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فتح حساب مع شركة FXSOL

الشركة الأمريكية "FXSol " , تعتبر من كبار صناع سوق العملات , وتقدم خدمات مميزة لعملائها المتاجرين في العملات , بفارق سبريد 3 - 5 نقاط بين سعر الشراء والبيع للأزواج الرئيسية في العملات . وتوفر حسابات إسلامية خالية تماماً من الفوائد والعمولات على فتح العقود أو تبييتها , وتتميز ببرنامجها ذو الإمكانيات العالية ,وشارت مرفق به أفضل المؤشرات المستخدمة من قبل المحللين و المضاربين .

الشركة مسجلة في (CFTC) و(NFA) تحت رقم تسجيل ID#0312620


. فرق نقاط 3 -5 pips فقط بين سعر الشراء و البيع للأزواج الرئيسية .

. ستحصل على عروض مميزة عندما تفتح حساب إسلامي .

العرض الأول توصيات خاصه للعملاء مقدمه من منتديات المضارب العربي
و هذه نتائج توصياتهم للفتره السابقه

إمكانية تحويل حسابك الحالي من أي شركة وساطة إلى شركة FXSol في غاية السرعة والسهولة , للتمتع بعروضنا .

. حسابات بدون عمولات , و بدون فوائد مطلقاُ على فتح و تبييت العقود تحت أي مسمى كان .

. إمكانية العميل أختيار المارجن بشكل مرن 50:1 / 100:1 / 200:1 / 250:1 / 300:1 / 400:1 .

. إمكانية إستخدام الهيدج بدون إحتسابها من المارجن .

. الشركة مسجلة في (CFTC) و (NFA) تحت رقم تسجيل ID#0312620 .

. الحد الأدنى لفتح حساب 250 دولار .

. تداول في العملات العالمية لأكثر من 20 زوج من العملات .

. المتاجرة بعقود عادية k100 ومصغرة K10 و K5 .

. دعم فني مباشرة على مدار 24 ساعة .

يمكنك فتح حساب تجريبي مطابق للحساب الحقيقي

ستظهر لك الصورة التالية ، قم بتعبئتها كما هو موضح في الرسم

سيصلك ايميل يحتوي على رقم المستخدم والرقم السري الخاص بحسابك التجريبي
يحتوي على 10 آلاف دولار في الرصيد

مميزات البرنامج :-

برنامج في غاية السهولة و التميز و سهل الإستخدام و عالي الإمكانيات .

برنامج مدعوم باللغه العربيه والانجليزيه .

شارت متميز يحتوي على كثير من المؤشرات و أدوات التحليل الفني .

أخر الأخبار موجودة في نفس البرنامج .

ميزة التنبيه بالصوت او رسالة عن طريق الايميل او الهاتف في حال وصل السعر للسعر المطلوب .

برنامج التداول

اضغط هنا لتحميل برنامج التداول ويمكنك ايضا تحميل الشارت الخاص بالشركه

برنامج التداول عن طريق الويب

التداول عن طريق الويب مباشرة

للحسابات التجريبية

((متطلبات فتح حساب حقيقي جديد عن طريق موقعنا))

توجه الى الرابط لتعبئة بياناتك
يجب تعبئه كامل البيانات باللغه الانجليزية
و يجب ذكر في خانه الملاحظات هذه الجمله حتى تستطيعوا التمتع بعروضنا
( منتدى تعليم الفوريكس )

بعد تعبئة بياناتك و التأكد بأنك قمت بتعبئتها باللغه الانجليزيه عبر الرابط السابق قم بإرسال نسخ من الوثائق التالية على البريد الإلكتروني المذكور بالأسفل .

أ‌. صورة من جواز السفر ساري المفعول أو الهوية الشخصية سارية المفعول.

ب‌. فاتورة خدمات حديثة (مياه، كهرباء، تلفون) لإثبات محل الإقامة أو كشف حساب بنكى.

ج. نسخة من نموذج طلب حساب إسلامي موقع :-
اضغط هنا لتحميل النموذج

ترسل الاوراق على الاميل : arabicbroker@hotmail.com

بعد ذالك سوف يتم فتح حساب جديد بإسمك لدى الشركة الأمريكية "FXSol" , وسيصلك على بريدك الإلكتروني المذكور في النموذج معلومات حسابك لدى الشركة , و معلومات البنك الذي سوف تودع فيه المبلغ .

المستفيد FX Solutions, LLC.

البنك JPMorgan Chase Bank

عنوان البنك 84East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450

ABA 021000021

رمز السويفت CHASUS33

رقم الحساب 67-5003366-578

والرجاء اذكر رقم حسابك على الحوالة المصرفية.

طريقة فتح حساب اضافي FXSOL

اذا كان حسابك لدى شركة FXSol وتريد الاستفاده من خدمات الموقع العمليه في غاية السرعة والسهولة :

1- يجب عليك تحميل النموذج (فتح حساب اضافي ) وتعبئة البيانات كما هي موجوده في جواز السفر

2- تحميل ورقة الغاء الفوائد الربويه حتى يكون الحساب اسلامي وتوقيعها مع كتابة الاسم اسفل التوقيع

اضغط هنا لتحميل النموذج

3- تحميل نموذج ورقة تحويل عام وتعبئة القسم (ب)

بعدما يتم تعبئة الاوراق يتم ارسالها لنا لنقوم باللازم وسيرسل لك اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور الى بريدك الالكتروني

E-mail : arabicbroker@hotmail.com

ملاحظات هامه

1- في حال تعبئه الطلب الخاص بمعلوماتك الشخصيه يجب في نفس الوقت ارسال الاوراق المطلوبه , لانه في حال تعبئه الطلب فقط من غير ارسال الاوراق و لا كأنك سويت شي .
2- يجب تعبئه الطلب الخاص ببيناتك باللغه الانجليزيه و ليس باللغه العربيه
3- تاريخ الميلاد يجب كتابته بالميلادي و ليس بالهجري
4- ورقه الغاء الفوائد الربويه عند ارسالها يجب ان تكون موقعه بخط اليد و ليس كتابه على الكمبيوتر
5- الاميل الذي ترسل عليه اوراق فتح حساب فقط اميل واحد و هو
و في حال ارسال اي ورقه على اي اميل اخر من اميلات الموقع لم ينظر فيها

ارجوا من الجميع التأكد من هذه النقاط قبل ارسال اي طلب فتح حساب جديد

تحياتي لكم

ضوابط حكومة الولايات المتحدة تحظر علينا فتح حسابات لسكان الدول التالية:

أفغانستان، بيلاروسيا,بورما (مينامار), ساحل العاج, كوبا, جمهورية كونغو الديمقراطية,نظام الرئيس الليبيري السابق تشارلز تايلور, إيران, العراق, نيجيريا, ليبيا, كوريا الشمالية, السودان, سوريا, أنغولا, البلقان الغربية و زيمبابوي.

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Selecting the Right Forex Broker

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If you are looking to get into Forex trading then the most important step you can take is to find a great Forex Broker. Today we are seeing many people starting to trade the Forex Market, as it is recession proof. It is also the most liquid market in the world,

Forex trading can be risky, but it does have huge potential for you to either make a lot of money or lose a lot of money. If you have been around the market a while you will realize that not all Forex Brokers are equal, and in fact some border being just plain rip off merchants. This can be a major turn off for many new investors, the fear of being rip off by a Forex Broker. So how can you find a Great Forex Broker?

The great news is that there are some awesome Forex brokers in the market. A good place to start is finding Forex good Brokers is through a forums or boards that knows a lot about Forex brokers. The boards member ussualy will share their knowledge and review to sort between the bad and good brokers. They’ll help you find the best Forex Broker .

If you don’t feel comfortable with that and you want to do all the hard work of researching brokers yourself, then you have to try by yourself but start with small, test the waters these are just some of the research that CFD FX REPORT use when looking for a Great Forex Broker.

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Why Price between Forex - Brokers May Vary

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Foreign exchange is an unregulated market that is not traded on an exchange, which means that prices you see and get from one broker could vary from those of another broker. There are mainly two types of brokers. One type is an ECN (Electronic Communications Network) and another a Market-Maker.

Market-makers have set the prices on their systems based on what they think is best for themselves as the counter-party. This is because every time you sell, they must buy, and when you buy, they must sell to you. This is why they can give you a fixed spread since they are setting both the bid and the ask price.

Many of them will then try to hedge or cover your order by passing it on to someone else; however, some may decide to hold your order, and thus trade against you. This can result in a conflict of interest between forex trader and the market-maker.

So how do ECNs make money then? They do so by charging you a fixed spreads for each transaction. ECNs, on the other hand, pass on prices from several banks and market-makers, as well as from the other traders in the ECN, and display the best bid/ask prices based on these input. This is why sometimes you can get no spread on ECNs, especially in very liquid currency pairs.

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the Forex Knowledge Spread

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What Is a Spread? Spread is the difference between the ask price or the price you buy at and the bid price or the price you sell at quoted in pips. If the quote between GBP/USD at a given moment is 1.4642/5, then the spread is 3 pips. If the quote is 1.46425/50, then the spread is 2.5 pips

Spread is defined as the sale of one or more futures contracts and the purchase of one or more offsetting futures contracts. You can turn that around to state that a spread is the purchase of one or more futures contracts and the sale of one or more offsetting futures contracts.

A spread is also created when a trader buying the physical pairs and offsets by selling pairs. Furthermore, a spread is defined as the purchase and sale of one or more offsetting pairs normally recognized as a spread by the fact that the two sides of the spread are actually related in some way.

Spread is how brokers make money. Wider spreads result in a higher ask price and a lower bid price. As a consequence, you pay more when you buy and get less when you sell, making it more difficult to realize a profit. Brokers don’t typically earn the full spread, especially when they hedge client positions. The spread compensates the market maker for taking on risk from the time it executes a client trade to when the broker’s net exposure is hedged.

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The Short Term VS Long Term Forex Strategy

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Some traders base their forex strategy in long term investments by monthly or weekly positions, while others will build their forex strategy around daily or intradaily positions that might be open no longer than a few hours or even minutes, this traders are known as scalpers. There can be profits in any forex strategy as long as you are aware of the market movers and signals at any given time, and you have a clear understanding of all the elements that support your forex strategy.

A long term forex strategy will probably earn you 100 or 200 pips in one trade, but that is probably all you will gain within a month or a week if your forex strategy gravitates around monthly or weekly positions, But on the other hand, a well carried scalping forex strategy can deliver many little 10 or 20 pip trades during a day.
The intraday forex strategy benefits from the fact that the forex market, whether moving up or down within any particular currency pair, will always make small fluctuations that you can profit from using an intraday forex strategy.

Which forex strategy is best for you will depend greatly on your personal investment and risk management style, and also on how much time you can dedicate during the day in order to follow the market trends and spot the right entry points for a profitable trade.

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THE ForexTrading Knowledge Trading Plan

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The first thing you need to do before you start a business is to have a Business Plan . In this case, it is called a Forex Trading Plan. Now, with your goal set, you have to break down this goal into smaller components of actions that will lead to achieving your goal eventually.

This is the place to set your Goals that you want to achieve. Be as specific as possible while being not to easily or impossible to achieve. Set yourself a goal that is challenging to you without it being too big a goal.

You will also need a measure of what actions are right and which are mistakes. Without such a standardized and formalized measure, you will always think all your actions are right, even when you are losing money! That’s the default optimistic human nature in control.

This is your action plan. Be detail and realistic. If you are working full-time and you can’t always look at the market every minute, don’t put an action that requires you to monitor your trading positions every moment.

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Power Of Forex Trading Leverage

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FOREX TRADING like to trade in high volumes for greater profits. But this does not mean that they always have the right kind of money. How to gain a good amount for smallest fluctuations then? This is where margin money and leveraging comes in handy.

Suppose you have $40000 and you are leveraging at 200:1, then you can use $200 to trade the share at such volumes. As soon as the share loses 200 dollars, the deal gets automatically closed. This would mean that 5 percent is all that the share needs to fall for the deal to get stopped.

It gives THE TRADERS wholesome opportunities to earn through an extended range of profit. This is how leveraging lets a trader deal in high volumes. It can be a great ally of those who know the precision entry and exit points more often than not.

Generally, the leverage spread is between 50:1 and 200:1.The 500:1 leverage is also not unheard of. If your share is trading in the right direction, you can keep amassing profits with what you have as leverage. Traders use leverage to lever their investments with instruments like forex, futures, forwards, options and margins.

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The Forex Business for Everyone

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Forex Trading can be learned even by average person today. Thanks to the internet, learning the currency market has made it easier for even a regular person to successfully earn money. Currency representatives, called forex brokers, will most likely provide you with access to the forex market.

What is actually the heart of Forex? the answer is the sales or trading of currency trading. It is very much like the regular market practice where the prices change and people get the profits from the price chanes, Forex investment involves in the exchange rate fluctiation as well as the economic of countries that go up and down.

The forex or foreign exchange is a market for the sale and purchase of all kinds of currencies. It originated in the early 1970’s when floating currencies and free exchange rates were first introduced. At this time, the forex market traders were the ones who set the value of one type of currency against another.

Forex trading has now become big business and certainly in the financial sector this is the biggest market of all in the world. The reason why this market has grown compared to the many other financial markets is because of the rise in the number of traders working online rather than using the more traditional method of trading by using the phone.

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NFA Anti Hedging Rules

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Currently forex trader can have two opposite directional trades open at the same time on a single currency pair So say if you are trading GBP/USD currency pair, you can have short as well as a long trade opened at the same time, which is what is called hedging.

According to the new NFA Anti Hedging rules, startin at May 15, 2009, all traders who use such forex trading practices, will now have to come up with different trading strategies and they have to Say goodbye to their Hedging strategies. This is a clear concrete step by NFA to make the forex industry more mature and keep the exponential growth under check.

The basic information at this point is that ALL trades will be required to be executed on a “first-in, first-out” basis. Meaning clients can not manage positions on a per ticket basis. Example: client buys 1 lot GBP/USD, then buys a second lot of GBP/USD. If the client for whatever reason wishes to close out second lot (it’s profitable while the first one is not), it will NOT be possible. First lot must be closed out first.

Traders do Hedging mostly to judge the direction of the market. Though a hedged open long and short trade on a single currency pair will offset the gain of one position against the other, but when the direction of market trend becomes clear, traders close the losing trade and keep the winning one going. It is a cruel way to trade.

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The Trading Forex Without Indicators

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Is it possible to be rich trading forex without using indicators? If you think about it, is there any other way for you to truly understand what the market is doing besides trading just the price action. Think of all the indicators most people plaster all over the charts.

Can you really explain what moving averages crossing each other actually means? The truth is nobody can. It’s the same case for any of these popular indicators. They may know the rules of how to trade them, but they don’t have a clue what it actually means.

When you are able to get rid of these indicators from your charts, then you start to see the reasons why the market go up, down, or stay range bound. You truly get to see the market as an energy, not just numbers.

When you finally have the ability to seeing the market this way, you can never go back to using those indicators that everybody else does. Personally I do trade by reading the chart and never use any Indicators, split it in two area divided by pivot lines because I believe that any indicators out there are Lagging.

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The Trading Forex Without Indicators

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Is it possible to be rich trading forex without using indicators? If you think about it, is there any other way for you to truly understand what the market is doing besides trading just the price action. Think of all the indicators most people plaster all over the charts.

Can you really explain what moving averages crossing each other actually means? The truth is nobody can. It’s the same case for any of these popular indicators. They may know the rules of how to trade them, but they don’t have a clue what it actually means.

When you are able to get rid of these indicators from your charts, then you start to see the reasons why the market go up, down, or stay range bound. You truly get to see the market as an energy, not just numbers.

When you finally have the ability to seeing the market this way, you can never go back to using those indicators that everybody else does. Personally I do trade by reading the chart and never use any Indicators, split it in two area divided by pivot lines because I believe that any indicators out there are Lagging.

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The Office Worker VS Forex Trader

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s we are facing a world recession jobs are becoming extremely difficult to come across, so would self employment be an option for you? Have you considered making massive income through forex trading?

There have been many people that have thought the same as you and have gone onto to be professional traders. So what is stopping you? I am not saying work into work and quit, you can start to learn forex and still work full time until you have the skils and confidence to do it full time.

You can trade from anywhere, home, beach during vacation, internet cafe anywhere in the world. The best part about the forex market is it is open 24 hours a day and almost 6 days per week so you can still hold a full time job build up your confidence and capital before becoming a full time trader.

How to Get Started? This is simple, get yourself educated, open a trading account (demo first), get a trading plan and strategy together and you are ready to trade. Learning and keep practicing. JoinTHE INTERNET FX forum, ask the master for the best advice and mostly the group will help you to learn it. Remember that Financial freedom are awaiting ahead.

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the Easy Way - to Start Discipline in Forex trading

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If you read any material from the great traders you will hear them tell you that discipline is the key to forex profits. If you don’t have it you won’t win and most of the 95% that lose fail to acquire it. The key to forex trading success is not the system but the trader and his attitude discipline is the key just as it has been since trading began.

Most traders still look for the short cut, the guru or the far out trading system that will make them instantly rich or with no effort but they all learn a harsh lesson, a wipe out. So how to start discipline in forex trading?

Here what I have do to become 100% discipline trader instantly. First you need a proven logical trading system (I use dpg and d2op as proven trading system) then you need to understand how it works (go to member area to learn more about DPG and D20P system). The success formula is A logical trading system + Understanding = Confidence = Discipline

Now I already have a proven trading system and know how to use it. Soon after I have place my order according to the system, set my Money management (Lot size, TP level and SL level) then I shutdown my PC and never looking it back until the time trading was over. I left it trade automatically for me while I’m going to do my other daily activity. Once the time trading is over I turn on my PC and look at the MT4 chart to see the result. That’s the way I become 100% discipline trader.

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Forex trading - Knowledge Lot Sizes

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Currencies in Forex are traded in Lots. Since forex traders always search for the most efficient ways to limit risks or at least lessen risk effects. For this purpose various risk management and money management strategies are created. The Lot size are part of the money management to control the ammount of risk that will be taken.

A standard lot size is 100 000 units. Units refer to the base currency being traded. For example, with USD/CHF the base currency is US dollar, therefore if to trade 1 standard lot of USD/CHF it would be worth $100 000. Example: GBP/USD, here the base currency is British Pound (GBP), a standard lot for GBP/USD pair will be worth £100 000.

here are three types of lots by size, Standard lots = 100 000 units, Mini lots = 10 000 units and micro lots = 1000 units. Mini and micro lots are offered to traders who open mini accounts on average size from $200 to $1000. Standard lot sizes can be traded with larger accounts only start from $ 10 000 but the requirements for a size of standard account vary from broker to broker.

The smaller the lots size traded, the lower will be profits, but also the lower will be losses. When traders talk about losses, they also use term “risks”. Because trading in Forex is as much about losing money as about making money. Risks in Forex refer to the possibility of losing entire investment while trading. Trading Forex is known as one of the riskiest capital investments.

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the Forex trading Need Money Management to Grow

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the Forex trading Need Money Management to Grow

Money management is critical because it shows the difference between winners and losers. When you trade without money management rules, you are in fact gambling with your investment.

You are not looking at the long term possible on your investment. Rather you are only looking for that quick high return. Money management rules will not only protect your investment, but they will make you very profitable in your investing future.

Money management is something that most traders say they practice Money Management but few truly practice. Money management is unpleasant because it forces traders to constantly monitor their positions and to take necessary losses. It is difficult for most people to do that constantly.

It’s very important for you to understand the concept of money management and trading decisions. Money management represents the amount of money you are going to invest on one trade and the risk your going to accept for trade. 95% of traders will lose because of their Poor Money Management.

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توصيات يومية على الهاتف

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تليفون / 0233825094 محمول / 0020110163707
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جني الارباح يهبط بمؤشر بورصة الكويت بعد سلسة مكاسب قوية

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هبط المؤشر الرئيس لسوق الكويت للأوراق المالية بأكثر من 1.5% بنهاية اليوم الاثنين 11-5-2009، تحت ضغط عمليات بيع قوية واسعة النطاق، قام بها متداولون لجني الأرباح الكبيرة التي تحققت على مدار 7 جلسات من الارتفاعات المتتالية، والتي استطاع المؤشر خلالها اختراق العديد من نقاط المقاومة القوية، الأمر الذي دعا عدة محللين إلى توقع حدوث جني أرباح، بل إن بعضهم رأى ضرورة حدوث تصحيح بالسوق بغرض الاستراحة وإلتقاط الانفاس خاصة عقب تجاوز حاجز الـ 7700 نقطة.وخسر المؤشر السعري نحو 127.2 نقطة من بداية التعاملات، ليغلق عند 7648.5 نقطة، و"الوزني" بحوالي 5.14 نقطة عند 401.7 نقاط، وبلغت كمية الأسهم المتداولة 656.8 مليون سهم تقريبًا، من خلال تنفيذ حوالي 11.4 ألف صفقة، بلغت قيمتها حوالي 140.1 مليون دينار (الدولار يعادل 0.290 دينار).وتصدر الرابحين على مستوى السوق سهم "اريج" بنسبة 9.8% مسجلاً 280 فلساً، تلاه "وطنية م ب" بنسبة 9.2% بسعر 295 فلسا، ثم "قرين قابضة" بنسبة 7.2% إلى سعر 74 فلسا.وقاد الأسهم الخاسرة "عقارات ك" بنسبة 8.6% مسجلاً 106 فلوس، تلاه "غلوبل" بنسبة 8.4% بسعر 108 فلوس، ثم "الهلال" 8.3% إلى سعر 275 فلسا

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النمو فى الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا لن يتجاوز 2.6%

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واشنطن، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (CNN) -- جزم تقرير أصدره صندوق النقد الدولي بأن اقتصاد دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا سيعاني التباطؤ بحيث ينمو بمعدل لا يتجاوز 2.6 في المائة للعام الجاري، مقارنة بنسبة النمو للعام المنصرم، والتي سجلت 5.7 في المائة.
وأضاف التقرير أن الاحتياطيات المالية لدول المنطقة ساهمت بشكل كبير في تخفيف أثر الأزمة المالية عليها، غير أنه حض التقرير الحكومات على تخصيص الموارد والسياسات الحكومية في أغراض "حماية الفقراء وشرائح السكان الضعيفة" خلال هذه الفترة التي يسودها التباطؤ الاقتصادي والبطالة المتزايدة.
فبالنسبة لمعدلات النمو الحقيقي في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، توقع التقرير أن تتراجع إلى 1.3 للعام الحالي مقارنة مع عام 2008، عندما سجلت 6.4 في المائة، على يعود الانتعاش عام 2010، لتنمو تلك المنطقة بنسبة 4.2 في المائة.
ورجح التقرير أن تلمس تلك الدول بعض التراجع في مستويات التضخم لديها، مع انخفاض النمو من جهة وهبوط أسعار الغذاء والسلع الأساسية في الأسواق من جهة أخرى، متوقعاً ألا تتجاوز 10 في المائة خلال 2009 مقارنة بـ15.6 في المائة عام 2008.
وبالنسبة للدول المستوردة للنفط في المنطقة، فقد رأى التقرير أن الناتج المحلي الحقيقي سيتراجع من 6.2 العام الماضي إلى 3.2 في المائة خلال 2009، على أن يعود النمو ليرتفع بشكل طفيف عام 2010 بحيث يصل إلى 3.4 في المائة.
أما نسب التضخم لديها، فستتراجع من 14.4 في المائة لعام 2008 إلى 9.7 في المائة لعام 2009، 9,7% لعام 2009.
التقرير الذي يحمل عنوان "آفاق الاقتصاد الإقليمي في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا" قال إن المنطقة تعرضت لأكبر تأثيرات الأزمة المالية العالمية من خلال الهبوط الكبير في أسعار النفط وانكماش الطلب العالمي والتجارة، وأخيرا، ضيق أسواق الائتمان الدولية وتراجع إقبال المستثمرين على تحمل المخاطر.
وتوقع التقرير أن تسجل الدول المصدرة للنفط عجزاً يبلغ عشرة مليارات دولار للعام 2009، بعدما حقق فوائض مالية ضخمة عام 2008، فاقت 400 مليار دولار، غير أن أعرب عن ثقته بأن مستوى الإنفاق المرتفع في تلك الدولي سيترك آثاراً إيجابية تمتد إلى الدول المجاورة غير المصدرة للنفط.
ودعا الصندوق بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا إلى التركيز على حماية الفقراء وشرائح السكان الضعيفة، كما حضها على مراقبة أجهزتها المصرفية عن كثب، منوها إلى أن انخفاض معدل التضخم من الممكن ان يتيح المجال أمام البلدان لمزيد من التيسير في السياسة النقدية.

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