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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه هي الإصدارة الثانية من مؤشر قوة العملات أضفت إليه متوسطين حسابين

يمكنك طبعا إخفائهما لو أردت

كما يمكنك التحكم بفترة كل منهما
حمل من هنا

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حمل الاكسبيرت الاخير لجيل المضاعفات الاول

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السلام عليكم
هذا الاكسبيرت هو النسخة الاخيرة من اكسبيرتات المضاعفة الحرة للعقود من نفس النوع و بالاتجاهين
يعتمد الاكسبيرت على الدخول بصفقتين متعاكستين و من ثم يقوم بمضاعفة الصفقة الخاسرة بصفقة مماثلة بمسافة تبعد عنها بالقدر الذي تحدده من الاعدادات و بحجم حسب نسبة المضاعفة التي تحددها
يتم حساب نقطة الهدف داخليا في البرنامج لكافة العقود بحيث تغلق جميع العقود من نفس النوع بنقطة واحدة
الدخول من خلال صفقة ليميت لضبط نقاط الدخول بشكل أفضل من الدخول المباشر
حجم العقد الاول تحدده من الاعدادات
العقد الثاني دائما ضعف الاول
العقد الثالث دائما ضعف الثاني
بعد العقد الثالث يتم اعتماد نسبة الزيادة التي تحددها من الاعدادات
لقد تم اعتماد هذا الترتيب لأنه و في معظم الحالات تأتي العقود باهدافها قبل العقد الثالث و قد تبين أنه الافضل
الصورة المرفقة تبين كيفية التعامل مع الاعدادات
البرنامج في المرفقات يعمل على الحقيقي حتى نهاية شهر اذار
أي استفسار نحن بالخدمة

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شرح مؤشر shi

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اخواني اعضاء الملتقي ....
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
وكل عام وانتم بخير ...
من باب تهادوا تحابوا اهدي اليكم هذا المؤشر المنقول من منتدى الجيران أسأل الله ان ينفعكم به ...
المؤشر وعمله في سطور....
مؤشر shi هو مؤشر يقوم برسم احدث قناة على الشارت ويتكون من 3 خطوط
سفلي واوسط وعلوي ويتغير تلقائيا بمجرد تغيير الفترة الزمنية للشارت...
الية العمل :
(1) الشراء : يكون من الخط السفلي والهدف يكون الخط الاوسط وهذه الطريقة هي الافضل او الشراء من الخط الاوسط والهدف يكون الخط العلوي
الاستوب يكون تحت خط الشراء ( سواء السفلي او الاوسط ) 15-20 نقطة + السبريد
شرط الشراء : تقاطع الاستوك استيك للاعلى( بالاعدادت الافتراضية ) تحت الـ20 قاطعا اياه + تقاطع الماكد للاعلى للتاكيد .
ملحوظة : 1- يفضل العمل على شارت الـ4 ساعات والتحول لشارت الساعة لزيادة التاكيد .
2- يفضل للحصول على افضل النتائج رسم مستويات فيبوناتشي على الـ4 ساعات كمستويات دعم ومقاومة.

(2) البيع : يكون من الخط العلوي والهدف يكون الخط الاوسط وهذه الطريقة هي الافضل او البيع من الخط الاوسط والهدف يكون الخط العلوي
الاستوب يكون فوق خط البيع ( سواء العلوي او الاوسط ) 15-20 نقطة + السبريد
شرط البيع : تقاطع الاستوك استيك للاسفل( بالاعدادت الافتراضية ) فوق الـ80 قاطعا اياه + تقاطع الماكد للاسفل للتاكيد .
ملحوظة : 1- يفضل العمل على شارت الـ4 ساعات والتحول لشارت الساعة لزيادة التاكيد .
2- يفضل للحصول على افضل النتائج رسم مستويات فيبوناتشي على الـ4 ساعات كمستويات دعم ومقاومة.

* اكثر الازواج احتراما للقناة من خلال المتابعة nzd/usa وايضا usd/cad.
* افضل طريقة للتعرف اكثر على المؤشر هي التدرب والمتابعة على الديمو.
* اي سؤال عن المؤشريفضل ان يوجه للاستاذ خالد الفهد ...
* هذا الشارت وهذا التمبلت ... بالله صعبة

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حمل مؤشر slop ditrection line

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته , انا أعلم أن هذا الموضوع مكانه في قسم المؤشرات و استسمح الإدارة في طرحه هنا, ولكني وجدته موضوع شيق و ارغب في إستشارة الإخوان و الأساتذه المبرمجين مثل الاخ وضاح وغيرهم من العقول الجباره في هذا المنتدى , لن أطيل عليكم أخواني, قرات في إحدى المنتديات الاجنبيه هناك طرح لإستراتيجية تعتمد على هذا المؤشر , بداية قم بالخطوات التاليه بعد تحميل المؤشر غير الإعدادات كمايلي:-
  • تعديل الخاصية period إلى الرقم (4)
  • تعديل method إلى الرقم (3)
العمل يكون على شارت الساعة
  • الدخول شراء عند ظهور اللون الازرق للمؤشر
  • الخروج شراء عندظهور اللون الاحمر للمؤشر على شارت النصف ساعة .
  • الدخول و الخروج للبيع عكس الشراء.
هناك ملاحظة لي بعد تثبيت المؤشر ومراقبته لاحظت أن اللون يتغير وغير ثابت و الذي أريد معرفته من الأخوان هو هل إشارة المؤشر تكون ثابتة بعد إغلاق ساعة من تغيير اللون , فإذا كانت ثابتة أعتقد أن المؤشر يعطي اشارات قوية جدا ويمكن الإعتماد عليها , يوجد أيضا في المؤشر خاصية التنبيه الصوتي لتغير اللون وخاصية التنبيه بواسطة الإيميل ولكن لا أعتقد ان خاصية الإيميل تعمل بشكل جيد, على العموم المؤشر موجود في المرفقات و أرجو أن يتطوع أحد الإخوان بإرفاق شارت مثبت عليه المؤشر حيث أنني اواجه مشكلة في جهازي في اخذ screen print في إنتظار ملاحظاتكم

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حمل مؤشر قوة العملات مع متوسطين

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه هي الإصدارة الثانية من مؤشر قوة العملات أضفت إليه متوسطين حسابين

يمكنك طبعا إخفائهما لو أردت

كما يمكنك التحكم بفترة كل منهما
حمل من هنا

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المؤشرات الأمريكية و العوامل التى تؤثر عليها

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مؤشر داو جونز ( DowJones index)

يعبر أداء داو جونز عن اسعار اسهم شركات الصناعات التقليدية فى قطاعات التمويل والخدمات والتكنولوجيا والصحة والطاقة الإستهلاكية ويسمى بمؤشر الإقتصاد القديم .

مؤشر ناسداك ( Nasdaq index)

ويعبر هذا المؤشر عن أداء اسعار اسهم الشركات ذات العلاقة بالتكنولوجيا الحديثة فى قطاعات الإتصالات والكمبيوتروالإنترنت والشبكات ويطلق عليه مؤشر الإقتصاد الحديث .

ستاندرد أند بورز 500 ( Standerd &poors 500 index )

يعبر عن أداء اسعار اسهم أفضل 500 شركة يتم تداول أسهمها فى السوق فى جميع القطاعات


فائدة هذه المؤشرات :
هذه المؤشرات تستخدم لمعرفة ارتفاع او انخفاض الاقتصاد الأمريكي

العوامل المؤثرة
يرتفع السهم او ينخفض بناء على :

1/العرض والطلب , و يتحكم بة البائعون والمشترون

2/الاقبال على سلعة الشركة ,و يتحكم بة المستهلكون

3/ اقتصاد الدولة .والاقتصاد ككل يتحكم بة بيانات و تقارير تصدر بشكل شهري وبعضها بشكل أسبوعي وتعبر عن أداء الإقتصاد الأمريكي بشكل عام فى حال كانت نتائج هذه البيانات سلبية فإن أسعار الأسهم تنخفض نتيجة خوف المتعاملين من قيام البنك الفيدرالي بالتدخل ورفع سعر الفائدة ؛ وإن جاءت هذه البيانات إيجابية فإن أسعار الأسهم ترتفع نتيجة تفاؤل المتعاملين واقبالهم على الشراء . ومنها :/

تقرير الناتج القومي .( Gross demostic Products) GDP

وهو الذى يعبر عن نمو الإقتصاد الأمريكي إن كان يسير بمعدل سريع أو معتدل أو بطئ أو منكمش .

تقرير معدل الوظائف ( Job growth)

تقرير مبيعات التجزئة الأسبوعي ( Weekly retail sales)

تقرير مبيعات التجزئة الشهري ( Monthly retail sales)

معدل النمو فى أرباح الشركات ( Earnings Growth Rate)

تقرير مؤشر التصدير ( Exporting index)

مؤشر أسعار المنتجين ( Producer price index)

قوة الإقتصاد الصناعي ( Manafacturing Strength)

تقرير ثقة المستهلك ( Consumer Confidence)

تقرير سعر المستهلك (consumer price index)

وبما اننا تطرقنا الى الاقتصاد فمن الافضل زيادة بعض الثقافة الاقتصادية مثل معرفة النمو الاقتصادي لدولة ما , واثرة والتضخم وغيرة :/

النمو الإقتصادى (Economic Growth)

النمو الإقتصادي يعنى النمو فى الدخل القومي وعادة يقاس بالتغير في النسبة المئوية للناتج القومي. يجب أن يكون الإرتفاع أو الإنخفاض فى النمو الإقتصادي ضمن النطاق الذى لايسبب اضرارا للإقتصاد .

اسباب زيادة النمو الإقتصادي هى زيادة الطلب وقلة العرض مما يؤدي إلى الضغط على المصادر الطبيعية والبشرية لتلبية الطلب وبالتالى زيادة عدد الموظفين والمصانع وزيادة الأجور وارتفاع اسعار المعروض .

أسباب بطئ أو تناقص النمو الإقتصادي هو قلة الطلب وزيادة العرض مما يؤدى إلى انخفاض
اسعار السلع وبالتالى انخفاض فى أجور العاملين أو فصل عددأ منهم واغلاق بعض المصانع مما يؤدى ألى ارتفاع نسبة البطالة

التضخم (inflation)

التضخم يعنى الزيادة فى أسعار السلع الأساسية مثل الخبز والوقود بنسبة أعلى من الزيادة فى رواتب المستهلكين ويقاس بما يسمي مؤشر سعر المستهلك .
التضخم له الكثير من السلبيات التى تمس المستهلك والمنتج وبالتالى الإقتصاد ككل الإرتفاع أو الإنخفاض فى أسعار الأسهم على المدي القصيردائما يكون نتيجة تشاؤم أو تفاؤل المتعاملين بسبب التضخم لذلك يجب أن تكون متابعا جيدأ لمؤشرات التضخم فى
الإقتصاد الأمريكي حتى تحدد التوقيت المناسب للشراء أو للبيع .

معدل الفائدة ( interest rate)

معدل الفائدة يعنى نسبة الفائدة على القروض من البنوك والمؤسسات المالية ويحددها البنك المركزي للدولة
يعتبر رفع معدل الفائدة أو خفضه هو السلاح الذى يستخدمه البنك المركزي الفيدرالي الأمريكي لكبح جماح التضخم أو الزيادة السريعة أو البطئ الشديد فى النمو الإقتصادي .

ماذا يحدث عندما يتخذ البنك المركزي قرارا برفع معدل الفائدة؟

عندما يفكر المستثمر بالإقتراض من البنك للدخول فى مشروع أو فى البورصة سوف يقارن بين أرباحه وبين نسبة الفائدة على القرض حيث أن نسبة الفائدة على القرض سوف تقتطع من الأرباح العائدة من المشروع فهل الصافي مجدي للمستثمر أم لا ؟

إن كان مجديا فسوف يقترض المستثمر وإن كان غير ذلك فلن يقترض كلما زاد معدل الفائدة قلت نسبة الربح للشركات وبالتالى سوف تقل اسعار اسهمها فى البورصة .

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FOREX Tester Review

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FOREX Tester is a fun piece of software that acts as a simulator of the Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX). Novice FOREX traders are sometimes too quick to jump into the thrill of the action. Using a simulator like FOREX Tester is advisable before throwing your money away and essentially setting yourself up for failure.

Sure, there are many options for live FOREX demo accounts, but practicing in real time means waiting hours, sometimes days, to test your trading ideas and strategies against the actual market. FOREX Tester has packaged their simulation into a matter of hours and minutes for a faster and much more convenient method of testing.

The FOREX Tester training software allows users to test out their trading skills without risking real money. Users are able to load history data (even MetaTrader history) to enable mock trades where they can develop and test their trading strategies against the historical data. You will be able to view and understand the pattern recognition and trading signals. You can fast forward or rewind to test and retest your understanding. There is a built-in list of many indicators to choose from or you can create your own indicators using FOREX Tester API. FOREX Tester logs your history and you can use screen snapshots to further analyze your strategies.

You can begin by visiting the download section of Forex Tester Here you are prompted to choose between the lite version and pro version of the software. The lite version is primarily for manual testing and cannot test automated strategies. A licensed registered copy is $99. The pro version includes a number of templates and gives users the ability to save and reload previous testing strategies. The pro version of the program comes with a $135 price tag but is the best bet for individuals who are serious about their trading.

You can test run demos of both the lite and pro versions but the demo has two limitations. First, you can only test for ten minutes before starting again from scratch and there is no option to save the results of your previous test. Secondly, only the “Start testing from first date in range” option is active at Connect before beginning the testing process and you can only test one month of data history on the unregistered version. Purchasing a registered copy will allow you to test your strategies uninterrupted and get the most from the simulator.

Let’s put it this way, if you master your techniques through the FOREX Tester simulator, once you take them into the real FOREX market, you can very easily earn back your investment for the registered copy of the software.

Using the program is relatively easy. You will see that there are two modes for the program – Edit Mode and Testing Mode. In edit mode you are able to edit your currency list, either by adding new pairs or editing the four existing pairs, import your historical quotes and generate ticks.

It is necessary to get historical data and generate ticks before testing. There are several sources online where you can freely download historical data. Once source is Data Bank, the history center for MetaTrader 4 from FOREX broker Alpari Ltd. You can find other sources through your search engine of choice. Once your data history is imported, you again go to the File menu, click Generate Ticks For Testing Mode where you choose your desired ticks generation method and the currency names and date range to generate ticks.

You are then able to begin testing strategies by switching to testing mode and hitting Connect. The program will start reading and processing the prepared tick data and building bars. You are then capable of simulated buying or selling or placing pending orders with the ability to pause testing, trace by bars or roll data back.

Tracking your actions is made easy with the ability to paint different styled graphics elements to the charts and fasten the control points to bars on the graph.

One of the biggest advantages of FOREX Tester, especially for someone who is new to the market is that the creator of the program is very active on the website’s message board forum, in addition to other FOREX message board communities. He is available to help you with any questions and is genuinely interested in your feedback and suggestions to improve the program. For instance, trailing stop functionality was recently added to the program, specifically due to requests from users on message boards.

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Forex during Volatile Periods: 5 Best Strategies to Equip You With

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ust when you thought you are on the roll of making money with foreign exchange trading, it suddenly spins 360 degrees for the worst. Yes, foreign exchange trading does enter volatile periods. It is only understandable since the market happens to be dynamic and is constantly changing. It is up to you to know the best strategies to ensure you can still generate profits even during unstable times in the capital market.

The first useful strategy is for you to determine when you should enter a trade and when to exit. There are advantages to knowing when you can enter a trade as this allows you to make money. Knowing when to exit the trade is equally important as it allows you to avoid losing the money you’ve invested.

The second strategy that you would find useful is to be knowledgeable on the chances of profiting from a trade. You can begin by calculating the ratio of your gains to losses. This strategy will help you decide how much money to invest in a certain trade.

The third strategy you should know is to be able to measure the amount of risk you are taking compared to the rewards you can possibly reap. Another great strategy, the fourth to keep track of, is to limit your losses. You can do this by altering your take-profit and stop-limit orders when necessary.

Lastly, use technical and fundamental analysis effectively. Technical analysis will help you predict the future of the market by studying the price movement, whereas fundamental analysis will help you consider the situation of the country whose currency you are trading.

Foreign exchange can be lucrative, but when it enters its volatile periods it is necessary that you have the right arsenal to help you remain standing despite the storm. You can start by following these great 5 strategies to change your Forex trading outcome for the better.

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The Top Currencies Making it in Foreign Exchange Trading

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With so many countries involved in the money market, it is obvious that you are going to be dealing with a lot of currencies. But with foreign exchange, the art comes in knowing which currencies are more active and which are not.

What’s the deal, you may ask? In foreign exchange, you don’t want to be left with a currency that has little or no interest and which may get stuck with you as you will be having difficulty selling the currency. And most of all, if you have your hands on the active currencies, there is a narrower spread between bids and ask price which would make it easier for you to gain profit.

There are seven currencies that are making it big in foreign exchange trading. These are the United States Dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Swiss Franc, the Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar.

Among the seven currencies, the United States Dollar is the most traded currency. This is followed by the Euro and the Japanese Yen. These three currencies are commonly labeled the globe’s three major economic powerhouses.

The increased activity of these currencies owes a lot to the performance of the country itself, economy-wise. The United States is known for its export powerhouse and is the leading exporter of products in the world. The Euro is a combination of a number of strong economic nations in Europe. Japan has a technological advantage all over the world. These are the very reasons that make their currency among the top three.

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Lower Time Frames May Cause Over Trading

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Traders can get caught up in thinking that shorter time frames can reduce risk. They think they can get out of bad trades sooner but they also get out of good trades sooner.

If a trader is looking at the smaller time frames like the 1- and 5- minute they will get more signals. They will be getting in and out of the market more often because the smaller move seem to be important but in the big picture they are not. If you look at the smaller time frames you may get 10 to 12 signals a day while on a 1-hour time frame you might only get 1 or 2 a day. By trading the larger time frame will find that you will not get whipsawed as much and you will not have to spend as much time in front of the computer. This will reduce your emotion and you will find that you will make better trading decisions. You will not be trying to over think the trade. You will just see a signal and take.

The following chart is 7 hours on a five-minute chart; you would have made about 180 pips if you had taken each of these signals. Over the course of the 24 hours you could have made about the same Number of pips as the following chart on the one hour but you would have to be in front of the computer for the 24 hours and this can get old fast. You get caught up in one of the health issues you should try and avoid, being overly tired. Then you start to second guess yourself and make mistakes. We can assure you that you would have missed some of the moves causing your self more frustration and emotion.

This is a 1-hour chart for 2 days; if you had taken the two trades on the first day you would have made over 400 pips.

You would also be rested and alert for more trades on other currency pairs which in turn would make you even more pips.

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(((Carry Trading Risks )))

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The carry trade has been one of the most popular forex trading strategies in the last few years, but with recent changes in the currency market and increased volatility, the carry trade now looks like a losing proposition. The question that is on most traders minds is, will the carry trade ever come back as a viable trading strategy? The answer to this question is murky at best, depending on the global economic conditions and stability in the currency markets.

How does the Carry Trade work?
To understand why the carry trade isn't working, one must first understand what the carry trade is. The carry trade is a trade where a currency trader or speculator is attempting to not only gain from the rise or decline of the currency pair, but also the interest rate differential between the two currencies.
When carry trading, the trader buys (or goes long) the currency with the higher interest yield while selling (or going short) the currency with the lower interest. The speculator is attempting to capture the interest rate differential as well as any appreciation in the currency. The carry trader is often more interested in the positive interest earned on the currency pair rather than the profits from the trade itself.

Let's take a look at a sample carry trade:

1. Trader Buys New Zealand Dollars (Earns 6.5%)

2. At the same time, Trader Sells Japanese Yen (Pays 0.30%)

3. If the currency pairs stays at the same rate for the whole year, trader makes 6.15% (Interest Rate Difference)

If this is a 100k position, the trader has earned 6.15% interest on 100,000. With 10:1 leverage, the trader put up 10k and earned $6,150 NZD.
The New Zealand/Japanese Yen currency pair has been a great example of this strategy in the recent past. Forex traders bought the pair not for economic growth in the New Zealand economy, but the carry trade opportunity. Currency traders jumped at the chance to earn the 8 percent interest rate that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand was offering at the time while simultaneously, paying a cost of 0.5 percent for the Japanese Yen.

This 7.5% rate on margined funds lead to huge potential gain and this decision helped money managers garner a high return on a rise in the currency as the New Zealand dollar appreciated against the Yen while also gaining from the wide difference in interest rates between the countries.

Why has the carry trade started to fail?

All good things must come to an end, and this includes the carry trade. Three major concepts have recently taken down this seemingly infallible strategy. With that said, conditions may again become favorable once the market downturn runs its course.

Interest Rates Cuts

Many global economies are in jeopardy and desperate to free markets. As a result, they have decided to begin cutting interest rates. This has caused traders and money managers alike to reconsider their already long term carry trade positions. The eight percent return they were previously getting is now a smaller five to six percent return.

Although the Japanese yen, a favorite funding currency for the carry trade has also slightly lowered their interest rate from .5% to .3% their interest rate differential is still less. This shrinking differential became too small to compensate against increasing losses as the New Zealand dollar began to weaken. This led to a mass asset reallocation so traders could cut losses and try to build funds elsewhere.
Increased Risk Aversion

As market volatility increased, which can be seen in the large increase in average daily ranges, investors became more fearful of risky assets and decided to close these positions. As short term benefits for the carry trade and many stocks decreased, traders closed out of their carry trade positions from the FX market. Carry trades work best in less volatile environments, as the pairs most suited for them are typically riskier assets. Carry traders are now keeping their distance.

Government Intervention

Government forex intervention is rare but it can occur most often as a tool when a currency either rises or declines faster than central bank expectations. It has rarely been used or mentioned as carry traders exited en masse. The absence of intervention helped to fuel a new generation of sellers as favorite carry candidates took a beating. The list included popular carry trade currencies like the Australian and New Zealand dollars, Euro and British Pound. Had central bank policy makers hinted at some potential action. Unfortunately, this was not the case and there was nothing to curb the downfall.

Looking to the future

Volatile markets and an aversion to risk won't last forever. Forex, like the equity markets typically recover along when investor's appetite for higher returns increases. There have been similar situations that appeared in the last ten years, and carry trades will likely repeat once volatile markets have calmed. This opportunity will take some time to resurface, but it will be worth the wait.

For when conditions are ideal again, here is what to look for in a carry trade.

1. Large interest rate differentials:
If the British Pound has a 4.50% interest rate and the Japanese Yen has a 0.50% interest rate, it would likely be a good pair to look at.

2. Healthy Economy of the Higher Interest Rate Currency
This is partially why the carry trade is not currently working. Be sure to watch out for this when volatility calms.

3. Low Market Volatility

The carry trade works best when market volatility is low.

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the news trading

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There are really a few ways to know whether to open a position. Analyzing the news is one of them. Staying updated on current events is of utmost importance when it comes to trading Forex, but no matter how long you spend analyzing the news, will you ever really know in what direction the market will go?
I think you should have an understanding of the major news and topics, but you should round out your tools by using some technical analysis.

It is crucial for example to know the direction of the trend and to be aware of the major support and resistance levels since the market will usually return to the direction of the trend. A possible trading tip would be to do all of the research you need then place an order in the direction of the trend not paying attention to the results of your studies. There is a 50/50 chance that you will be profitable. If you are not, there is a good chance that the market will come back and give you a good trade. Just do not over trade your account on this one order. Give it enough room to move. If you are right, then you should have a fairly good trade.

Just sitting by your computer waiting to hear the news can be ineffective if you wait until the market has had a chance to settle in on the impact of the announcement. At this time you should not trade based on your opinion, you will be better off if you trade with the market. Fall in line with the market and want what the market wants. Just be in tune with what the market is really doing. If you are not set on a certain way you think the market will go, then you will not be disappointed. We have all seen news that the commentators said would have an ill effect on the market and what ended up happening was that the market rallied and the currency pair became stronger.

In summary, use both fundamental as well as technical analysis when trading the news. Wait until the dust settles and let the market tell you what it is going to do and how much. There will always be another trade. If you have fun and are relaxed you will be able to make more money. Always rely on a good trading system. Then the odds will be in your favor.

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-Choosing - an - Online Forex Trading Account Type

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The foreign exchange market is becoming a buzz word all around the world. In these troubling financial times, people are looking for a solid market that has not been affected by the crisis and the Forex market is it. There are close to 4 trillion dollars traded daily in the Forex market, something that obviously makes it attractive to many financial institutions as well as individual traders.

Just like everything else in life, the Forex market has a negative side to it as well. It is a very risky market if you do not know what you are doing. One of the aspects of getting started in this volatile world of Forex is choosing the right kind of account to meet your trading needs. There are many account types, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you trade one dollar, it is important to make an educated decision about many different things such as how much money you can afford to risk, how you want to trade and with who, and many other necessary questions, one of the most important being what kind of account to use.

Here is a short overview of the available account types in the existing Forex market, as well as each kind's advantages and disadvantages.

Mini Trading Account

This type of Forex account is intended for newer traders or individuals who are not interested in investing large amounts of money. Mini accounts allow you to trade Forex with a minimal personal investment of anywhere between $250-$500. Most brokerages offer a 400:1 leverage on mini accounts, which enables the trader to make transactions of up to $10,000, while only making a minimal risk to the trader's personal money. This is an important point to understand in Forex. You can make a lot more money than you invested, but you cannot lose more than you have.


* Small Capital Required: Anyone who has $250 to risk can trade Forex using a mini account. The reason being the very unique advantage of the Forex market, the leverage given to traders.

* Low Risk: All Forex experts will tell you to trade with a demo account before risking large sums of money. After you have done that, it is recommended to trade with a mini account as well. It is a good way to practice and examine your trading strategy's effectiveness, at a very low risk.

* Flexibility: One of the main principles of Forex trading is to have a risk management plan and to stick to it. With mini accounts, this is very easy to do. You can trade with many mini lots as opposed to one large lot, in which you risk a lot more money if your plan is not a good one.


In the case of mini accounts, there really is only one disadvantage. It is true that you risk less, but just like everything in life “no pain, no gain”. The potential for profit is much lower than in standard trading accounts. Mini accounts that trade $10,000 lots can only produce $1 per pip of movement, as opposed to $10 in a standard account.

Standard Trading Account

This type of Forex trading account is the most common. That is not why it is called the standard account. The name is derived from the fact that with this type of account, traders can make transactions of the standard lot, which in Forex is $100,000. Like you probably know by now, the ability to trade lots of $100,000 does not mean you need to invest that entire amount. Standard accounts generally come with leverage of 100:1. This means that you only need to invest a capital of $1,000 to trade using a standard acount.


* Potential for Gain: Since you are risking more money here, the potential for profit is also greater. With this type of account, each pip is worth $10, therefore, with a 100 pip gain, the trader can make a $1,000 gain. That is unprecedented in the Forex market with any other type of account.

* Perks in Service: As I am sure you can understand, when traders enroll in a standard trading account, the service they receive from the broker is different than when trading with a mini account. This of course is logical and is understood both from the trader's and the broker's perspective. These perks can include smaller spreads, as well as many other possible advantages.


* Potential for Loss: This is an obvious down side of standard trading accounts, but one that must be said. With the possibility of gaining a large profit in a short period of time exists the exact flip side of the coin. If the currency makes that same 100 pips movement, but in the other direction, you are out $1,000. For this exact reason, standard trading accounts are intended for experienced traders who can also afford to risk relatively large amounts of money.

* Large Capital Required: The minimal amount of capital required to open a standard account differs between brokers. Some require $2,000, while others require $5,000 and even $10,000, which makes this type of account a very exclusive trading account type.

Managed Trading Account

Managed trading accounts are exactly like they sound. Trading accounts in which the trader contributes the capital, but the management aspect is performed by a Forex professional and not by the trader. When opening a managed account, the trader specifies the goals for the account, and the account manager attempts to reach those goals. There are two primary types of managed accounts:

1. Pooled Funds: With this type of managed account, your money is put into a mutual fund with the capital of other investors and the profits or losses are then shared. These accounts are categorized according to risk tolerance. A trader looking to make more money in a shorter period of time, will choose a managed pool fund account with a higher risk/reward ratio, while a trader looking for a more steady income will do the opposite.

2. Individual Accounts: These are of course accounts that are managed on a more individual basis and not in a collective pool of funds.


* Professional Assistance: No matter how long you have been trading Forex, there are people that have been doing it for longer. It is always important to listen to other people's opinions on the market, especially when they are well known experts in the field. With managed accounts, you can generally count on the fact that your money is in the hands of an experienced Forex trader that will make educated decisions on what to do with your money and when.

* Freedom: Having your account managed by someone else leaves you the ability to gain from the Forex market without having to spend the time trading. You can spend your time doing whatever it is you do and rest assured that the experts managing your money will do everything in their power to help you see gains.


* Price: This type of account comes at a very high price. The luxury of profiting from the Forex market while spending virtually no time doing it, will set you back $2,000 for a pooled account and up to $10,000 for an individual account.

* Lack of Flexibility: It is true that if you choose to have your account managed by someone else, chances are you do not want to or know how to do it yourself. However, with this type of account, you have very little flexibility to get involved. If you do for whatever reason want to open a position you think is a smart one, you will have to count on the account manager to see that position and make the smart decision. Having your account managed leaves you very flexibility.

The Forex market is a very popular and up and coming market. Many factors contribute to that popularity, with the primary one being its potential for profit. However, it is always important to remind yourself that that very same potential presents a grave danger, that if not managed properly can devastate even the most experienced trader. The first step in managing your Forex trading is choosing the suitable type of account based on your existing capital and risk ability.

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the 10 Things to Consider when Choosing an Online Forex Broker

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There are so many things to think about before trading on the Forex market. It is the biggest market in the world, with the most potential for gain. However, with that comes the most potential for devastating loss as well.

Among the different issues you need to consider prior to jumping into the Forex market are personal goals, flexibility in capital, trading strategy, and many others. In this article, the focus is the different aspects to look at when choosing your broker.

The broker you choose can of course have a huge impact on the success of your trades. Here are some criteria to consider before choosing a Forex broker:

  1. Foundation: It is no surprise that the number of online Forex brokers is growing rapidly. For this reason exactly, you need to check and double check a brokerage before signing anything. Forex brokers do not stand alone; they are almost always associated with some large bank or lending institution. This is of course a result of one of the basics of the Forex market; high leverage. Most Forex brokers offer at least a 100:1 leverage, which usually means very large sums of money. It is therefore important to research who and what is backing the brokerage and how strong its foundations are, before deciding to trade with them.
  2. Legitimacy: Due to the growing number of Forex brokers mentioned above, it is also important to verify the legitimacy of a brokerage before signing any contracts. Every Forex broker must be registered with the Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It is important to check on the broker’s website for any additional financial information and statistics about the brokerage. If it is not there, check on the parent company’s site, and if you cannot locate this information, this should raise a red flag.
  3. Competitive Spreads: After determining the integrity of the Forex broker, now you need to evaluate the quality of their offering. Forex brokers make their money using spreads. A spread is the difference in pips between the buy and sell price of a currency. The difference in spreads between Forex brokers is comparable to the difference in commissions taken by stock market brokers. It is of utmost importance to find a broker with the smallest spreads, which will ensure maximum profit for the trader.
  4. Resources: In today’s Forex market, the average broker offers a wide variety of services. The actual trading is done using the broker’s trading platform, which must be tested and evaluated before deciding on a broker. It is important to ensure that the platform competes with the market standard of including real time charts, integrated technical analysis tools, live news and updated market data, and sometimes support for trading systems. Some brokers also offer technical and fundamental analysis as part of their service, as well as economic calendars, and other useful tools. Try to get the most out of your broker; it will make all the difference.
  5. Leverage Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of the Forex market is of course the leverage. In no other market can you make a $200,000 transaction with as little as $500 balance in your account. However, large leverage is not always the right choice for all traders. The higher the leverage, the greater the risk. So if you have limited capital, higher leverage will increase your opportunities, but if capital is not an issue, lower leverage is the way to go. The important think to verify is that the broker offers different options based on your trading needs.
  6. Account Types: Similar to leverage, the account type you choose very much depends on your trading needs. To read all about the different account types, click here. When choosing a Forex broker, it is important to make sure that they offer different types of trading accounts.
  7. Lenient Margin Rules: Since Forex trading offers you the unique opportunity to trade with someone else’s money (the leverage is a loan for all intents and purposes), you do not have complete control over your own transactions. Since the risk you are taking is with the funds that belong to the brokerage, your broker can determine just how much risk you are allowed to take. So if a brokerage has strict margin rules, you might encounter a sharp decline in one of your positions, and before it gets a chance to recover and make you some profits, your broker could have made a margin call, liquidating your account. This will result in great losses for you. It is important to ensure that the broker’s margin rules are not too strict.
  8. Demo Account: This might have been first on the list if it was in order of importance. Before risking your own money, it is absolutely crucial you trade with a demo account. There are people who will argue that a demo account is no indication of your success when trading real money, and they might be right. The platform might be more developed with real trades, and natural pressures might cause major differences in the results. However, demo accounts are the best option a trader has to test a trading strategy and evaluate how they are as a trader. It might not be perfect, but it is better than the alternative of jumping straight into the deep water.
  9. Emotionless Trading Features: One of the guiding principles in successful Forex trading is “Leave emotion out”. You need to trade in a cold and calculated way so as not to let your emotion get the best of you. This is done by setting yourself Stop-Loss and Take-Profit points in the broker’s trading platform and under no circumstances deviating from them. Most modern Forex brokers offer these features, just make sure your broker is one of them, and not stuck in the last century when it comes to Forex trading platforms.
  10. Accessibility: This is not something unique to Forex brokers or even the Forex market. Just like any other service or company, before you sign a contract with a Forex broker, test out their customer service and support. Are they accessible? If you have a problem whether it is technical or general, is there someone there whose sole job is to provide you with better service? If not, this should yell to you to stay away. When it comes to Forex brokers and their service, the difference between high and low quality customer support can cost you thousands of dollars and sometimes more. This must be examined well before signing up with a Forex broker.
The Forex retail market is always growing and understandably so. It has the greatest potential for profit out of any global market. However, don’t rush into it, check your broker against the above criteria, establish a trading strategy, examine the market using technical and fundamental analysis, and always remember “The trend is your friend”.

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The Potential for Gain and Loss in Forex Leverage Bookmark and Share

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The tremendous success and proliferation of the Forex market, and specifically the retail Forex market can be attributed to many factors. However, there is really one major advantage that the Forex market offers individual traders over other markets; leverage.

The leverage in the Forex market is the highest in the world. Traders can hypothetically trade with a 400:1 leverage, enabling them to trade $200,000 with a minimal capital of $500. This is of course a very attractive characteristic of the Forex market.

However, before one begins trading Forex with a high leverage, it is crucial to understand that as great as the potential is to gain by using leverage, the danger of loss is equally large. It is important to fully understand this point, so let's see an example to illustrate it.

If trader A has $100,000 capital and trader B has $1,000 capital, and they both open positions of $100,000, the result of a %1 drop in the currency is significantly different for the two traders. It is true that they are both out $1,000 but those $1,000 signify all of trader B's account and only 1% of trader A's account.

Trader A can continue to trade with the other $99,000 of capital, while trader B is out of capital and his account is closed. So, it is true that one can make an instant fortune by taking advantage of the high leverage the Forex market has to offer, but choose your leverage with great caution as it can easily become the downfall and end of your Forex trading if you do not trade wisely.

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The Psychological Factors of the Forex Market

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There are so many factors that influence a currency's worth from the economic, political, and even social status of the country at hand. As opposed to other global markets, the Forex market is so big, no one person can have any serious affect on the rise or decline of any currency.

However, the opposite is not true. Many different aspects of the Forex market can influence Forex traders and how and what they decide to trade. Before we get into the psychological factors that influence Forex traders, we should talk a little bit about the primary means by which traders decide what to trade.

Forex analysis is of utmost importance when deciding what position to open or close. Analysis is of course categorized into two types: Technical and Fundamental. Most Forex traders use technical analysis and view the same charts, which leads to many traders around the globe trading in the same way and thereby causing a trend.

Fundamental analysis, however, should not by any means be ignored. Current events such as terrorist acts, war, big political or financial announcements can also take a big toll on the direction in which the market moves.

Rumors vs. Real Developments
As we said, the world's current events must not be ignored when trading Forex, as it can affect the market as much as anything else. Many traders have a news website open aside their trading platform, so they stay on top of world events. However, when paying attention to world events, it is very important to differentiate between real accurate news and fabricated rumors reported on the various media channels.

Many financial institutions will deliberately release a news report about a financial development, with the intention of making the market move up or down, depending on a current position. Before acting on a piece of news, verify that it is in fact real, then after you established that it is, check again!

Intervention and the Resulting Fear
As we have said, since the Forex market is so big, no one person or institution can have a real impact on the price of currencies. However, temporary fluctuations have been known to occur as a result of intervention by one institution or another.

Just to site an example, In 2002 the Bank of Japan watched the USD depreciate at a rate they believed was too rapid. They worried about the effect this would have on the competitiveness of Japanese exports to the US. The Japanese government decided to get involved and buy large sums of USDs, sometimes reaching numbers as high as 10 billion at a time. The market did not sit by quietly when one of these orders were placed. The USD would jump up to 150 pips within a few minutes. The Japanese government employed this tactic more than once and at different prices every time.

Now here is where it gets interesting. It was not the 10 billion USDs that made the market jump, what is 10 billion in a market of 4 trillion? What caused this fluctuation was the fear or emotional reaction that traders had to any talk of intervention on the part of the Japanese government.

The first piece of advice any Forex expert will tell you is, when trading Forex, leave all emotion out of the equation.

Follow the Leader Mentality
Many traders make the error of following a lead and assuming that if so many people are doing it, it must be the right move. What they do not realize is that those “so many people” had the same thought just moments before. Now this can work to your advantage if you get in in the beginning of such a trend, but if you join late, it might work against you. So if you see such a trend, check the news and the technicals to see what might have caused such a thing and decide whether you want in.

To summarize, there is really no room for emotion or personal feelings when it comes to trading Forex. Make sure that as a trader, you stay completely objective and scientific or else you might see some very heavy losses. Now, the big question is how to control your personal emotions and keep them out of the trading “room”? The answer is a trading technique. Make one for yourself and stick to it, no matter what.

Observe the movements of the market both from a fundamental and technical standpoint and if something does not seem right to you, don't trade, it's as simple as that. The market is not going anywhere any time soon, come back in an hour and decide on a trade then. When trading, never trade against the trend, always remember “the trend is your friend”. If you experience a loss, do not try to overcompensate in your next trade, stick to the plan. It is all about control when trading Forex.

Take control of yourself, your emotions, and your Forex positions.

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The Common Misconceptions of a Forex Trader

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As attractive as the Forex market is to many people, the hard statistics show that the vast majority of Forex traders fail in the long run. That is not to say that there are not many traders that make a nice living from the Forex market, there are. However, if we can understand why so many people fail, maybe we ourselves can become a part of the minority that succeeds.

Here are some common mistakes made by Forex traders:

-The Search for the Magical Solution
A lot of people are attracted to the Forex market because it generates a lot of hype. The reason it generates so much hype, is because the potential for profitability is endless. However, the nature of hype is that it misses a few details along the way. Yes, you can make a lot of money from Forex trading, but not without working hard at it. There is no one magical indicator that once you figure it out, the dollars start pouring in. It is true that technical indicators can give you a hint of what is to follow in the market, but nothing, absolutely nothing is 100% in the Forex market. Like everything in life, best things come to those who wait. So learn the market, practice, read, and only then should you trade. Expect some loses and do not let them affect your future trading, and just keep at it. You will eventually see your bank account grow assuming you make educated decisions along the way.

-The Desire for Easy Money
Many people, in fact all people, after working a 9-5 job, are interested in a way to earn easy money. Since the Forex market has become such a buzz word over the last few years, people think this easy money will come via Forex trading. They could not be more wrong. It is true that Forex trading can be from the convenience of your own home, and you have the ability to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars at the click of a button. Yes, that part is easy. But then again, so is throwing your money into the wind. The trading itself might be easy, but making profits consistently is far from easy. It takes a lot of discipline, a broad education on the topic, and a tremendous amount of patience on the part of the trader.

-The Need for a Rush
There is no doubt that the ability to trade astronomical amounts of money can cause excitement and a rush for many traders. However, if that is the reason you entered the Forex market, you are in for a very big surprise. This might be the most expensive endeavor you ever tried to achieve a rush. It is true that the available leverage of the Forex market gives you endless options as a trader, but the danger it presents is just as great. In fact, excitement is not the only emotion that should not drive you in the world of Forex. All emotions should be left outside of the "Trading room".

-The Lack of Self Awareness
I have said this before and I will say it again. Forex trading can be an emotional and psychological roller coaster. So many emotions can be a part of your trading day and if you do not have enough control over them, can be detrimental to your Forex career. You need to be completely in tune with yourself and adjust your trading plan according to your personality. Just to explain with an example, do not become a trader that leaves positions open over night if you know about yourself that this will cause anxiety and fear. Trade with a plan that fits you and who you are.

-The Misconceptions about Education
Just like you would not purchase an expensive diamond without a basic knowledge of diamonds, so too, you should not invest your hard earned money in the Forex market without doing extensive research about the complicated world of Forex. Whether you are a believer in the philosophy of fundamental analysis or you believe the trend is your friend, in order to trade efficiently, you need to understand both technical and fundamental analysis. The education of a Forex trader never ends, you learn on every position you open. If someone things they can trade successfully without learning about the origins of the Forex market as well as its inner workings, they are very wrong, and will eventually learn it the hard way.

Just to summarize, Forex is a discipline like any other. I don't think anyone would stand before a judge or operate on a patient (ignoring for a second the legal issues) without having gone to medical or law school. The same applies for Forex. Learn as much as you can before risking your money. That is not the only thing Forex has in common with other fields. Just like a good lawyer or doctor is always improving their skills with time, so too the Forex trader. Train yourself to become the ultimate trader by implementing the above points, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results you will see from the Forex market.

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7 Reasons to Trade Forex

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Here are a few suggestions to answer that question:
Size: Let's start with the most obvious. The size of the Forex market is unprecedented and unmatched by any other global market. The astronomic number of anywhere between 2 and 5 trillion dollars is what is estimated to be traded daily in the Forex market. This characteristic of the Forex market is what probably causes the initial attraction to new traders. What keeps them interested are the following 6 features.
Accessibility: The Forex market, as opposed to any other market, is open around the clock. No need to wait for this institution or the other to open. You can trade currencies from the comfort of your own at any time during the day, something that makes Forex trading a simple and basic task for the retail trader. This is of course magnified by the internet and the constant access tothe worldwide web from anywhere on the globe. Equality: This is a direct result of its size. As opposed to other markets, the Forex market is so huge, it cannot be effected by one individual person or institution. So, the retail trader, for all intents and purposes, is on the same "level" as the largest bank when it comes to Forex trading. The Forex market cannot be manipulated.Leverage: Here is a tricky one. The Forex market has a very unique characteristic in terms of what it offers the simple trader. You do not need huge amounts of money to be able to trade huge amounts of currency. Almost all Forex brokers today offer a minimum of 100:1 leverage on your investment. The reason this is tricky is this can also be a huge down side of the Forex market. The opportunity to gain using leverage is equal to the risk of loss. Volatility: The Forex market rarely stands still. Not only is it always moving, it is making large movements. Large volume transactions and high liquidity combined with fewer trading instruments generate greater intra-day volatility in the currency market that can be exploited by day-traders. Volatility for the most liquid stocks are between 60 to 100. Volatility for currency trading is approximately 500, another very attractive feature for anyone who wants to make quick and easy profits. Profitability: Besides the obvious potential for profit in Forex trading, there is also another element that is exclusive to Forex. You can profit no matter which direction the market is going. As opposed to the stock market, in which you can only profit when your stock's worth goes up, in Forex there is a lot of money to be made even when your currency is going down. The Forex market is a two way market, you are always working with pairs, so if one currency is decreasing, that simply means another is increasing. There is always the possibility to profit in the world of Forex.
Transparency: This is always an advantage when considering an investment. Are you faced with the danger of being surprised by this event or another that will have an effect on the market and its movements? With the Forex market, what you see is what you get. Analyze the news, read the charts, there are no surprises. If you know what you are doing, you can predict the direction of the market, with relatively high percentage accuracy.

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Make A Recession Proof Forex Investment

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There are many different outlooks on trading Forex, some will swear by fundamental analysis, while others will deem it pointless and tell you to focus all your energy on reading technical charts. Some experts will tell you to take advantage of the leverage you are given in the Forex market, while others will tell you to stay far away, as the higher the leverage, the greater the risk. Here are some universal pieces of advice for the Forex trader. They can all be summed up by one crucial principle, objectivity.

You do not have to follow each one of these rules to the letter of the law, but rather take them as an indication of the type of philosophy you have toward Forex trading. Some of these might not be right for all traders, but they are general tips, which are meant to lead you down the path of success.

1. Preliminary Self Knowledge: This pretty much applies to any endeavor you take upon yourself in life, especially one that comes with such high risk. Before you trade even one pip on the Forex market, it is imperative that you know yourself. What does this mean? There are endless methods of trading, so before you begin this journey, choose your method. However, do not choose it randomly. Define your short and long term goals, determine how you intend on reaching those goals, and decide on your trading method based on your personality.

Each trading method has its advantages and disadvantages, and its own risk profile, so when choosing one, choose it based on the kind of person you are. For example, only you can know if you are capable of going to sleep with open Forex positions with the hope that they will bring you profits in the long term. If you are not this type of person, it will lead to a raise in your anxiety levels which will inevitably lead to future failures.

2. Compatible Forex Broker: Once you determined the type of Forex trading that suits you, you need to find the Forex broker that suits your method. Do not rush into this. This might be one of the biggest decisions you will make when it comes to trading Forex. You can be sure the Forex broker you choose will have the biggest effect on your success or failure as a Forex trader. Choose a broker as if you are choosing a car. No one just goes into the first car dealership and buys the first car they see. You need to read up on the various brokers, each one's advantages and disadvantages. You need to do an extensive comparison of the large number of available brokers.

Once you have narrowed down your selection to a few brokers, you should compare their platforms based on the method you chose in step 1. If you believe you are more of a short term trader for example, make sure the broker you choose offers comprehensive tools to support this method as part of their platform. Make sure the broker you choose meets your every need from their customer service all the way to their headquarters location.

3. Methodology Selection and Application: As we mentioned above, there are two primary schools of thought when it comes to analyzing the market and predicting future trends. The technical analysis school of thought is based on the famous sentence “The trend is your friend”. They basic assumption is that the market has some sort of consistency and logic in its movements. If it moved in this direction today, there is no reason it wont move the same direction tomorrow. There are various types of charts to help you analyze the market and its trends, as well as indicators, and levels.

Then there is the fundamental school of thought that what really gets the market moving is the news of a specific country. This method will tell you to focus less on what was yesterday in the charts and more on what was yesterday on the news. Like many things in life, neither method is perfect, and a good trader makes use of both. However, before trading, you must decide which methodology is going to be your primary one, and be consistent with it. If you think fundamentals play a bigger role than trends, focus your preparation and analysis watching the news and not analyzing the charts. Consistency is the name of the game.

4. Chart Synchronization: Irrelevant of the methodology you choose in step 3, you will spend a significant percentage of your time looking at charts of the Forex market. As we explained, there are many different types of charts, however, most of them are simply showing you the same thing with a different visual effect.

Having said that, there are some charts that are very different and must be viewed accordingly. You must pay close attention to the time frame of the chart you are using. If for example, you are viewing a weekly chart and based on your analysis, it is showing you a great buy opportunity, make sure to open a chart with a lower time frame, such as daily or hourly, and make sure they are telling you the same thing. If not, sit back and wait till all your charts are in sync with each other. A solid rule to guide you is to use a longer time frame for direction analysis (where the market is going) and a shorter time frame to decide entry or exit into the market.

5. Expectancy Calculation: Until now, we were discussing choosing an effective trading method and taking precautions before trading. But, when and how do you know if you made the right decisions? For this, you need to calculate your gains and losses from time to time. You should go back into your trading history and count the number of winning trades vs. losing trades. Once you have done this, calculate the amount traded in all your winning trades vs your losing ones. A good number of trades to analyze is your last 10. If, however, you are still learning and have not actually traded yet, you can do this calculation as well. Simply go back and look at all the instances in which your system indicated to you that now would be a good time to open a position. Then check if you would have profited or lost from that transaction. Do this for 10 instances and WRITE IT ALL DOWN! This is a good indication of whether you are on the right track or not.

6. Money Management: This might seem obvious to some, but it is not as simple as it seems. It is all about your philosophy and the way you view the money with which you are trading. A good idea is to think of your Forex trading money as vacation money. You are using this money to trade and there is a good chance it will be gone tomorrow, but at least you came away with something; important and useful experience. However, this comparison is only good for this specific area, it should not fool you: Forex trading is no vacation! Thinking of it as such will enable you to psychologically accept small losses, which will in turn assist you in becoming a better trader.

Another useful tip when it comes to money management is knowing how to use the leverage you are offered. Many experts will warn you not to use more than 2% leverage on your account. So if for example, you have $10,000 equity, you should never risk more than $200 on any one specific trade. We have said this many times and it is important to understand that as great as the potential for gain using leverage, so is the danger of devastating loss in the Forex market.

7. Confidence Build Up : By following your defined trading methods, you not only become a more trained Forex trader, you also build your confidence, which is of course the basis to succeeding in this market. This is obviously true when you have a successful trade as a result of your trading method, but it also applies to a trade that eventually leads to a small loss. No matter what happens, it is important to stick with your decisions. Do not let emotions get in the way, try to stay objective and calculated when trading Forex. This will in turn make you a more professional trader, which will of course lead to your success.

8. Weekend Homework: If you have not noticed by now, many basic rules of life apply to Forex trading and this is one of them. Anything you want to accomplish in life and in Forex trading requires preparation. Over the weekends, when the markets are closed, it is crucial to do your analysis. Read the news, watch the movements of the past week, and make important decisions about the upcoming week. This is a highly effective method for a lot of reasons, but the main one being that over the weekend, you can work with the luxury of objectivity. There is no pressure of the markets, no need to make quick decisions, take your time, sit back and make educated decisions about how and when to trade.

As important as this is, it is not as important as sticking to it. If you decided to go in to the market at a certain point, wait for that point. Do not jump the gun because of anxiety, if the market does not reach your point, practice self control and restraint Wait patiently, your time will come and if it doesn't, you did not lose anything, there will always be another. Your main objective here is to try to stay as scientific and empirical as possible.

9. Record Everything: This might seem silly to some, but this really might be the one tip that will differentiate a successful trader from one that is not. Nobody, no matter how sophisticated they think they are is completely objective when it comes to their own money. The best way to stay objective is to write everything down.

When deciding whether to open a position, make a chart with the reasons leading you to believe it is a good trade. This includes technical indicators as well as fundamentals. Then make the same chart listing the reasons NOT to open this position. Include your entry and exit points if you do decide to trade this position and make yourself notes about the trade. This might include your emotions about the trade, your anxiety, as well as your level of optimism. Specify if you were too greedy when closing the trade, and always refer back to this document when trading. By doing this, you are ultimately objectifying your trades, which will quickly grant you the ability, mental control, and discipline to execute trades based on your system and not your habits.

With all its charts, numbers, and rations, Forex trading is an art. As with all artistic endeavors, talent is important but not nearly as important as practice and discipline. The above tips will help you become a more structured and refined Forex trader , which will eventually lead you to become a more successful trader as well. The stricter you are at sticking to these rules, the faster you will see success.

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Make A Recession Proof Forex Investment

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Due to the ongoing recession, people have become very cautious as far as their investments are concerned. Majority of the people are shedding the frills and fancies from their daily needs in order to save some cash. And even if people have some cash at their disposal, choosing the right investment vehicle has become growingly important.

Forex has always been an investor’s favorite due to the numerous benefits it offers. Forex trading depends solely on your ability to take on risks, your experience level in forex trading, as well as your investment objectives. Income from Forex trading has supported many American households as the proceeds act as passive income.

During the recession when companies are heavily downsizing their workforce as a cost cutting technique, Forex trading can help you with a regular source of income.

The main advantage of forex trading is that it cannot be monopolized by a single country, industry or government.

The following factors give an edge to forex trading over other forms of trading:

• The forex market is one of the largest and most diverse of all markets in the world. As such, it is less influenced by the political as well as economic factors of a particular country.

• At any point of time, one Forex center remains open for business. So, your chances of earning profits are open round the clock.

• Forex trading can be started with a very small amount of cash.

• Currencies can be traded in the FX market irrespective of the prevailing condition of the market. It allows you to make profit even when the market is bearish or bullish.

• Since the forex market is very liquid, the tools for technical analysis are effective and give better results as compared to any other financial markets.

• Since the currencies are traded in pairs, if the value of one currency drops, the other is bound to have a higher value. So, you can expect to earn more profits.

Since online forex trading facilities are also available, you can trade from the comfort of your home or office. If you have lost your job due to the recession and downsizing and you know the tricks of forex trading, it can save your household from dwindling financially. It will at least help you to meet the basic needs of your household.

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The Role of Stop Loss Orders in Forex Trading

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It is surprising that many traders don’t make use of stop loss orders in Forex trading in spite of knowing the benefits of using this feature. More experienced traders know the importance of using stop loss orders in Forex trading. The main objective of using stop loss order is that it prevents you from losing your hard earned cash. When you place a stop loss order, you are also required to set up an exit point so that trading stops when a specific value is reached. The main role of stop loss order is what the name indicates. To stop loss! It reduces the risk associated with trading currencies.
You can also cancel your order by placing an OCO or Order Cancel Order when the limit order has been attained.

Why do Forex traders ignore stop loss orders?
One of the main reasons for not using stop loss order is that if a trade is going against you, you tend to wait for the market to revert back so that it works in your favor again, so you wait for the positive changes to take place in the FX market. However, if you are using a stop loss order, the moment a limit order is reached, you are “off the trading floor” and you don’t stay in the arena to see if the trade was in your favor again or not. A stop loss order doesn’t let you take the risk. So, it may limit your profits at times. You may regret using a stop loss order at times but in the long run you are benefited. A small loss may take larger proportions so “prevention is always better then cure”.

How does stop loss order work in Forex trading?
If you are buying the currency pair EUR/USD at 1.47739 and you want that the position should automatically close when it is moving 100 pips against you, a stop loss order is set at 1.46739. In case you are short, the stop loss order is placed above the existing or the current price, 1.48739. In a nut shell, using a stop loss order may limit your profitability but it doesn’t allow loss to assume a larger proportion.

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The Role of The Elliot Wave Theory in Forex Trading Bookmark and Share

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The foreign exchange market or commonly referred to as the Forex market, is the largest financial market in the world. The trading volume far exceeds the trading volume of many stock exchanges combined. The FX market is traded OTC or “Over-the-counter”. In FX trading, currencies are usually traded in pairs. Trading in the FX market yields good profits and the market is known for its liquidity. The chances of earning profits are usually high. This is because if the value of one currency drops, the other is bound to increase.

Earnings from the FX market have saved many households during the recession and it has served as a passive source of income for many households in the United States. However, in order to earn profits, you need to have a clear understanding of how the Forex market works. If you can predict the movement of the market, there is nothing that can stop you from mastering the art of predicting changes.

The Elliot Wave theory plays an important role in determining the movement of the market and its trends. The theory was developed by Ralph Nelson Elliot during the 1920s for predicting movement as well as trends in the FX market. This theory applies the principle of fractal mathematics in determining the FX market movement.

According to the Elliot Wave theory, the Forex market moves in series that consist of 5 upward swings and 3 swings back down. This is usually repeated without interruption. It appears to be simple but the main factor that decides the fate of a Forex trader is the timing. There is no particular time for an upward or a downward swing to take place. This makes it very tricky.

According to fractal mathematics, there are several waves within a wave and so forth. It is important that the crests and the curves are interpreted in an appropriate manner.

The Elliot Wave theory at a glance

The standard law that is applied to study the behavior of a crowd is the same as the law that is applied in physics, which says “Every action has equal and opposite reaction”. In the case of the Elliot Wave theory, it is “Every action is followed by a reaction”.

• There are basically 5 swings upward that move in one direction. This is usually followed by 3 “corrective waves” that move back (to the starting point).

• The 5-3 series of movement is one complete cycle. However, there is more to it. The waves are in turn made up of several other waves and those are again made up of many other waves.

• Although the pattern of the 5-3 series remains constant, what differs is the time. It is difficult to predict the time when the 5 upward as well as 3 back swings will take place.

• You are a successful trader if you are able to find out the starting point of the wave and anticipate the time when the 5-3 complete series will take place.

The importance of observing and studying the wave pattern is important as it will help you to take the correct decision when you are trading currencies in the FX market. By studying the direction of the waves, you can predict the movement of the market. This can help you in making important decisions about your investment.

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The Fundamental Principles of Forex Auto Trading

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With the growing popularity of Forex trading, a new trend of Auto traders is gaining momentum. There are many individuals, especially in today's shaky economy, who are looking to the Forex market for a safe investment. The problem with a lot of these people is that they have no experience in trading Forex, nor are they interested in spending days and weeks studying it. As a result, they turn to auto trading systems.

A lot of these auto traders turn out to be a scam, but there are some that are very legitimate and can make a beginner trader some very serious money. We decided to review the AvaFX Auto Trader and see if it really delivers positive trading results. In this article, we will describe the process of registering for Ava FX Auto Trader, as well as some very important initial tips on how to get the most out of auto traders in general. You can also read our full review of AvaFX Auto Trader.

We are not going to tell you which trading strategy to choose but all of the information in this post as well as the following articles is based on our choice of trading with a “solid” trading strategy and taking minimal risks. The first thing you need to do before trading with an auto trader is decide what kind of trader you are. In fact, this is something you should do even if you are trading Forex the “old fashioned” way. Are you a trader who is willing to take risks with the chance of making a huge profit in one position? Alternatively, are you interested in making smaller profits while taking much smaller risks? These are some questions you need to ask yourself before even opening up an auto trading system. Every decision you are going to make from here on in will be based on this initial decision.

After you determined who you are as a trader, there are two very crucial points you need to understand before trading. The first point is that Auto Traders are composed of what is known as systems. These systems are programmed and distributed by individuals. They are for all intents and purposes the same thing as strategies. You need to decide based on your initial decision of what kind of trader you are, what kind of strategy you would like to accompany your trades. For example, in our case, we decided to trade with a “Solid” technique, so we were looking to make smaller profits while taking minimal risks. In our case therefore, we defined that our system would be one that has not lost more than a certain number of pips in one trade. It would have to display a graph that when looking at its progress over a defined period of time is moving upwards in a stable manner. Again, this is based on your decision of what kind of trader you want to be.

Another important factor you need to understand before auto trading, is that you are not going to be trading Forex, but rather letting the auto trader trade for you. What you need to do is simply apply basic statistics and filter out the systems that do not match your personal trading style. You do not choose pairs when auto trading, you choose systems. Whatever system matches your needs should be selected and a trade opened based on that system. The pair that is supported by the system you chose will be the pair that you trade. You do not choose pairs, you choose systems. This is of course assuming you do not want to choose a system based on its pair, maybe one would do this if they do not have faith in one currency or another.

Once you understood and implemented the above fundamental principles of auto trading, you need to begin the actual process. The first step is choosing your systems. You do this by defining the basic parameters for choosing a system and applying a filter to the entire list of available systems. This should include the system's maximum drawdown in one position, number of months since the system became profitable, and the number of trades with a minimum of 30 (less than 30 is not enough statistical information in order to accurately analyze the information). It is important to remember that these are the basic filters, but to achieve the best results, you should apply the more complex statistical checks as well.

At this point, you need to compare between the results of your previous filter. One of the primary factors by which you should compare is percentage of profitable positions. So, if for example, a certain system has a 30% profit rate, meaning it produces a loss in 70% of its trades, this is generally not a system you want to choose. That is of course unless the other systems have even worse ratios.

Once you determined which one of the systems left in your list has the highest ratio of profitable positions, you should check how many positions this system can open simultaneously. If for example, this system can open 4 positions at the same time, you have four times the exposure of a system that only opens one.

Once you have narrowed down the relevant systems for your trading needs, you need to examine them one by one. The first step is a detailed examination of this system's chart. You can view the direction of the chart in a defined period of time. This is of utmost importance because if you chose to be a “solid” trader like we have, you do not want a system for which the chart displays extreme movements. You want to ensure that the chart is always moving upwards and in small increments.

After you view the system's chart, you could go into the screen displaying detailed information about every position opened using this system. You can see all the details about its past and present transactions. How long were they open, the date on which the position was opened or closed, and other very useful information on how this system trades. Here you will have to apply some common sense based on your personal preferences.

Once you have completed the selection process and have decided on the system that matches your needs, there are two things you need to remember. The first is, just like in regular Forex trading, once you choose a system, stick to it. Do not let emotion take over, let the system do the trading for you. Having said that, define a period of time after which you perform the above filters again. Just because a certain system matched your criteria this week or this month, does not mean it will next month as well. Alternatively, just because a certain system did NOT meet your requirements this time around, does not mean it won’t next time.

Perform this filter once every week or month depending on your own personal configuration. This is the second article in the Auto Trading series. The next article will include concrete examples as well as screen captures of our personal experience with the auto trader we used.

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First 5 Steps to Take Before Trading Forex

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The foreign exchange (Forex) market is the biggest market in the world. Depending who you ask, there is anywhere between 2 and 4 trillion dollars traded daily in the Forex market. Not only is it the biggest, it is also the safest market due to its size and accessibility. What that means is that you, a small retail trader, can have as much or as little of an effect on the market’s currencies as the biggest bank. No one factor, person, or institution can really determine what the dollar will do today.

The fact that we are now in a recession and the world’s economy is in the worst shape it has been in years, just makes the Forex market more attractive. If one currency is losing its value, that just means another is gaining, your job is to make sure you are on the “correct” side of that equation. The Forex market has so much to offer anyone who is looking for a supplementary income or a new primary income for that matter.

Having said all that, the Forex market can also be quite intimidating to the inexperienced trader. Where does one start? What are the first steps one takes before jumping into the deep water of Forex? Perhaps there is nothing to do besides jump in and hold your breath! The following list should answer those questions and give a comprehensive list of all the steps one must take before trading even a single penny in the Forex market.

1: Read, Read, Read: It does not matter what kind of trader you are or intend on becoming, you need to do your homework. You need to read up on the history of Forex, which might seem unimportant and irrelevant to your trades, but it is not. Just like you would read up about the history of a stock you are looking to buy, you should understand all about the Forex market and its foundations.

Read about the different philosophies of Forex experts. How do they analyze the market? Understand the difference between the technical and fundamental schools of thought. Research the primary differences between the various types of brokers, namely market makers and ECNs. Determine which one is right for you.

Read about the fundamentals of trading Forex, what are the big mistakes most new traders make, understand the tips given by the experts, and implement them. In today’s world, this task is a lot easier than it was 10 years ago. Any resource you need to better understand the Forex market is available to you online. Take advantage of this and absorb as much information as you can before starting.

2: Play “Trader”: You have read for tens of hours and are now dreaming in words like leverage, spreads, pips, and Fibonacci, now what? Now, you need to choose a select number of brokers, it does not matter if these are the brokers you intend on trading real money with, and open up demo accounts. Download their trading platform, and start playing pretend. Open up positions, close them, and analyze the results. You cannot do this for enough time. Trade on demo accounts for as long as you can, until you see steady profitable results, and feel completely confident that you are ready to trade.

It is important to keep in mind that many brokers offer demo accounts in order to pull you in and get you trading, so their demo accounts are faster and more responsive than the actual trading platform. Just because you succeeded when trading a demo account, does not necessarily mean you will see the same results when trading real money. On the contrary, every trader loses some and wins some, you just need to learn from mistakes, and make sure the “some” you win are more than the “some” you lose.

3: Read More: Once you know that you have reached the stage to begin investing money, you need to do some more reading. This time it is a different type of reading. You might find this reading easier as it is sure to present clear consequences. Now is the stage that you choose how you will trade. Are you the type of person who feels anxiety when there is a lot of money on the line? Alternatively, do you know about yourself that your strength is your ability to “keep a cool”?

Read all about the different trading options available to you. You can use an auto trading system if you do not trust yourself to control your emotions and keep them out of the trading. You can go the traditional route and choose one of the many Forex brokers who offer various types of highly advanced trading platforms. No matter what you decide, you need to read. Read reviews of brokers, read techniques of auto trading, read user forums in which traders discuss their experiences with various brokers, and most importantly, visit the brokers’ websites and see whether it speaks to you.

4: Jump In: Congratulations on reaching this stage, but here is where you need to proceed with the utmost precaution. You did your research, you traded with a demo, and you decided on a broker. Now, you need to obviously become acquainted with the trading environment offered by your broker. Is their platform downloadable or is it Web based? Become familiar with the different screens of the platform and how each one helps you in your trading. Pay close attention to the integrated charts, trading history, and the actual trading screen.

It is recommended to also have another screen open with your favorite financial news website. You do not want to trade without knowing of the latest events and developments in the world’s financial markets. In the beginning, make sure not to be lured in by the flashing screens offering you to trade with high leverage. It is tempting to trade hundreds of thousands of dollars, but remember, the greater the leverage, the higher the risk. Trade small.

Once you are making consistent profits in your small positions, increase them gradually. Take baby steps, and whatever you do, do not invest all your money in one trade.

5: Perform a Weekend Summary: So you traded for an entire week. Now, step back, and analyze your trades. Use the history tool in the platform in which you traded, and try to determine how your losses could have been prevented or minimized. Did you stick to the plan? Did you let your emotion get the best of you? Look at the different trades you did not open during that week, and determine whether you made the right decision. It is important to remember that a week is an insufficient time slot in order to really reach any conclusions about your trading habits. However, it is enough time to write down some initial impressions of your trading experiences and learn from them in the following week.

Pay attention to the level of importance you attributed to the charts and technical analysis during your week as opposed to the fundamentals. It is important to ensure that you use both these tools. The most important factor is to objectively and scientifically analyze your trading activity by looking at the numbers and recording them. You might even want to ask a friend to assist you in this process, so as to leave out any emotional involvement.

These are just some initial steps to be taken by any individual before embarking in trading currencies. There are many more Forex tips and recommendations given by market experts, but if you follow these tips, you should be seeing steady profits from your trades. These profits might be small but they will eventually increase as time goes on and you become a more experienced and confident trader.

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Forex Trading Analysis: Does it Really Work and How?

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When it comes to Forex trading, the million dollar question occupying all traders across the globe is how to best predict future movements of the market. Now, before we proceed, it is very important and crucial to emphasize the point that there really is no one way that can predict what will happen in the market with 100% certainty and accuracy. Having said that, there are various ways to analyze the Forex market and draw conclusions about the different currencies, both in the short and long term periods.

The two primary methods are what are known as technical and fundamental analysis. Just as there is no one method to predict what will transpire in the market, so too there is no absolute answer to the question which is better, technical or fundamental analysis. Many experts, who base their trading on technical analysis of the market, might tell you it is the ultimate method, and vice versa. So how do you determine what is right for you?

Before we discuss the ins and outs of the technical and fundamental schools of thought, it is important to understand one point. The best option is obviously to try and incorporate both types of analysis in your day to day trading. If you could take the best of both worlds and implement the principles properly, you are going to see the best results. However, most traders cannot focus equally on technical and fundamental analysis, so they do need to eventually choose which will be their primary method of market analysis.

“Forex fundamental analysis is a method of forecasting the future price movements of a financial instrument based on economic, political, environmental, and other relevant factors, as well as statistics that will affect the basic supply and demand of whatever underlies the financial instrument.”

Fundamental analysis is a more traditional tool than its competition, it has always been around, it was just referred to differently. Fundamental analysis means exactly as it sounds. You draw your market conclusions based on the fundamental principles driving the currencies. This can include the political developments of the country at hand. It will almost always include the economic happenings, and might even include environmental factors.

Fundamental analysis is based on the premise that where one currency or another will go is not random, and if we know the “action”, we are sure to be able to predict the “reaction”. Fundamental analysts will therefore trade with their eyes glued to the news, and will pay much less attention to what their currency did in the past. They will identify and quantify factors that determine the intrinsic value of a currency based on its supply and demand. If the supply is on the decrease and the demand increasing or staying the same, the value of the currency will obviously rise, and vice versa.

To just give a more concrete example, a Forex fundamental analyst will study the level of supply and demand of a given country’s currency, as well as its export and import numbers, its government stability and popularity, as well as the countries economic indicators. Based on all those factors and more, the analyst will draw certain conclusions about the strength of that currency and whether it is a wise investment for the average trader.

This is obviously a very thorough way of analyzing the market and is sure to see accurate results. The big question is, can everyone be a professional fundamental analyst or does it require vast knowledge in numerous complex issues?


  1. Thorough and comprehensive
  2. Relatively simple to decipher the relevant information
  1. Endless information to analyze
  2. Difficulty in measuring the relationships among the variables, how much attention should be paid to the political arena, as opposed to the economic or environmental?

“Forex technical analysis is a method of predicting price movements and future market trends by studying charts of past market action, which take into account price of instruments, volume of trading, and, where applicable, open interest in the instruments.”

Technical analysis is a much more scientific and objective method of analyzing the market. Before we get into the details of technical analysis, we should say that the basic and most elementary principle upon which all technical analysis is based is the sentence “The trend is your friend”.

Technical analysts do not dispute that there are forces that drive the Forex market, they just add another factor that fundamental analysts do not hold by. Technical analysis is based on the concept that what was yesterday paints a clear picture of what will be tomorrow. Technical analysts will not have the news open while they trade, instead, they will pay close attention to the daily, weekly, and monthly charts. If there is a pattern to be found in the charts, technical analysts will find it.

Technical analysis has the advantage of focusing on one or two charts and analyzing them, whereas fundamental analysts have to consume and analyze tremendous amounts of complicated data, and there is no indication what types of information are more important than others.

When it comes to technical analysis, there are 3 underlying principles:
  1. Although many factors affect the market and its currencies, including politics and economics, when it comes to technical analysis, the driving forces are irrelevant. What is important are the movements of the currencies themselves and not the reasons behind them.
  2. As I stated above, technical analysts will claim that if you look long and hard enough at the charts, you will notice a trend, or a certain pattern. Follow that trend, and you will come out on top.
  3. Trends are based on human psychology of how people trade the market, and will therefore continue.
To simplify the concept of technical analysis, we will say that it involves the gathering of historical data (there is over 100 years of recorded data in the Forex market), inputting it into a computer, which then searches the data for a pattern, later displaying it in graphical format.

OK, so we have concluded that technical analysis is a more focused and defined method of analyzing the market, but that does not answer the question, is it a more accurate method?

  1. Enables you to focus on one topic or chart and not analyze tremendous amounts of complicated data.
  2. Clear definitions of what information is the most crucial.
  3. Most trading platforms have built in technical analysis tools.
  1. Technical analysis completely ignores the driving force behind the currencies.
  2. The information is sometimes presented in a highly technical (hence the name) fashion making it hard to comprehend.
There is no one answer to the questions we have posed, but in order to cover your tracks, it is recommended to trade the Forex market making use of both methods, which each, as we have seen, have their own advantages and disadvantages.
by daily forex

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