
Congress Gets on Board for TARP: Are Tax Cuts Next?

Fingers are being crossed for economic stimulus
The economy is The News lately. Especially the U.S. economy. And yesterday Congress voted to release the last half of the TARP funds approved for economic stimulus last year. Now, Congress is turning its attention to the economic stimulus plan suggested in part by Barack Obama.

The economic stimulus bill includes funding for:

  • Infrastructure.
  • Tax cuts.
  • Schools.
  • State governments.
  • Health care.
  • Technology.
  • Unemployment.
  • Alternative energy development.

It remains to be seen whether this bill is passed, and whether or not it truly does stimulate the economy.

For now, though, the economic troubles plaguing the U.S. are not causing trouble for the U.S. dollar.

Quite the opposite; with the global economy in ruins, the U.S. dollar is the safe haven currency of choice.

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