to Forex trading in preference to the many other forms of investment available today and it is not hard to see why.
The Forex market is the largest trading market in the world with a steadily growing trading volume which has risen from some $500 billion dollars to $2 trillion in the last twenty years.
It is also an incredibly liquid market which is not tied to any particular trading floor and operates around the clock across the world making it effectively a permanently open market.
As one market closes another is opening and you can effectively follow the markets around the world as you trade and even all but eliminate the fact that the market in your home country will close for the weekend.
It is no wonder therefore that Forex trading attracts a wide and growing variety of both big and small traders each of whom enjoys a wide choice of trading strategies based upon the myriad of factors which affect foreign exchange rates.
For many traders coming into the market it is the fact that there are so many different things that affect currency exchange rates which they find most attractive as it allows them to use a huge range of different tools when working in this extraordinarily exciting market.
Perhaps the greatest influence today however on the future growth of the market and its popularity lies in automation which has never been easier to accomplish and which brings with it many more advantages than disadvantages.
Automated Forex trading allows trades to be conducted in real time anywhere in the world and virtually eliminates the losses so often seen in manual systems which are trying to operate in such a fast moving and volatile environment.
Anyone who has traded using a manual system will know only too well the frustration of a row of losses caused by nothing more than a simple time delay in buying and selling and will appreciate the value of automated currency trading.
Automatic Forex trading also brings with it the ability to operate in a wide range of different currency markets at the same time without any regard for the time zones of the markets concerned. If you are sitting in the United States at 2 o'clock in the morning then automatic trading allows you to conduct business with traders on the other side of the globe in several different countries all at the same time with ease.
One problem for many traders is that of risk management and this too is reduced as we move to automatic Forex trading.
Manual systems often leave traders nervous about whether or not payment will be made after the completion of a trade but as payments can now be synchronized in real time this is far less likely. Indeed, as the automated trading system continues to develop it is clear that the settlement system will also be updated and such risks are likely to be all but eliminated in the near future.
Computer technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past few years and will continue to do so for many years to come. More importantly, access to that technology easily and cheaply from the comfort of our own homes and now the ability to access the best mini Forex fully automated trading means that we can all now manage our own investments with ease. For those in the currency trading world automated Forex day trading will certainly come as a welcome addition to an already great investment vehicle.

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The Importance Of Real Time Forex Charting

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Trading in the foreign exchange market today means having a sound understanding of technical analysis and in particular an ability to keep track of currency pairs by learning the skill of reading live or real time forex charts. For the novice trader this also means finding a source of good online forex charts and, better still, free forex charts. Even better, if you can find yourself some free chart pattern recognition software for forex and learn how to use it you will be well on your way to trading with a fair degree of confidence.
Online forex charting conveys information about currency prices at specific time intervals ranging from as little as one minute up to several years and prices can be plotted either as simple line charts or as bar or candlestick charts showing price variations at specific time intervals.
Line charts are easy to read and give a broad overview of price movements which often allows you to clearly define patterns in price movements. By contrast, bar charts are not quite as easy to read but do provide far more information.
In simple terms the length of each bar on a bar chart indicates the price spread for a given period and the longer the bar the larger the variation between high and low prices. Opening and closing prices are shown on each bar so that you can see at a glance whether the price has risen or fallen and just what the variation in price has been. Although bar charts can be difficult to read, most chart pattern recognition software packages simplify the process of reading bar charts considerably.
Invented by the Japanese to analyze rice contracts, candlestick charts are similar to bar charts but are far easier to read as they are color-coded. For example, green candlesticks are used to show rising prices while red candlesticks show falling prices.
The beauty of candlestick charts is that the candlestick shapes when viewed in relation to one another form patterns many of which have been given names such as ‘Morning Star’ and ‘Dark Cloud Cover’ and once you learn to recognize these patterns it is an easy matter to identify trends in the market.
Although a real time forex chart can give you a great deal of information about a particular currency pair this is often supplemented using a number of technical indicators including trend, strength, volatility and cycle indicators all of which are used to predict both movements in the market and market volume.
The most commonly used Forex technical indicators include:
Average Directional Movement (ADX). ADX can be used to ascertain whether a market is approaching an upward or downward trend and how strong that trend is likely to be.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD). MACD indicates the momentum of a market and the relationship between two moving averages.

Stochastic Oscillator. The stochastic oscillator shows the strength or weakness of a market by comparing closing prices to a price range over a period of time. A high stochastic will indicate that a currency is being overbought while a low stochastic will indicate that a currency is being oversold.
Relative Strength Indicator (RSI). RSI is a 100 point scale which shows the highest and lowest prices over a given time. When prices move above 70 a currency is considered to be overbought and when prices move below 30 a currency is considered to be oversold.
Moving Average. The moving average is simply the average price for a set time period when compared to other prices during similar time periods. For example, the moving average of closing prices over a 14 day time period would be equal to the sum of the 14 closing prices divided by 14.
Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger band consists of three lines - an upper and lower line indicating the range of price movement and a middle line showing the average price. When the market is volatile the gap between the upper and lower bands will widen and when a bar or candlestick crosses one of the bands it will indicate a currency which is either being overbought or being oversold.

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How To Make Money In Foreign Exchange

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The foreign exchange market is an international exchange market in which currencies can be sold and purchased and, while it has been in existence for many years, the foreign exchange market which we see now has been born out of significant changes that took place during the 1970s when floating currencies and free exchange rates were introduced.
There is no 'home' for the foreign exchange market and trading can be carried out from anywhere on the globe, not least using your own home computer.

The trading market is effectively open day and night because as trading is closing in one country trading in another country on the other side of the globe is just opening.

In other words you can trade at whatever time suits you whether that is during the morning or during the night.

You will find that there is always somebody somewhere who is willing to do business with you.

The key when it comes to making money in foreign exchange trading is to start by getting to grips with the basics of the business and this means finding a high quality forex training course. It is not all that hard to make money with foreign exchange, but you will undoubtedly lose your shirt if you do not know exactly what you are doing

. So, you need to take the time necessary to learn the business before you start and then need to make sure that you spend a little of time working with a dummy trading account before you start trading with your own money.
When you do begin trading start slowly and stay away from the day trading market until you have a bit of experience as this section of the trading market can be very volatile and is influenced by a large number of outside factors.

In addition, set yourself strict trading limits and do not go outside them under any circumstances.

Put another way, never trade with money which you cannot afford to lose because, although you will surely make money, you will also experience your fair share of losing trades while you are getting the hang of things.
And finally, make sure that you are trading with the best forex trading software available and do not be afraid to ask other people for help if you get stuck!

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How To Make Money In Foreign Exchange

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The foreign exchange market is an international exchange market in which currencies can be sold and purchased and, while it has been in existence for many years, the foreign exchange market which we see now has been born out of significant changes that took place during the 1970s when floating currencies and free exchange rates were introduced.
There is no 'home' for the foreign exchange market and trading can be carried out from anywhere on the globe, not least using your own home computer.
The trading market is effectively open day and night because as trading is closing in one country trading in another country on the other side of the globe is just opening.
In other words you can trade at whatever time suits you whether that is during the morning or during the night.
You will find that there is always somebody somewhere who is willing to do business with you.
The key when it comes to making money in foreign exchange trading is to start by getting to grips with the basics of the business and this means finding a high quality forex training course. It is not all that hard to make money with foreign exchange, but you will undoubtedly lose your shirt if you do not know exactly what you are doing
. So, you need to take the time necessary to learn the business before you start and then need to make sure that you spend a little of time working with a dummy trading account before you start trading with your own money.
When you do begin trading start slowly and stay away from the day trading market until you have a bit of experience as this section of the trading market can be very volatile and is influenced by a large number of outside factors.
In addition, set yourself strict trading limits and do not go outside them under any circumstances.
Put another way, never trade with money which you cannot afford to lose because, although you will surely make money, you will also experience your fair share of losing trades while you are getting the hang of things.
And finally, make sure that you are trading with the best forex trading software available and do not be afraid to ask other people for help if you get stuck!

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What is day trading? 2

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In very simple terms a day trader buys and sells with a very short investment horizon which is typically measured in minutes with trading positions being opened and closed within the same trading day.
Day trading is particularly suited to high volume, volatile markets such as the forex but is certainly not limited to currency trading.
It is for example very commonly seen in the equity markets, although it tends to be seen on the more volatile exchanges such as the NASDAQ, rather than the NYSE or AMEX.
The principle is simply to spot an opportunity and then profit from it quickly getting in and out of the market with just enough time to make your profit and too little time to risk the market turning against you.
For example, you might open a position at 11:00 am and close it out just a few minutes later at 11:07 am to take a small but quick profit and repeat this process as many as a hundred times in a single trading session.
Today this traditional definition has been widened somewhat and we now also refer to the practice of trading from home through an online broker as day trading. And, just to complicate matters, the term 'swing trading' has also started to appear recently to refer to traders with a slightly longer investment horizon of anywhere from one to five days.
Day trading in its truest form (buying and selling with a very short investment horizon) is a risky business and is not something which you should try unless you know exactly what you are doing as, while it can be very profitable, it can also produce very large losses very quickly.
Although we talk about 'investment horizons' it also needs to be understood that day trading is not the same as investing and you will be working to very short timeframes during which you will need to be glued to your computer screen jumping onto the wave of a trade as it gains momentum and the jumping off as it crests in order to ride the next wave. Spotting the waves as they roll in and knowing just when to jump on and jump off requires both skill and practice.
For those who enjoy the excitement of the roller coaster ride then day trading can be both exciting and profitable but it is not something for the novice forex trader and should only be contemplated once you have cut your teeth in the world of currency trading and gained a fair amount of experience.

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