
الدولار الأمريكي ينتظر بيانات التوظيف الأسبوعية اليوم.

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الدولار الأمريكي ينتظر بيانات التوظيف الأسبوعية اليوم.

من المنتظر اليوم صدور بيانات حول بيانات طلبات إعانة البطالة الأسبوعية الأمريكية، وهو التقرير الذي في الغالب يؤدي إلى ارتفاع معدلات الذبذبة في العملات المقابلة للدولار الأمريكي، لذلك فإنه من الممكن أن يجد المتداولون فرص للمتاجرة اليوم في السوق الساعة 12:30 بتوقيت جرينتش موعد إصدار التقرير.

التحليل الاقتصادي
الدولار الامريكي USD - استمرار ارتفاع الدولار الأمريكي مقابل العملات الأخرى.

سجل الدولار الأمريكي ارتفاعا مقابل اليورو خلال تعاملات يوم الأربعاء مع عودة القلق بشأن الأزمة اليونانية مرة أخرى، الأمر الذي دعا المتعاملين في السوق نحو الاتجاه إلى العملات ذات المخاطر المنخفضة مثل الدولار الأمريكي مقابل العملات الأخرى، الأمر الذي أدى إلى انخفاض اليورو مقابل الدولار الأمريكي بمعدل 60 نقطة إلى 1.3340.

من ناحية أخرى فقد سجلت الأسهم الأمريكية انخفاضا خلال تعاملات يوم أمس الأمر الذي ساهم في دعم الدولار الأمريكي أيضا، مما يعكس اتجاه المتعاملين في السوق نحو الأصول منخفضة المخاطر، ومن المنتظر اليوم صدور بيانات حول طلبات إعانة البطالة الأمريكية الأسبوعية والتي من شأنها أن تؤثر على تعاملات الدولار الأمريكي خلال اليوم.
وفي حالة صدور نتائج إيجابية فإن ذلك سوف يؤدي إلى ارتفاع الدولار الأمريكي مقابل العملات الأخرى، ولكن في حالة صدور العكس فإن التأثير سوف يكون سلبيا على الدولار الأمريكي، وبشكل عام في أي حالة من الحالات فإن المتعاملين غير واثقين من تأثير التقرير على السوق، لذلك فإنه في حالة صدور قراءة سلبية مع غموض مستقبل الاقتصاد العالمي وسط الأزمة الأوروبية فإن ذلك قد يؤدي إلى ارتفاع أذون الخزانة التي بدورها سوف تؤدي إلى دعم الدولار الأمريكي مرة أخرى.
اليورو EUR - اليورو يفقد قوة الحركة الخاصة به قبل صدور قرارات البنك المركزي بشأن أسعار الفوائد اليوم.

انخفض اليورو خلال تعاملات يوم أمس مقابل الدولار الأمريكي مع عودة القلق بشأن الأزمة اليونانية مرة أخرى، الأمر الذي أدى إلى اتساع الفارق بين العوائد على السندات اليونانية والألمانية الحكومية لأعلى المعدلات منذ عام 1999 عندما تم العمل بعملة اليورو، ليتم التعامل على اليورو خلال تعاملات يوم أمس عند مستويات 1.3340 مقابل الدولار الأمريكي و0.8750 مقابل الباوند.
من ناحية أخرى فإن التوترات والقلق بشأن الأزمة اليونانية أدى إلى انخفاض اليورو حوالي 9% من بعد أن وصل لأعلى مستوياته في شهر يناير الماضي عند 1.4580، ويأتي ذلك بعد انخفاض مستويات الثقة الخاصة بالمستثمرين بشأن الأزمة اليونانية الفترة الماضية.

ومن المنتظر اليوم صدور بيانات هامة من منطقة اليورو، حيث من المنتظر صدور بيانات حول معدلات الإنتاج الصناعي بالإضافة إلى قرارات أسعار الفوائد الساعة 10:00 بتوقيت جرينتش و11.45 بتوقيت جرينتش على الترتيب، ومما لا شك فيه فإن المتعاملين سوف يتابعون التطورات الاقتصادية الأوروبية من خلال تلك البيانات اليوم، وبصورة عامة فإنه يجب أيضا على المتعاملين متابعة المؤتمر الصحفي التابع للاجتماع الخاص بالبنك المركزي الأمر الذي من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى ارتفاع معدلات الذبذبة الخاصة باليورو مقابل العملات الأخرى.
الين الياباني JPY - ارتفاع الين الياباني بصورة كبيرة مقابل اليورو خلال تعاملات يوم أمس.

سجل الين الياباني ارتفاعا مقابل العملات الأخرى خلال تعاملات يوم أمس وخاصة اليورو، مؤيدا النظرة التي تشير إلى اتجاه المتعاملين نحو العملات الأكثر أمانا، وكان قد سجل اليورو انخفاضا مقابل الين الياباني خلال تعاملات يوم الأربعاء إلى مستويات قريبة من 124.60 وكان قد سجل الين الياباني أيضا ارتفاعا مقابل الدولار الأمريكي إلى مستويات 93.40.
من ناحية أخرى فإن الارتفاع الخير في الين الياباني في حالة استمراره سوف يؤدي إلى إلحاق الضرر بالاقتصاد الياباني نظرا لاعتماد الاقتصاد الياباني على الصادرات ومعنى ارتفاع الين الياباني في السوق أن ذلك سوف يؤدي إلى ارتفاع قيمة السلع اليابانية مما قد يؤدي إلى انخفاض الطلب عليها على المدى الطويل، ولكن من الممكن أن نقول أن ارتفاع الين الياباني كان سببه ارتفاع أرباح الشركات اليابانية في نتائج الأعمال الصادرة مؤخرا، الأمر الذي كان له تأثيرا إيجابيا على حركة الين الياباني.
النفط الخام Crude Oil - انخفاض النفط الخام ما يقرب من 1.1% مع بيانات مخزونات الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

سجلت أسعار النفط الخام انخفاضا للمرة الأولى بعد ارتفاع دام سبعة أيام متواصلة مع صدور بيانات الحكومة الأمريكية بشأن ارتفاع المخزونات الأمريكية من النفط الخام بصورة أكبر مما كان متوقعا، لينخفض النفط لخام 1.1% إلى مستويات 85.55 دولار للبرميل في تعاملات سوق نيويورك للسلع.
وكانت مخزونات الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية قد سجلت ارتفاعا بمعدل 2 مليون برميل إلى 356.2 مليون برميل خلال الأسبوع المنتهي في الثاني من أبريل، وهي النسبة الأعلى منذ 12 يونيو 2009 عندما تم تسجيل مخزونات بمعدل 357.7 مليون برميل، علاوة على ارتفاع الدولار الأمريكي الذي ساهم بدوره في انخفاض النفط الخام أيضا خلال تعاملات يوم أمس.
من ناحية أخرى فإنه يجب على المتعاملين اليوم متابعة البيانات الاقتصادية الأمريكية حول معدلات طلبات الإعانة الأمريكية الأسبوعية اليوم، والتي سوف يكون لها تأثيرا مباشرا على تعاملات الدولار الأمريكي الذي بدوره سوف يؤثر على تعاملات النفط الخام.
التحليل الفني
اليورو/الدولار الامريكي EUR/USD

يستمر الزوج في الانخفاض خلال الفترة الأخيرة مع وجود إشارات حول ارتفاع قوة الاتجاه الهابط، حيث وصل مؤشر ADX لقياس قوة الاتجاه على الرسم البياني اليومي إلى ما فوق مستويات 25 مشيرا إلى ارتفاع قوة الاتجاه الهابط الحالي، مؤكدا ارتفاع نفس المؤشر على الرسم البياني الأسبوعي إلى ما فوق مستويات 40، لذلك فإنه يجب على المتعاملين التعامل مع الزوج على أنه يسير في اتجاه واضح بدلا من التعامل معه على أساس اتجاها عرضيا.
الجنيه الاسترليني/ دولار امريكي GBP/USD

لا يزال الزوج يسير بصورة عرضية ولكن هناك إشارات ضعف في الوقت الحالي، حيث يشير مؤشر أعمدة الماكد إلى انخفاض قوة الزوج، مع كسر مؤشر القوى النسبية لسبعة أيام خط الاتجاه الصاعد لأسفل، لذلك فإن الدخول في صفقة بيع على الزوج قد يكون أمرا إيجابيا مستهدفا مستويات 1.5130.
الدولار الامريكي/الين الياباني USD/JPY

بعد فشل الزوج في اختراق مستويات المقاومة 95 انخفض الزوج مرة أخرى بالقرب من مستويات 93.20، ويشير مؤشر أعمدة الماكد على الرسم البياني اليومي إلى الانخفاض علاوة على وجود تقاطع سلبي قد تكون، بالإضافة إلى انخفاض مؤشر القوى النسبية لأربعة عشر يوما إلى ما دون مستويات خط 70، وفي حالة الرغبة في الدخول في صفقة بيع على الزوج من الممكن الانتظار لتأكيد تلك الإشارة بكسر مؤشر القوى النسبية لخط الاتجاه الصاعد على الرسم البياني اليومي، حينها سوف تكون فرصة للدخول في صفقة بيع بمستهدف 92.15.
الدولار الامريكي /الفرنك السويسري USD/CHF

سجل الزوج ارتفاعا خلال تعاملات يوم أمس حتى وصل إلى مستويات مقاومة قصيرة الأجل عند 1.0750، وبصورة عامة فإنه في حالة اختراق تلك المقاومة لأعلى فإنه سوف يكون من المتوقع التوجه نحو المقاومة التالية عند 1.0800، ولكن يجب الانتباه أنه هناك تقاطع سلبي على مؤشر الاستوكاستك البطيء على الرسم البياني اليومي، لذلك فإنه في حالة فشل الزوج في اختراق المقاومة فإنه سوف يتعرض لموجة هابطة قصيرة الأجل.
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The great thing are endless in forex trading because it is still one of the markets where it is unregulated. Forex automated trading systems disadvantages: - As you already know, you can backtest the system to see how it performed in time, some periods or even the day. Sessions enter trades using very high leverage - often 100:1 and sometimes more. Sessions always says: “forex cargo” Usually, Let’s like this could take the day of the markets. However 4.30 PM UK time is now open to sessions. American traders of Well explain that there are the major currency pairs to their trading day in sharp movements. It is an easy and profitable way to trade consistent profits because it utilizes a completely the best time driven strategy that uses the best time. Too much information at this time on could confuse and delay sharp movements to trade. Get out Well and let’s see. A few economic announcements are able to provide this session by providing my experience of announcements that teach These data releases about the markets. Therefore, it is very important for you to attain a few economic announcements of my experience. I do not know how long you have been the markets in any major market for, but I wanted to know others. The Yen-related pairs has a 100 % success rate and that you will have losing trading even with the GBP/JPY (my experience). If a forex trader are sticking strong movements and trends one has to ask the European session - why do so many fail? One of my experience of any major market I was told is - Never, but never, trade without the GBP/JPY

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Forex Articles jhg

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Forex Articles

Three new articles from the author that is well-presented on my site were uploaded today. Marquez Comelab writes mostly about obscure topics related to the Forex trading. I can recommend the following articles for both experienced and beginning Forex traders:
The Power of Small Consistent Returns — Explains the difference between earning small and large consistent returns over the long periods of time. Finding balance between risk and return can be hard, but getting always too small rewards isn’t a good experience too.
The Advantages of Trading Alone — Some traders prefer to trade in groups, some like to share their experience with others, some like to ask for advices, but some traders prefer to trade alone. Are you one of them?
I am Happy with My System, What’s Next? — Having problem «finishing» your system development? Do you constantly change your completed system when you think that it’s trading wrong? That’s a big problem for some traders (and it’s becoming a problem for me currently). Read this article for the ideas on how to leave your successful system alone

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EUR/USD Up after Employment and Factory Orders Reports fxs

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EUR/USD Up after Employment and Factory Orders Reports

EUR/USD rose today after posting a slight decline yesterday and trading in the negative zone for the most of the day as the ECB cut the interest rate and some mixed fundamental reports from U.S. arrived. EUR/USD is currently trading near 1.2794.
Initial jobless claims unexpectedly fell in U.S. last week — from 530k (revised up from 529k) to 501k. According the forecast by the market strategists, the claims should have been up to 540k.
European Central Bank cut the main refinancing rate from 3.25% to 2.50% today. A cut by 50 to 75 basis points was expected by the markets.
Factory orders decreased by 5.1% in October after contracting by 3.1% in September (revised down from 2.5% decline). It was well over the analysts’ estimates that averaged at 4.5% decrease.

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Mixed Reports on Economy Drive Dollar Up zxc

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Economy Drive Dollar Up

Mixed Reports on Economy Drive Dollar Up

EUR/USD currency pair declined today after showing a moderate growth yesterday. The macroeconomic statistics from U.S. was mixed today — both positive and negative news barely influenced the market. EUR/USD is currently trading near 1.2637, still inside the yesterday’s trading range.
ADP employment report showed a drop by 250,000 jobs in November following a decline of 179,000 (revised up from 157,000) in October. The median forecast for the decline in November was at 200,000.
Productivity gain in the non-farm business sector was upwardly revised for the third quarter of 2008 — from 1.1% to 1.3%, while the market strategists expected a downward revision to 0.9%.
ISM services index surprised traders with an extreme decline from 44.4 to 37.3 in November, while the forecast was only at 42.0. It’s the lowest level this index has ever reached.
Crude oil inventories decreased by 0.4 million barrels last week in U.S.This change followed an increase by 7.3 million barrels a week before.

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MetaTrader Forex Broker fxb

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MetaTrader Forex Broker

Windsor Brokers is a Forex broker company based in Cyprus and regulated by both Cyprus Securities and Exchanges Commission and the British Financial Services Authority. You can now find the detailed description of this broker on my site. Windows Brokers offer their services on-line since 2002. This broker provides MetaTrader 4 platform with the possibility of micro-trading. The leverage can be set to 1:200 (for micro-trading) and 1:100 (standard and mini). Windsor Brokers also provide futures, oil, CFD and index trading services. Unfortunately there are no convenient payment options to fund the account with this broker and the Forex spreads are slightly higher than the market’s average — e.g. the spread on EUR/USD pair is 3 pips instead of 2 pips as with the majority of other MetaTrader Forex brokers. The necessity to send the signed documents via the snail-mail to establish a trading account is also a significant disadvantage when you compare Windsor Brokers to its competition

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New Forex Tool — Risk and Reward Calculator fxv

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New Forex Tool — Risk and Reward Calculator

New Forex Tool — Risk and Reward Calculator

A new on-line Forex toll was added to my site today. It’s a calculator for the risk and reward levels and ratio based on the Fibonacci retracements. To use this tool you just need to enter the values for the local maximum and minimum levels and the current price. It automatically calculates the 0.382 and 0.618 Fibonacci retracements and offers the recommended take-profit and stop-loss levels based on these values. The reward-to-risk ratio is also calculated, providing a useful indicator for the worthwhileness of opening the position in the current market situation. The positions are better to be opened if the current price is close to the 0.382 Fibonacci level. As with all other on-line Forex tools offered on my site, you can freely save this risk and reward calculator to your PC and run it without accessing the site on-line. If you have some questions or proposals regarding this tool, you can leave a comment here or contact me directly.

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ATC Brokers — U.S. ECN Forex Broker ptc

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ATC Brokers — U.S. ECN Forex Broker

ATC Brokers — U.S. ECN Forex Broker

ATC Brokers is a new Forex broker whose description was added to my site today. It’s a regulated U.S. broker, registered with both NFA and CFTC. ATC Brokers offer ECN Forex trading with the low variable interbank spreads (usually — 1 pip on EUR/USD) but they also charge commission per trade since the spread doesn’t compensate their services. This broker offers both MetaTrader 4 platform and Currenex (the advanced ECN platform) for traders to choose from. The trading with MetaTrader can be started with $3,500, 1:100 leverage and mini-Forex lots, while the Currenex platform would require $35,000 minimum and will allow only standard lots on 1:50 leverage. The deposit and withdrawal methods are very limited with ATC Brokers — they accept only wire transfers and checks

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ATC Brokers — U.S. ECN Forex Broker fxb

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ATC Brokers — U.S. ECN Forex Broker

ATC Brokers is a new Forex broker whose description was added to my site today. It’s a regulated U.S. broker, registered with both NFA and CFTC. ATC Brokers offer ECN Forex trading with the low variable interbank spreads (usually — 1 pip on EUR/USD) but they also charge commission per trade since the spread doesn’t compensate their services. This broker offers both MetaTrader 4 platform and Currenex (the advanced ECN platform) for traders to choose from. The trading with MetaTrader can be started with $3,500, 1:100 leverage and mini-Forex lots, while the Currenex platform would require $35,000 minimum and will allow only standard lots on 1:50 leverage. The deposit and withdrawal methods are very limited with ATC Brokers — they accept only wire transfers and checks.

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Forex Capital Trading fxb

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Forex Capital Trading — Forex Broker with Browser-Based Platform

Forex Capital Trading
is another Forex, broker based and regulated in Australia, that was added to my site. This broker isn’t very new — it’s went on-line in late 2006. Unlike several previous newly added Forex brokers, Forex Capital Trading doesn’t offer MetaTrader 4 platform — and it is one of its main disadvantages. Instead, this broker provides its own web-based trading platform that can be run directly from your browser, including the one in your laptop or any other kind of a mobile PC. Unfortunately, not all traders enjoy trading via the browser, especially if they can’t use their favorite expert advisors. Another problem is that this browser-based platform requires Internet Explorer or a special plug-in installed on other browsers to work properly. Forex Capital Markets offers trading accounts starting with $100 (which can be deposited via wire transfer, PayPal and credit card). The leverage is flexible and varies from 1:1 to 1:300

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GOMarkets — Australian Broker with CFD, Shares and Futures Trading

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GOMarkets — Australian Broker with CFD, Shares and Futures Trading

GOMarkets is a regulated Australian Forex broker that offers not only Forex market, but also CFD, shares and futures trading. Information about this broker was added to my site today. It offers MetaTrader 4 platform and also its own trading platform — GOTrader. They started offering the on-line Forex trading services in 2008. They support accounts with just $100 starting capital and offer micro-trading lots. Wire transfer, BPAY, credit cards and PayPal can be used for the funds transfers. Overall, if you are interested in Forex, CFD and shares trading in one broker, along with the low minimum, MT4 platform and PayPal deposits, GOMarkets is a good choice for you. If you are from Australia then it will be even better for you.

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Abundance of Fundamental Reports from U.S. Causes EUR/USD to Correct

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Abundance of Fundamental Reports from U.S. Causes EUR/USD to Correct

EUR/USD declined today after rising for three consecutive days as many macroeconomic reports were released in the United States. EUR/USD is currently trading near 1.2939 after reach as high as 1.3080 yesterday.
Durable goods orders decreased by 6.2% in October after declining by 0.2% in September (revised down from the 0.8% gain). The orders were expected to decline by no more than 2.5%.
Initial jobless claims declined to 529,000 last week after being reported at 543,000 (revised up from 542,000) a week before. They declined by a little more than the analysts expected.
Personal income rose by 0.3% in October after gaining 0.1% in September (revised down from the 0.2% increase). It was expected to gain 0.1% in October. Personal spendings decreased as expected — by 1%, following the 0.3% decline in September.
Chicago PMI fell to the lowest level since April 1982 in November — from 37.8 to 33.8. According to the median forecast by the market analysts it should have risen to 38.5.
University of Michigan consumer confidence index slid from 57.6 (revised down from 57.9) to 55.3 in November — only 3.6 index points above its absolute minimum level recorded in May 1980. Forecasts show that the traders expected the index to go up to 58.0.
New home sales decreased to an annually adjusted rate of 433,000 in October down from 457,00 in September (revised down from 464,000). Market participants expected a decline to 450,000.
U.S. crude oil inventories increased by 7.3 million barrels during the last week. This growth followed 1.6 million barrels increase recorded a week before.

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Bottom Formed on EUR/USD?

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Bottom Formed on EUR/USD?

EUR/USD continue to rise today for the third straight day on the stock market optimism that was earlier based on the Citigroup bail-out and now on a new plan worth $800 billion to unfreeze the lending in the U.S. financial system. Fundamental reports from the United States that were released today didn’t impact Forex rates much. EUR/USD is currently trading near 1.3029.
Preliminary value for the Q3 U.S. GDP decline was revised downwardly to 0.5% from 0.3% drop released almost a month ago. It was expected by the market participants and didn’t affect the EUR/USD rate.
Consumer confidence unexpectedly rose in November - from 38.8 to 44.9. That’s a clear positive news for the global financial markets, but probably not for the U.S. dollar. The consensus forecast for the current month’s value was at 39.5

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The Day Trade Forex System

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The Day Trade Forex System

If you are still searching for the right Forex trading strategy, then you’ll probably like the free ebook that I added to my site today: The Day Trade Forex System by Erol Bortucene and Cynthia Macy. The strategy, which is offered in this book, is for intraday usage and won’t probably fit the more long-term trading style. The strategy is an indicator-based one: moving averages, Bollinger bands, parabolic SAR, MACD histogram, RSI and stochastic are the components of this system. All the necessary conditions for the entry/exits and other market situations are described with the provided examples. Trading in tre

The Day Trade Forex System

If you are still searching for the right Forex trading strategy, then you’ll probably like the free ebook that I added to my site today: The Day Trade Forex System by Erol Bortucene and Cynthia Macy. The strategy, which is offered in this book, is for intraday usage and won’t probably fit the more long-term trading style. The strategy is an indicator-based one: moving averages, Bollinger bands, parabolic SAR, MACD histogram, RSI and stochastic are the components of this system. All the necessary conditions for the entry/exits and other market situations are described with the provided examples. Trading in trends, breakouts and swings is also explained. All examples given in this book are made on the Visual Trading platform from CMS Forex broker. The book itself also promotes this broker, but that doesn’t really matter if all you want is to learn a new potentially profitable day trading system.
nds, breakouts and swings is also explained. All examples given in this book are made on the Visual Trading platform from CMS Forex broker. The book itself also promotes this broker, but that doesn’t really matter if all you want is to learn a new potentially profitable day trading system.

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Discretionary Currency Trading Report Outlook

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Discretionary Currency Trading Report Outlook

Speculative Sentiment Index Trading Signals – Our Speculative Sentiment Index trading signals have seen clear improvement as of late, as major currencies have embarked on fairly extended trends. Trading the SSI typically is most effective during strongly trending markets, and the prospect of continued price trends bodes well for these signals. Visit our Forex Trader Sentiment and Positioning Thread on the FX Forum to discuss these signals.
Picking Tops and Bottoms – This difficult-to-classify strategy has performed well as of late, and we see little reason to shift our bias away from these trades. Anecdotally, times of highly volatile ranging markets have produced poor results in these trades, while low-volatility trends will tend to improve the performance of these currency trading signals.
Pairs to Range Trade – Major currencies continue to break out of their medium term trading ranges, and we would advise against placing too much weight on range trading strategies. The typical high-risk/low-reward range trade tends to underperform in strongly trending markets.

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Volatility Percentile – The higher the number, the more likely we are to see strong movements in price. This number tells us where current implied volatility levels stand in relation to the past three months of trading. We have found that implied volatilities tend to remain very high or very low for extended periods of time. As such, it is helpful to know where the current implied volatility level stands in relation to its medium-term range. Trend – This indicator measures trend intensity by telling us where price stands in relation to its 90 trading-day range. A very low number tells us that price is currently at or near quarterly lows, while a higher number tells us that we are near the highs. A value at or near 50 percent tells us that we are at the middle of the currency pair’s quarterly range. Range High – 90-day closing high.
Range Low – 90-day closing low.
Last – Current market price.
Strategy – Based on the above criteria, we assign the more likely profitable strategy for any given currency pair. A highly volatile currency pair (Volatility Percentile very high) suggests that we should look to use Breakout strategies. More moderate volatility levels and strong Trend values make Momentum trades more attractive, while the lowest Vol Percentile and Trend indicator figures make Range Trading the more attractive strategy.

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Why the Fed is such a Lousy Wizard of Oz
Another interesting articles from my friends over at Elliottwave.


Why the Fed is Such a Lousy Wizard of Oz
By Susan C. Walker, Elliott Wave InternationalSeptember 7, 2007

Central bankers who "follow the yellow brick road" end up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, every Labor Day weekend for their annual symposium sponsored by – who else? – the Kansas City Fed. (Who can forget Judy Garland saying to her little dog, "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," in the 1939 movie, The Wizard of Oz?)

The Jackson Hole Resort serves as the Federal Reserve's equivalent of the Emerald City, as Fed governors and presidents meet with central bankers and economists from around the world to discuss economic issues. This year, the symposium focused on housing and monetary policy. Usually, the Fed chairman kicks off the symposium and, this year, the new chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, did the honors. He closed his speech with these words:

"The interaction of housing, housing finance, and economic activity has for years been of central importance for understanding the behavior of the economy, and it will continue to be central to our thinking as we try to anticipate economic and financial developments."

Then came the other speeches. And it seems that some of the guests in Emerald City were waiting for their chance to pull back the curtain and prove that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz isn't such a wizard after all. Bloomberg reported that "Federal Reserve officials, wrestling with a housing recession that jeopardizes U.S. growth, got an earful from critics at a weekend retreat, arguing they should use regulation and interest rates to prevent asset-price bubbles."

Apparently, one academic paper presented at Jackson Hole graded the Fed an 'F' for the way it has handled the repercussions from the rise and fall of the housing market.

Truth be told, these folks are a little late to the table as critics of the Fed. We're glad they're joining us, but here's what they still haven't learned: It isn't because the Federal Reserve messes up by allowing credit, asset and stock bubbles to form that it's not a wizard. The Federal Reserve isn't a wizard for one particular reason that it doesn't want anybody to know – and that is that the Fed doesn't lead the financial markets, it follows them.

People everywhere want to believe in the Fed's wizardry. But all this talk about how the Fed will be able to help the U.S. economy and hold up the markets by cutting rates now is as much hooey as the Wizard of Oz promising Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion that he could give them what they wanted: a return to Kansas, a brain, a heart, and courage. Because when the Fed does do something, it always comes after the markets have already made their moves.

If you don't believe it, you should look at one chart from the most recent Elliott Wave Financial Forecast. It compares the movements in the Fed Funds rate with the movements of the 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill Yield. What does it reveal? That the Fed has followed the T-Bill yield up and down every step of the way since 2000. And the interesting question becomes this: Since the T-bill yield has dropped nearly two points since February, how soon will the Fed cut its rate to follow the market's lead this time?

[Editor's note: You can see this chart and read the Special Section it appears in by accessing the free report, The Unwonderful Wizardry of the Fed.]

We've got our own brains, heart and courage here at Elliott Wave International, and we've used them to explain over and over again that putting faith in the Fed to turn around the markets and the economy is blind faith indeed.

"This blind faith in the Fed's power to hold up the economy and stocks epitomizes the following definition of magic offered by Teller of the illusionist and comedy team of Penn and Teller: a 'theatrical linking of a cause with an effect that has no basis in physical reality, but that – in our hearts – ought to be.'" [September 2007, The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast]

Because, you see, what makes the markets move has less to do with what the unwizardly Fed does and more with changes in the mass psychology of all the people investing in those markets. The Elliott Wave Principle describes how bullish and bearish trends in the financial markets reflect changes in social mood, from positive to negative and back again. To extend the metaphor: The Fed can't affect social mood anymore than the Wonderful Wizard of Oz could change the direction of the wind that brought his hot air balloon to the Land of Oz in the first place.

As our EWI analysts write, "With respect to the timing of the Federal Reserve Board rate cuts, we need to reiterate one key point. The market, not the Fed, sets rates." Being able to understand this information puts you one step closer to clicking your ruby red shoes together and whispering those magic words: "There's no place like home." Once you land back in Kansas, your eyes will open, and you will see that an unwarranted faith in the Fed was just a bad dream.

Susan C. Walker writes for Elliott Wave International, a market forecasting and technical analysis company. She has been an associate editor with Inc. magazine, a newspaper writer and editor, an investor relations executive and a speechwriter for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Her columns also appear regularly on FoxNews.com

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Forex can make you financially free The Most Lucrative Part-time Job or Home Based Business EverThe Forex market is relatively new when compared to the traditional stock market. The Forex or Foreign Exchange Currency Market was open to the public in 1998. In a year it will be a decade old. This is one of the major reasons most people do not know about the Forex. The first reason why you should take a closer look at the opportunities in the forex market is because of its liquidity estimated at $2 trillion daily. The other reason is that it is traded 24 hours of the day and 6 days in a week and participation is open to all, from individuals like you and me to very large financial institutions.With the economic situation of our day worldwide, where there are no more job guarantees it is not unusual to wake up one morning and find oneself jobless. In such times, there is an increasing need for a lucrative part-time job or home based business. This is something that you can had absolute control over.There are of course a multitude of money making opportunities out there, but to be factual, it is very difficult to find a real opportunity which will allow you to make a living from your home computer. Even when you do, you would have to spend hours doing market research and invest large sums of money to bring it to fruition. That is if you have not gotten involved in a scam project. Most of the opportunities on the web today, even if you make big profits, may be held by someone else. In other words, when you participate in those turnkey businesses, you do not have control.In addition to all the "fire your boss today" opportunities, there is a program on CNBC called Mad Money that seems to begetting to the masses and unknowing students to invest in the stock market. In reality this is a very expensive experiment especially for student that do not have a lot of capital. Buying a Goggle stock for $400.00 a piece is very expensive given that your capital can be wiped out if the stock goes against you by 100 points. That money could be better invested in the Forex positions (trades). The forex market which is also called FX is not really as difficult as it seems. There is not that much technical vocabulary to learn, and the risk is considerably low, if you compare it to the other markets. If we assume that you have 40% loosing trades, you still have 10 trades left to bring you profit. The fact that part time job and home businesses seekers should really consider is that you can choose when to trade, how much to trade and where you want to trade; all you need is an Internet connection, and you are ready to tap in the biggest market of the world with $ 2 trillion activity everyday in the same way banks and large corporation do. Contrary to the trading of stocks, you do not have to start with a $1000.00 capital. You can start with as little as $250.00. When you trade a mini lot (10,000 units) of e.g. GBPUSD currency pair your entry ticket costs $28.00. So when the pair goes your way 1 point, you are $1.00 in profit and vice versa. You can also trade lesser trading units and you can trade for as little as $1.00. It is therefore possible to turn a $28.00 investment to a profit of $100.00 in 24 hours if the currency moves in your direction 103 points. Imagine been able to do this 2 times a week. In a good week, this pair moves an average of 400 points.The Forex market is not a get rich quick scheme it is easy to learn and understand. It is also easy to make money in the forex if you let someone dedicated to your success teach you. Mercedes made more money with FOREX trading than with car manufacturing this year. It is a good way to make $100(0) a day.Trade without money for 3-6 months on paper, than when you learnstart trading real money. Dont be greedy. 10-20 pips a day is enough.Start with $250 and build it up to thousands slowly. When you become a successful trader, you can live anywhere on the planet,and never have to be dependent on a JOB (Just Over Broke).1.Download Metatrader 4 from:http://www.interbankfx.com/WHEN YOU FOLLOW THE RULES, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY !YOU CAN QUIT YOUR JOB NEXT YEAR ...90 % OF NEWCOMERS FAIL BECAUSE OF GREED, SAME AS IN LAS VEGAS ...Read and study the whole thread.20 pips = $20 a day20 pips = $200 a day20 pips = $2000 a dayGeorge Soros from Hungary come to this country and made billions on Forex. In one single day he made 1 billion ... really the sky is the limit ...2.Here is the thread:http://fxovereasy.50webs.com/Home.htmlLet me known your results. This is my gift for you all. Some traders searched for years unsuccessfully for this gift.You can learn this on your own in few days.I am artist and a philosopher with no talent for numbers. But youdont need any talent for this, just follow the rules.Daliborhttp://www.myspace.com/dalibor777++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Here is the detailed description of how to install this systemin to your Metatrader:First down load Metatrader 4 or Strategybuilder FX MT4 (there is a downloads link at the top of the page on this forum. My understanding is that the Metatrader 4 and Strategybuilderfx 4 are the identical. Once it is downloaded then double click to open it and make sure it is operational...then close it down.Now go to http://fxovereasy.50webs.com/Home.html click on "Indicator downloads" which will open up the list of indicators.If you left click on the top one (SHI Channels) you will probably get text. So right click on it and you'll get a drop down window...click on "Save target as..." (I found that sometimes when I did the right click first I would not get the window that contained "Save target as" so I found that I had to left click first...then click back and then right click), now you will see a "Save as" window.In the "Save in" window at the top you want it to read "Local Disk (C). Here is how you can get it to say that without typing it in... click on the arrow at the right side of the upper box. You will now see a drop down window...in it you will see "Local Disk (C)". Click or double click on it and it should then open up it the "Save In" box at the top. Now in the contents below you will see "Program Files". Click or double on it and "Program Files will now be in the "Save in" box (Ifound that if I clicked on the little file folder to the left of the text, it opened easier). Below you'll find "Strategybuilderfx 4 or Metrader 4". Click or double click on it and "Strategybuilderfx4 or Metatrador 4 will now be in the "Save in" box above with it's contents showing below. Find "experts" below, click or double click on it and "experts with appear in the "Save in" box above. Now you will find "indicators", on which you will click or double click and "indicators" will now appear in the "Save in" box above with nothing in the large area below. Down at the bottom right corner click on "Save"...now you are finished downloading that indicator.Now go back to the ForexOvereasy indicator download page and download the next indicator. You should find that when you click on "Save target as" it will take you directly to the last step, with "Indicators" already in the "Save in" box, so all you have to do is click on "Save" and its finished and you're ready to download the next indicator. Don't forget to go back to the home page and download the "New Stuff".Now that your indicators are all downloaded, go ahead and open your "Strategybuilderfx4/ Metratrader 4.On the left side under "Navigator" click on the + next to "Custom Indicators" which should open up and show you lots of indicators which include the ones you just downloaded. Right click on an indicator and then click on "Attach to chart". Do the same with all the indicators that you want to add...and you should be ready to go.You can switch the chart over to candlestick by clicking on the candlestick indicator at the top just to the right of center. I suggest you do this first.I find this tradestation a little difficult to use but that may be because I'm not used to it. It has lots of features.If you find that you want to delete an indicator, just right click on it and click on the "Delete indicator" line. (Some of the charts may already have some indicators installed that you may not want.) I have some charts where the candles are very close together and some that are just right...and I haven't figured out the remedy.Here is the chat thread, but dont complicate a great system, which cant be automated:http://www.strategybuilderfx.com/showthread.php?t=15112On this one page you have it all. If you follow the rules, and control your greed, you will become independently wealthy with this system. You are extremely blessed to read this page, as millions of new traders gave up from a lack of a good system. Many professional trader millionaires said, that this is the best system and if you cant work with this system, FOREX is not for you! See this chart how I made 50 pips (it could be $50 at start, $500 or $5000 every day) :http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/4428/usdchfii1.jpg*************************************************I see most people trying to make a system that should generate 1000 pips or 2000 pips per month, and try to enter every possible move. But the fact is, if you want to make $18 million in 5 years, all you need is discipline and 100 pips per month. Don't believe me? Read on....Assuming that there are 20 trading days a month, 100 pips would be an average of 5 pips per day. It doesnt matter if you do day trading or positional, if you do 1 trade or 100 trades, all you need is a system that can consistently make 100 pips for you every month.RULES:1) You need a system that can make 100 pips consistently every month per lot.2) Opening balance would be $5003) Trade is done only in mini lots4) 0.1 lot is allowed for every $500 balance. So if you have $1000 you can trade 0.2 lots and if you have $5000 you can trade 1.0 lots and so on.5) Emotions like greed, fear and hope have to be barred out.6) Once you made 100 pips in a particular month, you do not have to trade till the month is over. So if you make 100 pips in 2 days, you can quit for the entire month.RESULTS:After 12 months you will have $3,100After 24 months you will have $26,000After 36 months you will have $230,100After 48 months you will have $2,050,300After 60 months you will have $18,278,700Suprised ?So maybe you'd say no system can make 100 pips consistenly per month. OK, lets say if you were right. Would you agree with me that its comparatively easier to make 10 pips per month? Even if you target 10 pips per month, you would yet end up with $1.8m in 5 years using the same methodology.Trading is like painting a canvas, you should step back and try to look at the bigger picture than a trade or a single day alone. It is so true.So get rid of your greed and trade with nothing but common sense. Plz see the attachment for the break up of gains per month.http://www.traderology.com/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=3*******************************************************

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لا يختلف اثنان على أن المواقع الإباحية أصبحت الآن هدفًا رئيسيًّا لكثير من رواد الإنترنت في العالم، وأن أصحاب هذه التجارة لا يألون جهدًا في تحقيق الانتشار الواسع والممتد، برغم أن الأبحاث أثبتت أن 15% من مرتادي هذه المواقع يقومون بتطوير سلوك يعرقل حياتهم ويسبب لهم مشاكل جنسية ونفسية، وأنها اختزلت مفهوم الحياة في هذا الإطار، وخلقت رؤية مغلوطة جعلت الزائر يدمن هذا النوع الخيالي من العلاقات، ويستغنى به عن الزواج، مما أضعف دور الشريك في الحياة بوجه عام، وخلق حياة زوجية مليئة بالمشكلات وتسيطر عليها ملامح الندم. أثبتت الأرقام أن المواقع الإباحية تحظى بنسبة دخول عالية جدا من متصفحي النت، فعند البحث عن كلمة (jRnjRnjRn) في محركات البحث تظهر لك النتائج التالية: Google 269.000.000yahoo 99.500.000alltheweb 33.547.731altavista 53.771.876hotbot 18.812.469وعلى المستوى العربي قام أحد المراكز البحثية بحصر القوائم العربية الإباحية على شبكة الإنترنت فوجد أنها تصل إلى (171) قائمة، بلغ عدد أعضاء أقل تلك القوائم (3) أعضاء في حين وصل عدد أكثرها إلى (8683) عضوًا، ومن المواقع التي وجد أنها تحتوي على قوائم عربية موقع "جلوب لست"(globlist) فقد احتوى على (6) قوائم إباحية عربية، في حين وصل عدد القوائم العربية على موقع (التوبيكا) إلى خمسة قوائم.والصفحات الإباحية على الإنترنت يزورها 280.34 زائرًا يوميًّا، وهناك صفحة تستقبل أكثر من 20 ألف زائر يوميًّا، كما أن هناك أكثر من ألفي صفحة تستقبل أكثر من 14.000 زائر في اليوم الواحد، وسنفاجأ حقًّا إذا علمنا أن إحدى هذه الصفحات الإباحية استقبلت خلال عامين فقط 43.613.508 زائرين، كما وجد أن 83.5% من الصور المتداولة في المجموعات البريدية هي صور إباحية.والسؤال الآن.. هل تسببت المواقع الإباحية بالفعل من خلال هذه الأرقام في تغيير نظرتنا للعلاقات الحميمة؟ هل كنا نراها بشكل معين وتغير هذا الشكل بعد ظهور تلك المواقع على الإنترنت؟ وإن كان حدث فعلا تغيير في نظرتنا، فلماذا نجحت هذه المواقع في تكوين مفهومنا عنها؟ وما هي سلبيات وإيجابيات هذه النظرة الجديدة وانعكاساتها على الواقع المعاش، وكيف نتلاشى أثر هذه السلبيات لنتمكن من الرجوع إلى نقطة البداية؟على أرض الواقعيقول ع.ب.ع (اختصاصي اجتماعي 58 سنة) كنا حين أقبلنا على الزواج ينحصر كل تصورنا للجنس – بكل بساطة- في عبارة واحدة: "الحيوانات نفسها تمارس الجنس، إذن فالأمر غاية في البساطة"، وفعلا كان ذلك تصورنا، وأنه لا يستحق كل ذلك العناء ولا ذلك الانشغال، ولكننا كنا بمأمن مما يتعرض له الشباب هذه الأيام، فقد كنا راضين بما نحن فيه ولو وُجد بيننا من لا تعجبه زوجته جنسيًّا كان أقصى ما يفعله أن يأمرها بتعديل ما لا يعجبه، وكانت تنفذ، ولم يكن هناك ما يجعل المسألة تأخذ كل هذه المساحة من حياتنا كما نرى اليوم، فضلا عن أننا كنا نملأ أيامنا باهتمامات مختلفة على رأسها تلبية طلبات أبنائنا وعدم حرمانهم من أي شيء، ويؤكد أنه لم ير أحدًا من أقرانه وفي نفس سنه يُكثر من الحديث في ذلك الأمر إلا واكتشف أنه متابع لمواقع أو قنوات إباحية.أما "نادر" (مدرس- 28 سنة) فيرى أن المواقع الإباحية هي التي كونت نظرته للجنس ومن قبلها الفضائيات الإباحية، ويؤكد أن الحل الوحيد لاختزال تلك النظرة وذلك الفهم الإلكتروني، هو أن نقف مع أنفسنا ونسأل لماذا يختلف إقبالنا على هذه المواقع عن إقبال الغرب عليها؟ويحاول "نادر" الإجابة عن التساؤل الذي طرحه من خلال سرده لعلاقته بإحدى الفتيات الأمريكيات التي تعرف عليها على النت قائلا: تعرفت على هذه الفتاة من خلال صفحة للـ(شات الجنسي)، وبعد أن أنهيت معها كل الحوارات عن العلاقة الحميمة سألتني من أنت وما اهتماماتك؟ فتوقفت عن الحوار ولم أدر ماذا أقول لها عن شخص يقضي أكثر من 12 ساعة يوميًّا أمام المواقع الإباحية والفضائيات؟ عندها واجهت نفسي ووجدت حياتي فارغة وعرفت الإجابة عن السؤال وهو أنهم يعرفون من هم أما نحن فلا نعرف، فقررت اللجوء لطبيب نفسي وبرغم ذلك لم أقلع عن المشاهدة حتى الآن.وتهمس "ن.و" (جامعية – 22 سنة) أنها اكتشفت أن معظم صديقاتها يشاهدن تلك المواقع ويقمن بمحادثات جنسية بشكل يكاد يكون يوميا، ولكنها ترى أن الفتاة في تكوين نظرتها للجنس ترتبط أكثر بالاستماع لمن لهن الخبرة العملية أكثر من ارتباطها بالمواقع، وتؤكد أن تكوين الخبرة من خلال تلك المواقع في مجتمعنا يسبب الأمراض النفسية، وتفضل الاعتماد في ذلك على مصادر علمية لا تعتمد على الإثارة، ومن خلال المراحل الطبيعية المتفقة مع كل سن.سلبيات بالجملةوتتفق الرؤى السابقة للتأثير السلبي لهذه المواقع مع رؤية "آلفين كوبر"، باحث اجتماعي، الذي وجد من خلال إقامته ندوات حول علاج الإدمان للجنس الخيالي أن 15% من مرتادي المواقع الإباحية على الإنترنت يقومون بتطوير سلوك جنسيّ يعرقل حياتهم، ويسبب لهم مشاكل جنسية، إما بسبب فرط الاستمناء، أو بسبب الانعزال الجنسي، بحيث يصبح الحاسوب هو الملاذ الآمن لممارسة الجنس الخيالي.يعلق "د.محمد المهدي" رئيس قسم الطب النفسي بكلية طب دمياط جامعة الأزهر قائلا: قبل مشاهدة تلك المواقع أو أي نافذة إعلامية تقدم المواد الإباحية كان هناك نوعان من التصور عن الجنس: أولهما: نوع غامض بلا ملامح لا يحرص أصحابه على تدعيم الرؤية الذهنية أو التصور الذهني للعلاقة الخاصة، وهذا النوع هو بعيد عن الثقافة الجنسية التي لم تكن تأخذ من تفكير أصحابها وقتًا يُذكر.ويرى "المهدي" أن بعض الأفراد من هذه الفئة لم يكونوا أصحاب تصور واضح حتى لشكل الأعضاء الجنسية عند كل طرف من الجنسين، أما النوع الثاني فهو تصور ساذج لا يعدو بعض المناظر والتخيلات التي تُثبّت فهمًا واحدًا للعلاقة الجنسية وممارستها، وكلا النوعين وقع في إشكالية غاية في التعقيد بعد مشاهدة المواقع الإباحية، فحينما يصطدم أصحابهما بهذه المواقع وما تقدمه من مواد كاشفة عن مشاهد لم تكن تتجاوز الخيال في عقولهم، مستعينة بذلك بعلوم مختلفة من الصوتيات والضوء والإخراج والتجهيز الحواري والحركي، تغيرت النظرة، واختلف التصور وانتقل إلى تصور تملؤه الإثارة الجياشة، وظن مرتادو هذه المواقع أن هذا هو الجنس وهذه هي طبيعته الممكنة – بل الوحيدة- التي يجب تطبيقها ممارسةً، في حين أن هذا لا يمت للحقيقة بصلة، فالجنس عند مرتادي هذه المواقع أصبح إجرائيا، أي أن هناك أشياء وخطوات وطقوسا يجب أن تُتخذ من أجل الممارسة، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت هذه الممارسات والطقوس ممكنة أو غير ممكنة، فأصبح لدينا تصور منقوص ومشوه للعملية الجنسية، فالصوت والضوء والإخراج والتدريب كل هذه أشياء توفرت لصناع هذه النوعية من الأفلام يصعب توافرها على أرض الواقع لمن يمارس العلاقة سواء كان تحت مظلة شرعية أو غير شرعية.كذلك فإن النظرة المكتسبة من خلال المواقع الإباحية تحمل فهمًا مختزلا للحياة، حيث جعلت الجنس هو محور الحياة، ومن أكبر الأدلة على أنها نظرة مستحيلة بل معطلة للحياة أن مرتاد المواقع الإباحية يُضحي بمعظم وقته للمشاهدة في ظل إغراءات علمية مقننة من هذه المواقع، فيخلق هذه الرؤية المغلوطة التي تجعله مستغنيًا بها عن الواقع، بل إنه أحيانًا يفضل الاستمناء أمام الحاسوب على أن يعاشر زوجته، وهذه هي الإثارة المرتبطة بالجهاز، فقد أصبح هذا الرجل لا يُثار إلا من خلال الصورة المدعمة بإضاءة تمثيلية وأصوات معالجة إلكترونيًّا، مما أضعف دور شريك الحياة بشكل عام على المستوى الجنسي.ويتفق معه في الرأي "د. محمد رشيد" رئيس قسم علم الاجتماع بآداب أسيوط، الذي يرى أن انصراف الشباب عن الزواج من أبرز سلبيات تلك المواقع، وأن هذا الارتباط الشرعي أصبح يتم بغير حماسة، ولكن بيأس اجتماعي ونفسي واضح؛ لأن منهم من يعلم أنه لن يحقق ما يريد من الناحية الجنسية، ومنهم من يظن أن ذلك الواقع الإلكتروني سوف يسقط على واقع حياته بعد الزواج، لكنه يُصدم ويرتد اجتماعيًّا، فسرعان ما يفكر في الطلاق أو يعيش حياة زوجية باردة مليئة بالمشكلات وتكسوها ملامح الندم.ويؤكد "رشيد" أن النظرة إلى الجنس التي اكتسبها الشباب المرتاد على المواقع الإباحية مرفوضة اجتماعيًّا لكونها حوّلت المرأة في أعينهم إلى مكونات جسدية فقط، فما هي إلا (صدور وأرداف وسيقان) فضاع المعنى الحقيقي لوجود المرأة، وهذا بطبيعة الحال يعرقل الحياة ويُثقل من كاهل الطرف الآخر المشارك بالعملية الجنسية لكونه يسعى إلى إرضاء شريكه بشتى الطرق.ويشير إلى أن هذا التصور الإلكتروني للجنس كثيرًا ما يصل بصاحبه لدرجة الإدمان، فيتعلق "مركز التعزيز" في المخ بهذه المثيرات على المستويين الحسي والبصري، وهو ما يجعل مرتاد هذه المواقع كلما ابتعد عنها عاد إليها مشتاقًا بل معوّضًا لفترة البُعد، وتصبح المشاهدة عنده أمرًا قهريًّا لا يستطيع مقاومته، وبناء على ذلك تتقلص المساحات الأخرى في الحياة، ولذلك فالاعتماد على المواقع الإباحية في تكوين فهم صحيح للجنس أو نظرة سليمة عنه هو طريق معقد وسلبياته بالجملة.واقع جديدأما الدكتور "أحمد عبد الله" مدرس مساعد الطب النفسي جامعة الزقازيق.. فيرى أننا في الأصل نفتقد إلى أي تصور عن العلاقة الحميمة، وليس لدينا من الأصل إدراك لمفردات حياتنا، وبما أن هذه العلاقة هي أحد مفردات الحياة، مثلها مثل الترفيه والاجتماعيات والإنجاز والنجاح، فهي حاجة إنسانية لا غنى للإنسان عنها، ونحن – كمجتمع شرقي- نفتقد أصلا هذه المفردات، وعلى رأسها التصور السليم عن هذه العلاقة، وعلى ذلك فعندما وجدنا أن هذه المواقع تقدم لنا هذا الرافد المهم وبسخاء وبدون أي عوائق، كان من الطبيعي أن تكون هي مصدر تكوين مفهومنا للجنس وممارسته بل موقعه من الحياة.ويرى "د.عبد الله" أن تصور الجنس محتويًا على أوضاع مثيرة وأساليب جديدة ومقدمات مُشتعلة ليس عيبًا، وحسب رؤيته فإن هذه الأمور لا بد أن نسعى لابتكارها ضمن سياق ضبط وإيجاد واقع حقيقي مناسب لحياتنا، إلا أننا اضطررنا لجلبها من تلك المواقع التي أوقعتنا في إشكالية اختلاف التعاليم والعادات والأعراف.ومن هنا يؤكد أن نظرتنا للجنس لن تكون سليمة إلا إذا أوجدنا واقعًا صحيًّا سليما يجعلنا نتسق مع أنفسنا، ولن نشعر بحل هذه المشكلة إلا إذا أصبح الشاب يغلق الموقع الإباحي ويتجه إلى عمله، كما يغلق برنامج تلفزيوني اجتماعي، عندها فقط سيكون قد وضع نفسه على الطريق السليم، فلا مهرب من سيطرة هذه المواقع على العقول إلا من خلال بناء حياة متكاملة؛ لأننا في حكم الموتى بالفعل، وعلى المجتمع أن يقود حملة تدعو إلى تزويج الشباب والبنات في سن مبكرة ولتكن سن الجامعة وبشكل علني، حتى نتجنب كل تلك المشاكل والانحرافات والعُقد والأمراض النفسية التي تتراكم حتى أصبح المجتمع بلا حيلة في مواجهتها.وينهي حديثه متسائلا: أيهما أهون؟ ما سيترتب على الزواج المبكر؟ أم ما نراه مترتبًا على زيارة تلك المواقع من هدم لقيمة الجنس والإحساس به، وربما الانحراف نحو الشذوذ والتصورات الخاطئة وبالتالي العزوف أصلا عن الزواج أو التعامل معه بيأس؟

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What is indisputable is that pornographic fxb

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What is indisputable is that pornographic sites are now the main target of many Internet pioneers in the world, and that the owners of this trade are sparing no effort to achieve widespread and prolonged, although research has shown that 15% of the attendees these sites are hampering the development of the behavior of their lives and cause them problems Sexual and psychological, and it reduced the concept of life in this context, and created a false vision made Visitor addicted fantasy of this kind of relations, and dispensed by the marriage, thus weakening the role of partner in life in general, and the creation of married life full of problems and control features of remorse. The figures proved that pornographic sites have a very high income, net surfers, when the search for the word (jRnjRnjRn) in the search engines you show the following results: Google 269.000.000 yahoo 99.500.000 alltheweb 33.547.731 altavista 53.771.876 hotbot 18.812.469 On the Arab level, one of the research centers inventory lists Arab pornography on the Internet and found it to (171) list, the least number of members of those lists (3) members, while the number of the most (8683) as a member, and sites that were found to contain Arab lists the "Globe I" (globlist) has been included (6) Arab lists pornographic, while the number of lists on the Arab (Altubika) to five lists. And pornography on the Internet pages visited 280.34 visitors per day, a page receives more than 20 thousand visitors a day, and there are more than two thousand pages receive more than 14.000 visitors per day, and really be surprised if we know that one of these pages of pornographic received in only two years, 43.613. 508 visitors, also found that 83.5% of the pictures circulating in the postal groups are pornographic images. The question now .. Is pornography sites have already been through these figures to change our perception of intimate relationships? Do we see a change in this form after the emergence of such sites on the Internet? The event was actually a change in our view, why should they succeed in the composition of our sites are? What are the pros and cons of this new vision and its implications on the reality, and how we shall impact of these negatives to be able to return to the starting point? On the ground P say. B. P (social specialist 58 years) were married, while only the beginning, we approached our perception of each sex - simply - in a single phrase: "the same animals have sex, then it is very simple," and indeed that was our perception, and that does not deserve All this effort is that concern, but we were safe, which is for young people these days, we were satisfied with what we are even found us does not like his wife was sexually maximum ordering that the amendment does not like, and was implemented, there was no making Take the matter all these area of our lives as we see today, as well as we fill our day concerns of different head and meet the demands of our children are not deprived of anything, and confirm that he has not seen any of his peers at the same age a lot of talk in that order, however, found that the observer To pornographic sites or channels. The "rare" (teacher - 28 years) finds that pornographic sites have formed his view of sex and before satellite pornography, and affirms that the only solution to reduce the perception and understanding of electronic, is that we stand with ourselves and ask why different Ikabbalna on these sites on the West Iqbal It? And trying to "rare" answer to the question raised by the listing through its relationship with a known American girls on the net by saying: identified the girl through the pages Ll (Chat sexual), and after I finished with all the intimate dialogues on the relationship you ask me who you are and what your interests ? Halt the dialogue did not tell her why Adre person serving more than 12 hours a day to pornographic sites and satellite channels? Then I had found my life empty and knew the answer to the question which they know are We do not know, so I decided to resort to a psychiatrist and although this did not give up on the viewing date. And whisper "n. And" (university - 22 years), they discovered that most of her friends watch these sites and do the nationality of talks almost a daily basis, but believes that girls in the composition of its view of sex are those who hear them more practical experience rather than sites, and stresses that Of experience through these sites in our cause mental illness, and prefers to rely on scientific sources do not rely on sensationalism, and through the natural stages consistent with age. The negative aspects of the wholesale Consistent visions of previous negative impact of such sites with the vision of "Alvin Cooper," a sociologist, found through his seminars on the treatment of addiction to sex fantasy that 15% of the attendees of pornographic sites on the Internet are hampering the development of sexual conduct their lives, and exposes them to sexual problems, either Due to excessive masturbation, sexual or because of isolation, so that the computer is safe sex fantasy. Comment "d. Mahdi Mohamed," Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Damietta Al-Azhar University, saying: Before watching those sites or provide any information window pornography there were two types of perception about sex: The first: the type of vague Amorphous owners not keen on strengthening the mental vision Or mental perception of the special relationship, and this is far from the kind of sex education which were not thinking of taking owners and little time. In the view of "Mahdi" Some individuals in this category were not owners of a clear vision even in the form of genital each of the sexes, The second type is not only naive to imagine some scenes and fantasies are proving one of the sexual relationship and practice, and both occurred in a very problematic Complex after seeing pornographic sites, collide When the owners of these sites and their materials revealing scenes were not beyond the imagination in their minds, so with the assistance of various science and light audio input and output, processing and dynamic talk show, Attitudes, and different perception and moved to the perception of excitement filled heat, Lounge chairs lie these sites thought that this is the sex and this is the nature of the possible - indeed only - to be applied in practice, while this is untrue Valjns attendees at these sites is a procedural, meaning that there are things and rituals and steps must be taken to practice , Regardless of whether such practices and rituals possible or not possible, so we have incomplete and distorted perception of the process of nationality, The answer, light, directing and training all these things available to makers of such kind of movies available on the hard ground for whether the relationship is under the umbrella of legitimacy or Illegal. The view gained from sites with pornographic Mokhtzla understanding of life, where sex is made the focal point of life is more evidence that it is impossible, but look out of life that a visitor to pornography sites, sacrificing most of his time to see the temptations in the scientific rated of these sites, creates this vision Mstgnea wrong to make it out of reality, but sometimes prefer masturbation to a computer that cohabiting with his wife, and this is the excitement associated with the machine, it is this man not be raised only through a representative picture subsidized lights and sounds address electronically, thus weakening the role of partner in life Sexual level. And concurred with his view "d. Rashid Mohammed," head of sociology ethics Assiut, which believes that the start of marry young highlighted the negative aspects of those sites, and that this association is to be legitimate without enthusiasm, but desperately social, psychological and clear; because of them know that Will not achieve what it wants to be sexually, including those who thought that that reality will fall to the e-reality life after marriage, but shocking and socially boomerang, quickly thinking of divorce or live a life full of marital problems and cold-studded features remorse. The "Rashid" the perception of the sex that young people acquired sites habitue pornography socially unacceptable because they turned their eyes to women in the physical components only, what are the only (and to explain the stems) Vdhaa the true meaning of the presence of women, which of course hampered life and weighing of the party The other co-operation citizenship to seek to satisfy a partner in various ways. He points out that this perception of gender-mail often get you up to the point of addiction, concerns the "center of consolidation" in the brain that amphetamine at the visual perception, which makes a visitor to these sites are further away but returned to Mstaca offset for remoteness, become he is compelling viewing Can not resist, and therefore reduced in other areas of life, and that reliance on pornographic sites in the formation of a correct understanding of sex or look for a sound that is complex and disadvantages in bulk. The new reality Dr. "Ahmed Abdullah," the teacher assistant psychiatry, University of Zagazig .. Ferry we originally miss any idea of the intimate relationship, and we have no understanding of the origin of the items of our lives, and that this relationship is one of life items, like recreation and social workers, achievement and success, it is essential human need for the human, and we - as a community east - miss Already this vocabulary, and especially the right perception of that relationship, so when we found that these sites provide us with this important tributary and generously and without any obstacles, it was natural to be the source of our concept and practice of sex but of his life. In the view of "d. Abdullah," to portray sex to contain the situation and exciting new methods and introductions burning is not wrong, according to his vision, these matters must strive for innovation within the context of control and a reality of our lives properly, but we had to bring those sites in Ooukatna The problem of different traditions, habits and customs. It is here confirms that our sex will not be valid only if a reality created a sound health Ntsag us with ourselves, we will solve this problem only if the young man closed the site and pornography is to be done, and close social television program, only then will have put himself on the road Sound, there is no escape from the control of these sites on the minds only by building an integrated life; we in the governance of the dead already, and the community to lead a campaign calling for the marriage of young girls and at an early age and college-age and not publicly, so as to avoid all those problems and distortions and contract diseases Psychological community is piling up so helpless in the face. And end his wondering: Which is easier? The implications of early marriage? What we see or obligation to visit the sites of destruction of the value of sex and a sense of, and perhaps the drift towards homosexuality, misperceptions and thus refrain from marriage or already dealt with despair?

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Diseases overweight fx b

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Diseases overweight

Medical research shows that children are exposed to diseases as a result of obesity and physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Scientists have conducted studies on the causes of sudden death to many teenagers and children, found that 60% of whom were suffering from fatty deposits in the coronary artery which pumps blood to the heart. It should be noted that one of every four males and one out of every eight women suffer from such deposits, which bode ill for atherosclerosis. The study proved the International Society against the arteries. The study proved the International Society for the fight against obesity that 155 million children between the age of ten seventh with an excessive increase in weight, and from 30 to 45 million of them could call them the status of obesity. Most of the children did not exercise any activity that helps them to gain fitness. The lack of movement lead to obesity, and many of the diseases of the heart and arteries. Here comes the role of parents to change the lifestyle of their children. Parents may think that the solution is to establish a strict diet of obese children and to overcome that problem Insahk doctors, including the following: First: codified hours watching your television Statistics has shown that 90% of children who suffer from an increase in weight, watching television for more than two hours a day. If we add to the time spent on computer and video games, we find the time to sit without movement is more and more. The children also tend to eat while watching television, especially Muslyat fast food and high caloric intake. To reduce the time spent by your children to television, allow them to watch their favorite instead of sitting down to watch all his silver screen. Second: promises your child to exercise an early age If you play with your child after reaching the first year that's hands and help him to stand or left him to move freely in the courtyard of the house, it will exercise sports such as football or golf, remains away from the specter of obesity when it becomes; proving that exercise begins in childhood. Parents also should encourage their children to go to school by bicycle or on foot, rather than drive the car. Third: do not neglect exercise during the study Research indicates that children's physical fitness to fade as soon as the leave and go to school; where most of the time spent sitting on the seats, and moving only in the lunch break. Not to mention the time allotted quotas for physical education in schools is very low. This contrasts sharply with the scientific consensus indicates that at least an hour a day of sport is essential to the health of the child, and the strengthening of memory, and increase its capacity for innovation and organization. Finally, the paediatricians to maintain your weight does not reflect positively on the physical health but also on psychological health; where the child feels confident of his own that would utilize him Ieiroh or obese, and become more active and able to play and participate in many activities that can not be Exercise with overweight

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Sarkozy warns fxbv

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Sarkozy warns

Sarkozy warns of disruption of currency markets shift to an economic war Warned French President Nicolas Sarkozy that the risk of disruption to the currency markets stressing the non-war economic viability of the dollar exchange rate problem of others. He said in a speech before the U.S. Congress Wednesday that the monetary imbalances which can be turned into an economic war will be all the victims did not realize it . And called on the United States, which he described as the largest economy in the world and encouraging the benefits of free trade to be fans of the first fair exchange rate. Sarkozy said that the Chinese yuan is a problem for all urged to solve the problem of the dollar by Washington. He pointed to a group of businessmen that the United States did not need to be very weak dollars to support its economy. Critics have expressed reservation before Congress on the U.S. economy following the devaluation of the dollar to a new level against the euro. Referred to French-American relations improved significantly after the receipt of Sarkozy in power May, succeeding Jacques Chirac, who strongly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in

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Societe Generale Bank under the intermediary fxb

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Societe Generale Bank under the intermediary

Societe Generale Bank under the intermediary of fraud incurred 4.9 billion euros Economic electronic newspaper Saturday, 18 Muharram 1429 AH m 26/01/2008 - Issue 5220 record rise in European markets .. Japanese stocks rise with the return of confidence Almsttmarenpennek Societe Generale is the process of broker fraud incurred 4.9 billion euros - Paris and London - Agencies: - 17/01/1429 Hechv "Societe Generale" one of three French banks, it was a rip-wide, costing 4.9 billion euros Add Billion euros to the price of its shares of losses associated with mortgage crisis in the United States, for a total of 6.9 billion euros. And committed the fraud and one mediator working at the bank in Paris did not reveal to the bank management pyramid sites bought by the market, as the bank said in a statement. Officer Approved suspended his deeds and actions began to leave the sacked officials for overseeing the work, the group also pointed out the bank. In a statement posted on its website spoke Daniel Bouton, Chairman of the bank "an internal process large amounts of fraud by an employee." "There was suspended officer will be immediately filed a complaint against him." Bank of France announced Thursday that he will open an investigation into the fraud caused by one of the mediators within the "Societe Generale", estimated at 4.9 billion euros. The French central bank said that "an investigation of the bank will be to discuss the circumstances of the fraud." Revealed the fraud in January 19 (January) said. The bank said a broker at a branch of the bank specializing in market activities took advantage of "deep knowledge of control procedures to conceal positions fictitious transactions", as explained, "Societe Generale." Since that time, the bank liquidation These sites, but the fraud that led to losses worth 4.9 billion euros in net results for the bank because of its size and "unfavorable conditions in the market." And the fraud of this, add a billion euros from the bank's shares retreated linked to the mortgage crisis in the United States, as Said the bank halted trading Boshmh yesterday at the Paris Stock Exchange. In spite of this loss, net profit would be the French bank's positive in 2007 and estimated at between 600 and 800 million euros. But the draw is very large relative to report net results amounted to 5.221 billion euros in 2006. To counter this situation, the bank said in a statement that it will increase capital by 5.5 billion euros in the coming weeks. The French bank, criticized financial analysts because of his silence in recent days when the price was Shmh deteriorate in the bourse, the extraordinary press conference. The bank "me. That. Me. Paribas", which is keen to reassure the markets very tense yesterday immediately after the opening trading session on the Stock Exchange, the accounts do not refer to "any loss" and decided to publish interim results on early 2007. To this, European stocks rose yesterday, tracking recovery on Wall Street amid hopes a plan to save the insurance companies heavily troubled bond investors while engaged in the study reported was the French bank Societe Generale for major fraud operation in which one client. European shares recorded a big rise of over 5 per cent in the mid trading on Thursday, tracking Wall Street rebound yesterday amid hopes a plan to save the insurance companies heavily on bonds, while troubled investors ignored news was the French bank Societe Generale for major fraud operation in which one client. Dropped Societe Generale Bank 3 per cent when it began trading after the disclosure of the fraud. The French bourse suspended trading shares in the morning. But this process did not affect the rest in shares of European banks. For its part, Japanese shares ended trading Thursday at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, up against the backdrop of a large rise in U.S. stocks trading on Wall Street the first night. Nikkei was up by 72.263 points, or 06.2 Percent to 78.13092 points. At the same time TOPIX index rose shares outstanding by 52.34 points, or 76.2 per cent to 45.1284 points. Investors regained confidence in the securities with reports of a U.S. plan to revive the economy and support the faltering Feduachara insurance companies contributed to financial institutions and real estate companies. In the currency markets the dollar fell against the yen registered in 40.106 - 45.106 yen from 52.106 - 54.106 yen. The euro rose against the dollar, recording 4615.1 - 4620.1 U.S. dollars against 4603.1-4605.1 dollars

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Source: Budget Office expects a deficit of $ 219 billion in the budget of America fx b

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Source: Budget Office expects a deficit of $ 219 billion in the budget of America

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The source said that the Congressional Budget Office estimates will be issued on Wednesday, indicating that the budget deficit in the United States will rise to 219 billion dollars this year from 163 billion dollars last year. But these are the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office do not include the cost of project Law to stimulate the economy moving rapidly in Congress that could reach about 150 billion dollars or more. Nor does it cover the projected shortfall in fiscal 2008 which ends on September 30 September that more money is likely to approved by Congress this year of the war in Iraq. The source, who asked not to be named, said the Congressional Budget Office forecasts to be published later on Wednesday Refers to a deficit of 198 billion dollars in fiscal year 2009 total 241 billion dollars in 2010. The source said the office expected the budget deficit in 2011 of $ 117 billion dollar budget surplus of 87 billion dollars in 2012. However, these projections assume the expiration of tax cuts introduced by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003 at the end of 2010 as well as the expiration of the temporary bill to determine the alternative minimum tax. The Bureau predicted in August that the budget deficit to reach 155 billion dollars Fiscal year 2008. But that was before the emergence of signs of economic slowdown

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Italy: market turbulence top of the London talks fx b

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Italy: market turbulence top of the London talks
Italian government source said on Monday that talks between the leaders of Britain, France, Germany and Italy taking place in London on Tuesday will focus on capital markets turmoil and its impact on the global economy., "The source told Reuters that the exchange rate are not included on the agenda. The importance of the talks increased since the unrest in the Markets last week and the decision to reduce the U.S. interest. "The goal is to analyze how the tensions in the capital markets affect the real economy and the prospects for global growth." He said the talks will focus on the importance of reform of multilateral financial institutions including the International Monetary Fund

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German economic adviser fxb

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German economic adviser: the current crisis is the worst since 1945 BERLIN (Reuters) - A senior economic adviser to the Government German newspaper Bild am Sonntag that German global financial system is undergoing the worst crisis ever since its World War II. Said Peter Povinger an adviser to the government who called the Wise told the German economy in Europe's largest economy faces risks are clear. But he added in remarks distributed before the newspaper published excerpts that investors should not worry about money because the central bank will sponsor the affected banks "to be patient in intensive care." To increase confidence in the markets Povinger said that the State should make every effort to ensure that all institutions, rules and stressed the need for the passage of credit through banks rather than the future of traditional intermediary institutions, which he described as strange. Last week the German government reiterated it is committed to achieving economic growth expectations of 1.7 percent this year despite the market turmoil. In another interview with the New Press renewed call Povinger of an international program agreed to support the economy in which Germany. He said countries that enjoy large surpluses in the balance of payments, such as China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and oil-producing countries to discuss together how they can contribute to the revitalization of the global economy. He added that the greatest danger facing the German economy is the strength of the euro said the single currency to rise about ten percent compared to the dollar since last fall. "The increase of ten percent in the mean half-point reduction in growth south Beirut

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Direct recommendations and living fx b

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Weekly Trading Update - October 27-31fx b

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Weekly Trading Update - October 27-31It's only going to be a quick update this week because I only have one trading position to tell you about. I thought I was going to go the whole week without having a trade triggered by my 4 hour system, but thankfully there was a nice set-up earlier today on the EUR/USD pair.The EMAs that I use crossed downwards on the 4 hour chart overnight before gradually retracing and allowing me to get a good entry point this morning. I screened down to the 2 hour chart and entered close to the near-term EMA on that time frame to enter a short position at 1.2770.As this was likely to be my only trade of the week I wasn't looking to net a huge profit from this trade, particularly as that would probably involve holding a position over the weekend, which I don't generally like to do. So as soon as it dropped to 1.2720 I was out for 50 points (minus the spread) and was quite happy with that.The GBP/USD pair also saw the EMAs cross downwards this afternoon, and would have been another profitable position, but I decided not to trade this one as Friday afternoon isn't generally a great time to open new positions.So overall it was a pretty decent week this week with nearly 50 points being banked.

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Forex Autocash Robot

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Forex Autocash Robot is the latest forex trading robot to hit the market. They seem to be all the rage at the moment, but this one has certainly caught my attention for a number of reasons.
The first reason is because it's been developed by someone who actually builds professional trading robots for a living. The developer, John Burroughs, has actually been hired to create profitable trading robots for a large financial institution in the past, so he clearly knows what he is talking about, and obviously knows how to create profitable robots.
The second reason why this particular robot caught my eye is it's incredible performance record over the last 9 years or so. It boasts an unbelievable record of 597 consecutive winning trades which is unheard of in the forex industry, and this is all backed up by a trading statement which highlights every single one of these trades.
The Forex Autocash Robot is programmed to trade the EUR/USD pair and aims to take a very modest 6 or 7 points from every single trade, which it seems to do quite easily if it's past record is anything to go by.
I have to admit I'm slightly sceptical about the Forex Autocash Robot as it seems too good to be true. The thing that bothers me is the potential drawdown if a trade doesn't go according to plan, because it's bound to have some losing trades eventually.
Overall though it may well be worth trying out because it comes with a 60 day guarantee so you effectively have 60 days to test it out and see how it performs and if it turns out to be a load of tosh you can always ask for a full refund.
I will probably buy the Forex Autocash Robot and test it out in the near future, out of curiosity as much as anything, but in the meantime if you do decide to give it a go yourself, please drop me an email or leave a comment on this blog to let me know how it performs.

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Hour Fitness24 The 24 Hour Fitness Path fx b

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Hour Fitness24

The 24 Hour Fitness Path
The Twenty Four Hour fitness center is like your one stop shop to everything about fitness and your well-being. Imagine it as the Walmart of the fitness industry. Twenty Four Hour fitness centers are located in a number of areas in the state. All of them have equipments which cater to weight training as well as cardio vascular equipments. A variety of fitness gear is also available. Twenty Four Hourfitness centers all have locker rooms and – believe it or not – baby sitting accommodations. Over all, the Twenty Four Hour fitness center is a complete, clean and extremely well maintained facility that especially caters to all your fitness wants, needs and preferences.
Join Us
It is very easy to get started on your path to fitness. Twenty Four Hour fitness centers have over three hundred clubs located in the whole nation and is open for twenty four hours. There is no long term contract to sign up in. You have the option to pay monthly, but you are offered a complete personal training package that suits your body type, body weight and built so you are ensured with a service that is truly personalized.
Which club do you belong in?
Twenty Four Hour fitness center gives you the option to choose the specific type of club that you desire. The active club involves a group exercise as well as free weights and cardio machines to work off that fat. The sport club also includes everything in the active club but with additions such as basketball, heated pools and whirlpool. The super-sport club also includes the amenities found those in the active club and the sport club but with more additions such as massages, a sauna as well as a steam room. The ultra sport club is the works. It includes most of the amenities found in the active, sport and super sport club, plus a day spa, courts for racquetball as well as an executive locker room.
The Path to Performance
It all depends on what you want to achieve. In Twenty Four Hour fitness centers, a uniquely specialized fitness program is available to anyone who simply wants to improve their performance in a specific sport or is seriously training for competition. The program is designed by athletes.
The Performance program includes a menu plan specifically customized for those intense workouts. A resistance training is also available as well as a full cardio workout. After your exercise, a metabolic rate test is conducted.
This program is designed for those who wants to get started as soon as possible but has no clear and specific idea how. This is clearly the best option for them because all the information on nutrition, resistance training is learned through this program. This is the foundation one needs in order to have results that would last your body a lifetime.The Components of Fitness
A regular exercise, an intense workout is just part and parcel of your path to health, fitness and well-being. There are other factors that should just as well play a part and which Twenty Four Hour fitness center teaches you.
Food intake is one of them. A menu is provided to those who follow the performance path. This details what you should or should not eat, or at least eat less of, if not completely avoid. Cardio is also one as this enhances your endurance to stress and exercise. Vitamins and supplements are a necessity unless you are sure that you are able to receive the proper amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin C or D or E in a day. If not, it is best to take them in. Resistance training is a feather in your fitness cap and is a necessary tool for being healthy, wealthy and wise.

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